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Friday, April 29, 2022

Arbor Day 🌳 History

🌳🌴🌲 History of Arbor Day 🌳🌴🌲
Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday of April
Arbor Day—which literally translates to “tree” day from the Latin origin of the word arbor—is a holiday that celebrates the planting, upkeep and preservation of trees. For centuries, communities spanning the globe have found various ways to honor nature and the environment. However, the appreciation of trees and forests in modern times can be largely attributed to Arbor Day. And although Arbor Day may not have the same clout as holidays like Valentine’s Day or St. Patrick’s Day (or even Earth Day), it has a history with strong roots that branched out across multiple nations. Arbor Day 2021 will occur on Friday, April 30, and is typically celebrated on the last Friday in April in the United States.
 #Arbor Day from Holidays-Fetes
The History of Arbor Day

America's tree planting festival - Arbor Day
Arbor Day | PBS 
Interesting Arbor Day Facts

Arbor Day Foundation Vision
We're working to make a difference worldwide by planting trees. And you can be a part of this movement. Find out more about how your organization can get involved at

What Is Arbor Day?
The origins of Arbor Day date back to the early 1870s in Nebraska City, . A journalist by the name of Julius Sterling Morton moved to the state with his wife, Caroline, in 1854, a little more than 10 years before Nebraska gained its statehood in 1867. The couple purchased 160 acres in Nebraska City and planted a wide variety of trees and shrubs in what was a primarily a flat stretch of desolate plain.

Morton also became the editor of the state’s first newspaper, Nebraska City News, which was a perfect platform for Morton to spread his knowledge of trees… and to stress their ecological importance to Nebraska. His message of tree life resonated with his readers, many of whom recognized the lack of forestation in their community. Morton also became involved with the Nebraska Board of Agriculture.
 #Arbor Day from Holidays-Fetes

Chansons 😄Pour la Bonne Humeur

😄 Pour la Bonne Humeur 😀
👇  ♪  📺  ♪  👇

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Earth 🌎 Layer by Layer

🌍  Earth  🌎
Layer by Layer Sizzling heat, unimaginable pressure and some surprise diamonds: 
It’s all there, deep beneath us
By Beth Geiger   - November 11, 2019

Mountain ranges tower to the sky. Oceans plummet to impossible depths. Earth’s surface is an amazing place to behold. Yet even the deepest canyon is but a tiny scratch on the planet. To really understand Earth, you need to travel 6,400 kilometers (3,977 miles) beneath our feet.

Starting at the center, Earth is composed of four distinct layers. They are, from deepest to shallowest, the inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust. Except for the crust, no one has ever explored these layers in person. In fact, the deepest humans have ever drilled is just over 12 kilometers (7.6 miles). And even that took 20 years!

Still, scientists know a great deal about Earth’s inner structure. They’ve plumbed it by studying how earthquake waves travel through the planet. The speed and behavior of these waves change as they encounter layers of different densities. Scientists —  including Isaac Newton, three centuries ago — have also learned about the core and mantle from calculations of Earth’s total density, gravitational pull and magnetic field.

Here’s a primer on Earth’s layers, starting with a journey to the center of the planet.

 a diagram showing the layers of the Earth 

A cut-away of Earth’s layers reveals how thin the crust is when compared to the lower layers.USGS 

