🌷 La Traviata 🎼 Giuseppe Verdi 🇮🇹
"Addio del passato"
"Addio del passato"
🌷 Pretty Yende 🇿🇦
🇮🇹 ♪♪ ITALIAN LYRICS ♪♪ 🇮🇹 | 🇺🇸 ♪♪ ENGLISH LYRICS ♪♪ 🇬🇧 |
Addio, del passato bei sogni ridenti | Farewell, happy dreams of the past, |
Le rose del volto gia sono pallenti | The rosiness in my cheeks has already gone pale; |
L'amore d'Alfredo perfino mi manca, | The love of Alfredo I will miss, |
Conforto, sostegno dell' anima stanca. | Comfort, support my tired soul |
Conforto ! Sostegno | Comfort! Support |
Ah, della traviata sorridi al desio | Ah, the misguided desire to smile; |
A lei, deh, perdona ; tu accoglila, o Dio ! | God pardon and accept me, |
Ah ! Tutto, tutto fini. Or tutto, tutto fini ! | All is finished. |
Le gioie, i dolori tra poco avran fine, | The joys, the sorrows soon will end, |
La tomba ai mortali di tutto e confine | The tomb confines all mortals! |
Non lagrima o fiore avra la mia fossa. | Do not cry or place flowers at my grave, |
Non croce col nome che copra quest'ossa | Do not place a cross with my name to cover these bones! |
Non croce, non fiore | No cross, no flowers |
Ah, della traviata sorridi al desio | Ah, the misguided desire to smile; |
A lei, deh, perdona ; tu accoglila, o Dio | God pardon and accept me, |
Ah ! Tutto, tutto fini. Or tutto, tutto fini ! | All is finished. |
La Traviata 🇮🇹 Giuseppe Verdi 🇫🇷 Palais Garnier
Orchestre et Chœurs de l'Opéra national de Paris
Direction musicale de Michele Mariotti / Carlo Montanaro
Mise en scène de Simon Stone
🇫🇷 Benjamin Bernheim & 🇿🇦 Pretty Yende

Orchestre et Chœurs de l'Opéra national de Paris
Direction musicale de Michele Mariotti / Carlo Montanaro
Mise en scène de Simon Stone
Based on the novel "La Dame aux Camélias"
(The Lady with the Camellias / Camille)
📘 by Alexandr Dumas Fils (the younger)
(The Lady with the Camellias / Camille)
📘 by Alexandr Dumas Fils (the younger)
🗣️ Comments 🗣️
🗣️🇫🇷 Pretty
Yende est juste merveilleuse, la mise en scène est surprenante mais il faut tout voir pour comprendre ... je n’étais pas convaincu et pourtant ce n’est pas mal. Pretty est merveilleuse !
🗣️🇺🇸 Makes me want to go to the theater. Nice idea to portrait her memories with Alfredo like a picture of her happy times. La Traviata is all about Violetta feeling things she never thought she could 😭🤧
🗣️🇺🇸 Makes me want to go to the theater. Nice idea to portrait her memories with Alfredo like a picture of her happy times. La Traviata is all about Violetta feeling things she never thought she could 😭🤧
🗣️🇺🇸 It's sad that so few people don't know that Traviata was shockingly modern and scandalous when it premiered in Paris - and that's what Verdi wanted. He told the story of a woman who had died only 6 YEARS BEFORE. People complained - as they're complaining over this production and used much of the same language. "Cheap, vulgar. No escapism." Opera must adjust to suit the times to have any relevance. I love traditional productions, but I also love bold, crazy productions - like this one. At least this production has people arguing about ideas, as Verdi would have wanted - instead of just commenting on the costumes.
🗣️🇺🇸 Not much for modern productions but who cares when you have artists like Yende and Bernheim! Bravo!!

