Fearless Girl & NYC’s Statues of Women
Are Decked out in Flowers
By Clayton Guse

There are more than 100 historical statues across New York City, but only five of them are of women.
On Thursday, that painfully small group of public pieces (plus the iconic Fearless Girl) got an extra set of flair.
To commemorate International Women’s Day, Old Navy adorned the statues with robust floral installations.
For just one day, passersby can snap photos with Gertrude Stein (Bryant Park) Joan of Arc (93rd St and Riverside Drive), Eleanor Roosevelt (72 Street and Riverside Drive), Harriet Tubman (122nd Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd), Golda Meir (Broadway and 39th Street) and the now-permanent Fearless Girl (8 Broadway at Trinity Place), all decked out with flowery arrangements.
The brand also announced on Thursday that it will be donating $25,000 to the Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Fund, which aims to create a monument to women’s suffrage in Central Park. Currently, all 23 of the historical statues in the park honor men, which is pretty baffling until you remember the long, terrible, oppressive history of the American patriarchy.
Gawk at images of the decorated statues below, and continue celebrating International Women’s Day at events across town.

Fearless Girl, 8 Broadway at Trinity Place
Joan of Arc, 93rd Street and Riverside Drive

Eleanor Roosevelt, 72nd Street and Riverside Drive

Harriet Tubman, 122nd Street and Frederick Douglas Blvd
Gertrude Stein, Bryant Park

Golda Meir, Broadway and 39th Street

Photograph: Courtesy Old Navy

- Fearless Girl, 8 Broadway at Trinity Place
- Gertrude Stein, Bryant Park
- Golda Meir, Broadway and 39th Street
- Harriet Tubman, 122nd Street and Frederick Douglas Blvd
- Joan of Arc, 93rd Street and Riverside Drive
- Eleanor Roosevelt, 72nd Street and Riverside Drive

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