Tumblr: Image

The inner core
This solid metal ball has a radius of 1,220 kilometers (758 miles), or about three-quarters that of the moon. It’s located some 6,400 to 5,180 kilometers (4,000 to 3,220 miles) beneath Earth’s surface. Extremely dense, it’s made mostly of iron and nickel. The inner core spins a bit faster than the rest of the planet. It’s also intensely hot: Temperatures sizzle at 5,400° Celsius (9,800° Fahrenheit). That’s almost as hot as the surface of the sun. Pressures here are immense: well over 3 million times greater than on Earth’s surface. Some research suggests there may also be an inner, inner core. It would likely consist almost entirely of iron.
The outer core
This part of the core is also made from iron and nickel, just in liquid form. It sits some 5,180 to 2,880 kilometers (3,220 to 1,790 miles) below the surface. Heated largely by the radioactive decay of the elements uranium and thorium, this liquid churns in huge, turbulent currents. That motion generates electrical currents. They, in turn, generate Earth’s magnetic field. For reasons somehow related to the outer core, Earth’s magnetic field reverses about every 200,000 to 300,000 years. Scientists are still working to understand how that happens.
The mantle
At close to 3,000 kilometers (1,865 miles) thick, this is Earth’s thickest layer. It starts a mere 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) beneath the surface. Made mostly of iron, magnesium and silicon, it is dense, hot and semi-solid (think caramel candy). Like the layer below it, this one also circulates. It just does so far more slowly.
Near its upper edges, somewhere between about 100 and 200 kilometers (62 to 124 miles) underground, the mantle’s temperature reaches the melting point of rock. Indeed, it forms a layer of partially melted rock known as the asthenosphere (As-THEEN-oh-sfeer). Geologists believe this weak, hot, slippery part of the mantle is what Earth’s tectonic plates ride upon and slide across.

Diamonds are tiny pieces of the mantle we can actually touch. Most form at depths above 200 kilometers (124 miles). But rare “super-deep” diamonds may have formed as far down as 700 kilometers (435 miles) below the surface. These crystals are then brought to the surface in volcanic rock known as kimberlite.

The mantle’s outermost zone is relatively cool and rigid. It behaves more like the crust above it. Together, this uppermost part of the mantle layer and the crust are known as the lithosphere.

a photo of the Himalayan mountains
The thickest part of Earth’s crust is about 70 kilometers (43 miles) thick and lies under the Himalayan Mountains, seen here.den-belitsky/iStock/Getty Images Plus
The crust
Earth’s crust is like the shell of a hard-boiled egg. It is extremely thin, cold and brittle compared to what lies below it. The crust is made of relatively light elements, especially silica, aluminum and oxygen. It’s also highly variable in its thickness. Under the oceans (and Hawaiian Islands), it may be as little as 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) thick. Beneath the continents, the crust may be 30 to 70 kilometers (18.6 to 43.5 miles) thick.

Along with the upper zone of the mantle, the crust is broken into big pieces, like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. These are known as tectonic plates. These move slowly — at just 3 to 5 centimeters (1.2 to 2 inches) per year. What drives the motion of tectonic plates is still not fully understood. It may be related to heat-driven convection currents in the mantle below. Some scientists think it’s caused by the tug from slabs of crust of different densities, something called “slab pull.” In time, these plates will converge, pull apart or slide past each other. Those actions cause most earthquakes and volcanoes. It’s a slow ride, but it makes for exciting times here on Earth’s surface.


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

L' Opéra 🎼 Imaginaire 🥰

L' Opéra Imaginaire
#la traviata from Opera Gifs#la traviata from Opera Gifs
1    Verdi - Traviata - Noi Siamo Zingarelle
2    Puccini - Madame Butterfly
3     Verdi - Rigoletto - Donna E Mobile
4    Bizet - Carmen
5    Gounod - Faust - Le Veau D'or
6    Bizet - Les Pecheurs De Perles
7    Delibes – Lakmé - Flower Duet
8    Mozart - Die Zauberflöte
9    Mozart - Nozze Di Figaro - Voi Che Sapete
10    Puccini - Tosca - E Lucevan Le Stelle
11    Verdi - Traviata - Choeur Bohemiens
12       Verdi - Traviata - Le Trouvère
13    Verdi - Traviata - Choeur Des Bohemiens
L' Opéra Imaginaire  
#la traviata from Opera Gifs#la traviata from Opera Gifs

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

If Mother Nature 🌼Could Speak...

