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Saturday, March 28, 2020

NYC 🗽Footprint Amid The COVID-19🛫Outbreak

🛫 NYC's Footprint 🛫
Amid The COVID-19 Outbreak
We analyzed movement of mobile devices active in the heart of NYC across the United States just days ago in March. What we saw was a stark picture of just how far a single city's footprint can stretch, and why it is so important we adhere to #socialdistancing. #StayInside
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Continuing our look at #SocialDistancing impact on #COVID19 ... This week @NYGovCuomo took decisive action calling for New Yorkers to #StayHome We took a look at mobile device movement leaving NY this week and the data shows strict policy is needed! 
Americans traveled despite warning
This heat map reveals that mobile devices traveled not just around the country but across the world two days after Gov. Andrew Cuomo told New Yorkers to stay at home.
The system is then used to track the devices as they continue to travel. The heat was spreading to the East Coast, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, the southern states, and even similarly west.
It also showed the extent to which just one metropolitan location can result in an extra spread across the world. 
Data points are cropping up in almost every state - including Mexico, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Haiti.
 Below is the final scary result of the visualization.
This visualization was created by Tectonix, which specializes in visualization of massive data sets; data was collected by location technology company X-ModeThe visualization was created by accessing location data for thousands of cell-phones over the month of March and using special geo-spatial big-data analysis software.
The data was anonymized to hide user identification. For those who are alarmed by privacy concerns, keep in mind that our location data is available minute-by-minute to cell-phone companies, whether we like or not. (And they also have access to the searches we make, the sites we visit and the texts we write).

The company noted the mobile device movement was leaving New York this week. "The data shows that strict policy is needed!' Tectonix said.

The agencies observed up with statistics on Seattle, wherein the U.S. experienced its first outbreak and Rome, the capital of Italy in which Europe's worst outbreak has been seen.

Companies have stated that the mobile phone information is anonymous and is gleaned from data' aggregated at the dvertising ID level and associated with the device and not a physical person.'
'We by no means collect, handle, or shop for my part identifiable records (PII), along with your name, cellphone number, email, date of birth, or gender,' the enterprise's website online states.
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Below is the final scary result of the visualization.
Spring Break ✈️Where those Phones🌎Traveled
 ✈️ Spring Break vs. COVID19 🛌
The Real Impact of Ignoring Social Distancing

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