Pretty Yende & Benjamin Bernheim
"Libiamo, ne' lieti calici"

Pretty Yende: Violetta Valéry
Catherine Trottmann: Flora Bervoix
Marion Lebègue: Annina
Benjamin Bernheim: Alfredo Germont
Jean‑François Lapointe: Giorgio Germont
Julien Dran: Gastone
Christian Helmer: Il Barone Douphol
Marc Labonnette: Il Marchese d'Obigny
Thomas Dear: Dottor Grenvil
Orchestre et Chœurs de l'Opéra national de Paris
José Luis Basso: Choir Master
Michele Mariotti: Conductor
Full concert here: http://bit.ly/Verdi_LaTraviata_OperaD...
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Catherine Trottmann: Flora Bervoix
Marion Lebègue: Annina
Benjamin Bernheim: Alfredo Germont
Jean‑François Lapointe: Giorgio Germont
Julien Dran: Gastone
Christian Helmer: Il Barone Douphol
Marc Labonnette: Il Marchese d'Obigny
Thomas Dear: Dottor Grenvil
Orchestre et Chœurs de l'Opéra national de Paris
José Luis Basso: Choir Master
Michele Mariotti: Conductor
Full concert here: http://bit.ly/Verdi_LaTraviata_OperaD...
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"Un di, felice, eterea"
Pretty Yende & Benjamin Bernheim
🇮🇹 🌷 🇫🇷 🌷 🇮🇹
🗣️🇫🇷 D'habitude je ne suis pas fan de la mise en scène des opéras modernes... mais là je dois dire que je suis bluffé, c'est tout simplement génial.

La « Traviata »
"Di Provenza il mar, il suol"
"Di Provenza il mar, il suol"
Ludovic Tézier
Giorgio Germont: Baritone
🗣️ Comments 🗣️
🗣️🇺🇸 Sorry
but this dreadful setting prevents us to appreciate the beauty of the
music and the singing. Are these modern directors crazy? Utter rubbish.
🗣️🇫🇷 Oui pour la voix. Mille fois NON pour cette mise en scène. Je conseille au "metteur en scène" de lire le dictionnaire de l'opéra de Monterverdi à nos jour (Kobbe) pour apprendre les éléments de la Traviata. (époque Paris vers 1850)
🗣️🇫🇷 Oui pour la voix. Mille fois NON pour cette mise en scène. Je conseille au "metteur en scène" de lire le dictionnaire de l'opéra de Monterverdi à nos jour (Kobbe) pour apprendre les éléments de la Traviata. (époque Paris vers 1850)
🗣️🇺🇸 Possibly the best performance of this aria I have ever heard. Clear vocalization of the grace notes makes a huge difference in the aria's effect.
🗣️🇺🇸 He's the best Verdi baritone today. Beautiful voice, flawless technique, and such elegance.
🗣️🇫🇷 Voix et diction parfaites; c'est un bonheur des oreilles. Merci Monsieur, vous êtes un très Grand.
🗣️🇺🇸 I wish the Paris Opera would make their recorded productions available for sale (download or DVD/Blu-Ray)... they have made some of them available for streaming for a while, and then they're gone :( I would pay good money to have this on DVD!!!
🗣️🇫🇷 Quelle ligne de chant ! une façon magistrale de chanter qui a presque disparu de nos scènes lyriques !
🗣️🇺🇸 He's the best Verdi baritone today. Beautiful voice, flawless technique, and such elegance.
🗣️🇫🇷 Voix et diction parfaites; c'est un bonheur des oreilles. Merci Monsieur, vous êtes un très Grand.
🗣️🇺🇸 I wish the Paris Opera would make their recorded productions available for sale (download or DVD/Blu-Ray)... they have made some of them available for streaming for a while, and then they're gone :( I would pay good money to have this on DVD!!!
🗣️🇫🇷 Quelle ligne de chant ! une façon magistrale de chanter qui a presque disparu de nos scènes lyriques !
🗣️🇫🇷 Comme d'habitude mise en scène pourri. Mais voix absolument monumentale, magnifique !!!
🗣️🇫🇷 Encore une mise en scène minimaliste d'un metteur en scène névrosé.
🗣️🇫🇷 Ludovic - toujours impressionnant mais quelle mise en scène et tenue négligée, on ne sait plus quoi inventer, dommage.
🗣️🇫🇷 Encore une mise en scène minimaliste d'un metteur en scène névrosé.
🗣️🇫🇷 Ludovic - toujours impressionnant mais quelle mise en scène et tenue négligée, on ne sait plus quoi inventer, dommage.
🇫🇷Savez-vous que Ludovic est marseillais, donc PROVENÇAL, d'origine ?
🗣️🇮🇹La voce e bellissimo,vero baritono! Per me e uno grande cantante d'oggi!Modo di cantare e stupenda con vera "italianita".Bravissimo Maestro💐💐
🌷 🌷 🇺🇸 🌷🌷
La Traviata 🇺🇸 Main characters