🌻  If Mother Nature Could Speak  🌹
What Would She Tells You?
Listen to this video from Conservation International, uploaded on October 5, 2014 on YouTube. The narrator is Julia Roberts. 
🌿 Here it is:   👇    📺    👇 🌱
“Some Call me Nature.
Others Call me Mother Nature”

I’ve been here for over four and a half billion years
Twenty-two thousand five hundred times longer than you
I don’t really need people but people need me
Yes, your future depends on me
When I thrive, you thrive
When I falter, you falter or worse (?)
But I’ve been here for aeons
I have fed species greater than you, and
I have starved species greater than you
My oceans, my soil, my flowing streams, my forests,
They all can take you or leave you
How you chose to live each day whether you regard or
disregard me doesn’t really matter to me
One way or the other your actions will determine your fate not mine
I am nature
I will go on
I am prepared to evolve
Are you?”
If Mother Nature Can Speak, What Will She Tells You?
“Nature is Speaking

Hollywood A-list 'speaks out for nature'
Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Kevin Spacey, Edward Norton and Penélope Cruz star in films that warn people need nature, but nature doesn’t need people
👇    📺    👇

Monday, April 25, 2022

Highest-Resolution🌎Image 🌏of Earth 🌍

The Highest-Resolution Image
of Earth
Ever Made +Video
Unlike NASA's Blue Marble - Which is a composite made from many different photographs - this is a portrait of Earth taken in one single shot
It's the highest resolution image of our home planet, 121 megapixels. That's an amazing 0.62 miles per pixel.

It was taken by Russia’s latest weather satellite, the Electro-L, which is orbiting Earth on a geostationary orbit 36,000 kilometers above the equator, sending photographs of the entire planet every 30 minutes.

The image combines four light wavelengths, three visible and one infrared. The three reflected sunlight bands can simulate a conventional red-green-blue color picture. The near infrared channel (orange in the image) is a vegetation indicator, since plants reflect near-ir as well as green.
A composite made from many different photographs
Published on Apr 20, 2012
A timelapse of Planet Earth from Electro-L, a geostationary satellite orbiting 40000km above the Earth. The satellite creates a 121 megapixel image every 30 minutes with four visible and infrared light wavelengths. The infrared light appears orange in these images, and shows vegetation. The images were obtained beginning on May 14th, 2011 and end on May 20th. The images are the largest whole disk images of our planet, the resolution is 1 kilometer per pixel. The images are "masked" by a circular barrier that blocks out the light of the Sun and other stars. This is to prevent damage to the camera by exposure to direct sunlight. The images have been interpolated (blended) to create a smooth animation.

 Planet Earth's Northern Hemisphere
👇    📺    👇

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Music 🙏 Spiritual 🕊️✔️

🕊️  Music 🙏 Spiritual  🕊️
👇    📺    👇

# Videos 🕊️ Time
1 Ave Maria Michael Lorenc - Olga Szyrowa 7:37
2 Pie Jesu 3:53
3 Aida Garifullina - Ave Maria (Schubert) 4:56
4 Verdi - Choeur des Esclaves - Nana Mouskouri - Je chante avec toi liberté 3:51
5 Jessye Norman  Beim Schlafengehen 6:06
6 Ave Maria - Schubert (Extended) - 10 HOURS 10:18:28
7 HAUSER - Pie Jesu 3:48
8 2 CELLOS - Gabriel's Oboe (The Mission) 4:19
9 Voytek Soko - "Ave Maria" M.Lorenc 3:12
10 Nana Mouskouri Je chante avec toi liberté 4:05
11 Strauss: 4 letzte Lieder / Nylund · Noseda 3:04
12 André Rieu & Mirusia - Ave Maria 5:28
13 The Most Beautiful Ave Maria I've ever heard (English) 3:12
14 Jessye Norman - Strauss - Beim Schlafengehen 6:11
15 Olga Szyrowa - Ave Maria 【HD】 3:12
16 Francis Poulenc - Ave Verum Corpus (women's choir) 2:20
17 The Most Beautiful "Ave Maria" I've ever heard ✝Eternal love story 17:43

👇    📺    👇


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Earth Day 1970 🌍 2017: What’s Changed?

