The Pentagon Released U.F.O. 🛸Videos
Don’t Hold Your Breath for a Breakthrough
By Alan Yuhas - April 28, 2020
By Alan Yuhas - April 28, 2020

On Monday, the Department of Defense formally released three Navy videos that contain “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Enthusiasts were encouraged, though there was nothing new.

The U.S. Navy has officially published previously released videos showing unexplained objects.
Declassified ‘UFO’ videos
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The Department of Defense confirmed what seekers of extraterrestrial life have long hoped to be true: They’re real.
At least, these three videos are.
What the videos show? The government isn’t so sure there.
Monday, the Pentagon released three Navy videos that have driven
speculation about unidentified flying objects for years, saying it meant
to “clear up any misconceptions” about whether the unclassified footage was real or complete.
It’s real, the Pentagon said, including links so the curious could download the footage for themselves.
videos, captured by naval aviators, show objects hurtling through the
sky, one rotating against the wind, and pilots can be heard expressing
confusion and awe. When they first appeared online, they breathed new
life into the decades-long conversation about whether interstellar
visitors had ever come to Earth.
Pentagon’s release cheered enthusiasts in the search for
extraterrestrial life, even though experts caution that earthly
explanations usually exist for such sightings — and that when people
don’t know why something happened, it does not mean it happened because
of aliens. When the videos were published in 2017
and 2018 by The New York Times and a company called To the Stars
Academy of Arts & Sciences, they gave new hope to those looking for
signs of extraterrestrial life.
Navy pilots spoke about objects that seemed to defy the laws of physics. Details emerged about
a mysterious, five-year Pentagon program and claims of metal alloys
said to have been recovered from unidentified phenomena. The former
Senate majority leader Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, spoke about his
long push for more research on unidentified flying objects.
Mr. Reid, the officially released videos are only a glimpse of what the
public might learn about U.F.O.s and other mysteries of space.
glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only
scratches the surface of research and materials available,” he said Monday
on Twitter. “The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this
and any potential national security implications. The American people
deserve to be informed.”
Pentagon has never made any assertion about what exactly is going on in
the videos, recorded in late 2004 and early 2015 over the Pacific and
off the East Coast. “The Navy has confirmed that the three videos that
are in wide circulation are indeed recordings made by naval aviators,”
Susan Gough, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said last year. “The Navy has
always considered the phenomena observed in those videos as
Navy releases video of
‘unidentified aerial phenomena‘
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The Defense Department has declassified three videos that had previously been unofficially circulating in the public. The clips show three incidents described by the Defense Department as “unidentified aerial phenomena.“ One of the videos was recorded in November 2004, and the other two were recorded in January 2015.

agency stood by that characterization on Monday. It added that, “after a
thorough review,” it had determined the videos did not reveal “any
sensitive capabilities or systems,” and did not “impinge on any
subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by
unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Nevertheless, some observers were encouraged that the Pentagon’s release was a move toward what Tom DeLonge, the former guitarist and singer for Blink-182, called “the grand conversation.”
2017, Mr. DeLonge and several former government employees founded To
the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a private company that collects and researches documents and materials related to unidentified aerial phenomena.
an emailed statement, Mr. DeLonge called the Pentagon’s release
“monumental news” that “removed doubt around the authenticity of
evidence in the public domain.”
believe that this level of recognition is exactly what is required to
eliminate the extreme skepticism surrounding U.A.P. events, so we can
finally move forward to sharing and analyzing reliable data from
respected institutions,” he said. “After 70 years of misinformation,
it’s time that we make progress to understand the extraordinary
technology being observed during these events.”
Luis Elizondo, the director of government programs with the company, echoed the former senator in a statement. “In
these uncertain times, it is more important than ever that governments
speak the truth to their citizens, as it is the most important pillar of
a democracy,” he said. “We commend the leadership at the Department of
Defense for sharing the truth and T.T.S.A. is optimistic that they will
continue to share more information transparently as it becomes publicly
are fueled by the Pentagon’s significant actions and hope this
encourages a new wave of credible information to come forward,” he
Unedited Navy Flir video
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say there are many potential explanations for what appears in the Navy
videos, including atmospheric effects, reflections, and bugs in the code
of imaging and display systems of fighter jets.
U.S. government has periodically looked into reports of unidentified
aerial phenomena since at least the 1950s. In 1954, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower told reporters the Air Force had assured him that flying
saucers were not invading the Earth from outer space. For decades, NASA has searched for conditions
that could allow life beyond Earth, and for evidence of any life
itself. And for at least as long, bands of astronomers, scientists and
enthusiasts outside the government have looked for signals in the silence and the noise of space.
This release 'only scratches the surface' of what the government knows
Former Sen. Harry Reid, who helped fund the US government's UFO investigations, tweeted on Monday that the Pentagon's release of the videos "only scratches the surface" of what the government has on file.
As the Senate majority leader in 2007, Reid funneled $22 million into the investigations, the news website Axios reported.
glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only
scratches the surface of research and materials available," he tweeted.
U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential
national security implications," he added. "The American people deserve
to be informed."
To Scale:
The Solar System
On a dry lakebed in Nevada, a group of friends build the first scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits: a true illustration of our place in the universe.
A film by Wylie Overstreet and Alex Gorosh
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