- Violetta Valéry: Soprano Lirico-Spinto di Agilità (Lyric-Dramatic Soprano with agility). The Lady with the Camellias.
- Alfredo Germont: LyricTenor. The son of Giorgio.
- Giorgio Germont: Baritone. A well-off gentleman from the south of France.
- Premiere – March 6, 1853, Teatro La Fenice, Venice, Italy
- Premiere of the revised version – May 6, 1854, Teatro San Benedetto, Venice, Italy

Giuseppe Verdi 🎼 Composer
Francesco Maria Piave 📜 Librettist
Francesco Maria Piave 📜 Librettist
Running Time – ca. 2 hours and 15 minutes
Background – The Opera La Traviata is set in…Paris.
La Traviata - Paris – 1865
The time period is very interesting. Verdi wanted to set the Opera in a contemporary time-frame. The novel was written in 1848, and Marie Duplessis, the courtesan from whom Violetta is inspired, died in 1847. But at the premiere, the censure wouldn’t allow it. So the Opera was set in 1700.
Nowadays, theaters usually set it in the 1800s, but Verdi’s intention was to have the audience look at themselves. He wanted it to be the same people on stage as in the theater so that the cynicism and dualistic thinking of the typical 1800-upper class, would be obvious to the spectators.
For that reason, the Opera should be staged as a contemporary piece, not further back than the second half of 1900. It’s really a very modern story, about issues of modern society. Setting it in the 1800s cuts off something of its edge. That’s my own, very private opinion.
The time period is very interesting. Verdi wanted to set the Opera in a contemporary time-frame. The novel was written in 1848, and Marie Duplessis, the courtesan from whom Violetta is inspired, died in 1847. But at the premiere, the censure wouldn’t allow it. So the Opera was set in 1700.
Nowadays, theaters usually set it in the 1800s, but Verdi’s intention was to have the audience look at themselves. He wanted it to be the same people on stage as in the theater so that the cynicism and dualistic thinking of the typical 1800-upper class, would be obvious to the spectators.
For that reason, the Opera should be staged as a contemporary piece, not further back than the second half of 1900. It’s really a very modern story, about issues of modern society. Setting it in the 1800s cuts off something of its edge. That’s my own, very private opinion.
Alexandre Dumas fils a French author and playwright, best known for the romantic novel La Dame aux Camélias, published in 1848, which was adapted into Giuseppe Verdi's 1853 opera La Traviata, as well as numerous stage and film productions, usually titled Camille (Greta Garbo) in English-language versions.
Marie Duplessis 🌷 Alexandre Dumas fils

During this time he met Giuseppina Strepponi. She was a great PrimaDonna at the height of her career, and she was beautiful with many lovers and admirers. The two had a long professional collaboration, but they also mixed their feelings of passion for each other into the relationship, and soon they were a couple.
When they formed a regular family back in Buseto, Italy, the local bigoted community wasn’t all that impressed. They weren’t married, and Giuseppina, being a singer and as such more or less a prostitute in the eyes of the every-day village community, was looked upon as something of a man-eater. While the famous composer could overlook the pity-minded neighbors, Giuseppina obviously took a harder blow.

Alexandre Dumas fell in love with Marie Duplessis but after Dumas left her in 1845 she met and fell in love with Franz Liszt - the handsome legendary composer was “bewitched” by her.
Sadly their love did not last.
She died from “consumption” three months later…

Something about La Traviata
Giuseppe Verdi lived through something that vaguely resembles the story in La Traviata. His first wife, Margherita Balezzia, died in 1840. Together they had two children, who both died at a young age and before the death of Margherita.
So Verdi must have been quite devastated having lost his whole family in just a few years. He buried himself in work and in just five years, from 1842 to 1847, he wrote ten operas.
During this time he met Giuseppina Strepponi. She was a great PrimaDonna at the height of her career, and she was beautiful with many lovers and admirers. The two had a long professional collaboration, but they also mixed their feelings of passion for each other into the relationship, and soon they were a couple.
When they formed a regular family back in Buseto, Italy, the local bigoted community wasn’t all that impressed. They weren’t married, and Giuseppina, being a singer and as such more or less a prostitute in the eyes of the every-day village community, was looked upon as something of a man-eater. While the famous composer could overlook the pity-minded neighbors, Giuseppina obviously took a harder blow.
They married on August 29, 1859, and they lived happily together until the death of Giuseppina in 1897.

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