Earth Day
1970 🌍 2017
What’s Changed?
American Museum of Natural History
👇    📺    👇 
Published on Apr 20, 2017

The first Earth Day was in 1970. What’s changed since? 
  1. Our population has doubled. 
  2. We’re emitting 2.4 times more CO2. 
  3. Sea levels have risen 4 inches. 
But the world has also changed for the better. See how our actions since 1970 have added up.

For details about the Museum's Earth Day programming and to RSVP for the Earth Day Kickoff, please visit

Family and Childrens Programs
Earth Day at the Museum
Saturday, April 22

Join us on Earth Day to celebrate the vital role that science plays in society and in our individual lives.

Earth Day Kickoff
At 9 am, Museum scientists and staff will celebrate Earth Day and welcome participants in the March for Science NYC, with coffee and doughnuts for the first 1,000 attendees on the Museum steps on Central Park West. In light of the large crowds expected on Saturday, please RSVP if you plan to join us. And please bring your own coffee mug!

When the Museum opens at 10 am, Earth Day programming will include:

Data-driven graphics displayed throughout the Museum highlighting changes in Earth’s environments since the first Earth Day 47 years ago, based on data from publicly-funded federal agencies such as National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Highlights tours of the Museum, focusing on conservation stories

Screenings of the documentary Saving My Tomorrow, presented by HBO and the American Museum of Natural History, featuring Museum scientists and students from the Museum's Science and Nature Program, in the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life

The Museum's way-finding app Explorer will feature a new Earth Day selection.
Executive Producer  AMNH/V. Trakinski
Writer/Producer  AMNH/L. Moustakerski
Animator  AMNH/S. Krasinski
Sound Design  AMNH/J. Morfoot
Scientific Advisors   AMNH/A. Porzecanski
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation

Endangered Species International
EPA, America’s Children and the Environment, 2015
EPA, Our Nation’s Air: Trends Through 2015
Global Carbon Atlas
IPCC, Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report, 5th Assessment
IUCN Red List
UN Environment Programme, Ozone Secretariat
UN Food and Agriculture Organization
UN, World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision
US Fish & Wildlife Service
van Dijk, A., et al., “Skin cancer risks avoided by the Montreal Protocol,” Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2012
WWF, Living Planet Report 2016

Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth 🌍🌎🌏Day

🌎🌍🌏Earth Day🌍🌏🌎

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year.

In 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace, to first be celebrated on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This day of nature's equipoise was later sanctioned in a Proclamation written by McConnell and signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations
A month later a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. Nelson was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award in recognition of his work. While this April 22 Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues.
#Earth from Cosmos - Science Etc
The first Earth Day family had participants and celebrants in two thousand colleges and universities, roughly ten thousand primary and secondary schools, and hundreds of communities across the United States. More importantly, it "brought 20 million Americans out into the spring sunshine for peaceful demonstrations in favor of environmental reform." It now is observed in 192 countries, and coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Day Network, chaired by the first Earth Day 1970 organizer Denis Hayes, according to whom Earth Day is now "the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year." Environmental groups have sought to make Earth Day into a day of action which changes human behavior and provokes policy changes.
Day & Night
Time Lapse
Earth Day 1970 in New York City 🗽
In the winter of 1969–1970, a group of students met at Columbia University to hear Denis Hayes talk about his plans for Earth Day. Among the group were Fred Kent, Pete Grannis, and Kristin and William Hubbard. This New York group agreed to head up the New York City part of the national movement. Fred Kent took the lead in renting an office and recruiting volunteers. "The big break came when Mayor Lindsay agreed to shut down Fifth Avenue for the event. A giant cheer went up in the office on that day," according to Kristin Hubbard (now Kristin Alexandre). 'From that time on we used Mayor Lindsay's offices and even his staff. I was Speaker Coordinator but had tremendous help from Lindsay staffer Judith Crichton."
In addition to shutting down Fifth Avenue, Mayor John Lindsay made Central Park available for Earth Day. The crowd was estimated as more than one million—by far the largest in the nation. Since Manhattan was also the home of NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, Time, and Newsweek, it provided the best possible anchor for national coverage from their reporters throughout the country.
Significance of April 22
Nelson chose the date in order to maximize participation on college campuses for what he conceived as an "environmental teach-in". He determined the week of April 19–25 was the best bet as it did not fall during exams or spring breaks.[35] Moreover, it did not conflict with religious holidays such as Easter or Passover, and was late enough in spring to have decent weather. More students were likely to be in class, and there would be less competition with other mid-week events—so he chose Wednesday, April 22. The day also fell after the anniversary of the birth of noted conservationist John Muir.

Unbeknownst to Nelson, April 22, 1970, was coincidentally the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin, when translated to the Gregorian calendar (which the Soviets adopted in 1918). Time reported that some suspected the date was not a coincidence, but a clue that the event was "a Communist trick", and quoted a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution as saying, "subversive elements plan to make American children live in an environment that is good for them." J. Edgar Hoover, director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, may have found the Lenin connection intriguing; it was alleged the FBI conducted surveillance at the 1970 demonstrations. The idea that the date was chosen to celebrate Lenin's centenary still persists in some quarters, an idea borne out by the similarity with the subbotnik instituted by Lenin in 1920 as days on which people would have to do community service, which typically consisted in removing rubbish from public property and collecting recyclable material. Subbotniks were also imposed on other countries within the compass of Soviet power, including Eastern Europe, and at the height of its power the Soviet Union established a nation-wide subbotnik to be celebrated on Lenin's birthday, April 22, which had been proclaimed a national holiday celebrating communism by Nikita Khrushchev in 1955.
#Earth from Cosmos - Science Etc
Earth Day Anthems
Earth Anthem (Abhay Kumar)
Our cosmic oasis, cosmic blue pearl
the most beautiful planet in the universe
our cosmic oasis, cosmic blue pearl
all the continents and the oceans of the world
united we stand as flora and fauna
united we stand as species of one earth
black, brown, white, different colours
we are humans, the earth is our home...

From "Earth Anthem" by Abhay Kumar
There are many songs that are performed on Earth Day, that generally fall into two categories. Popular songs by contemporary artists not specific to Earth Day that are under copyright or new lyrics adapted to children's songs. UNESCO has termed Indian poet-diplomat Abhay Kumar's idea of an official Earth Anthem as a creative and inspiring thought that would contribute to bringing the world together.[41] Kumar's "Earth Anthem" has been translated into eight languages including all official languages of the United Nations viz. Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish. The other two languages are Hindi and Nepali. It was launched in June 2013 on the occasion of the World Environment Day by Kapil Sibal and Shashi Tharoor, Union Ministers of India at a function organized by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations in New Delhi. India's Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE has started using it for educational purposes.

#Earth from Cosmos - Science Etc
The US Consul General Jennifer McIntyre has called Kumar's Earth Anthem a significant contribution to Earth Day and truly an anthem for the Earth.
Earth Day Anthem (William Wallace)The "Ode to Joy" melody by Beethoven, the official anthem of the European Union, also is performed on the Earth Day. Lyrics for the Earth Day Anthem set to "Ode to Joy" are as follows:

Joyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wonderment
    Simple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise
    Now we must resolve to protect her
    Show her our love throughout all time
    With our gentle hand and touch
    We make our home a newborn world
    Now we must resolve to protect her
    Show her our love throughout all time
    With our gentle hand and touch
    We make our home a newborn world