Hommage à Charles Aznavour

Charles Aznavour est décédé à 94 ans
22 Mai 1924 – 1er Octobre 2018
22 Mai 1924 – 1er Octobre 2018
Charles Aznavour (en arménien : Շառլ Ազնաւուր), né Shahnourh Varinag Aznavourian (en arménien : Շահնուր Վաղինակ Ազնաւուրեան) le 22 mai 1924 à Paris et mort le 1er octobre 2018 à Mouriès (Bouches-du-Rhône), est un auteur-compositeur-interprète, acteur et écrivain françaisd'origine arménienne.
Au cours d'une carrière commencée en 1946, il a enregistré plus de mille deux cents chansons interprétées en plusieurs langues : en français, anglais, italien, espagnol, allemand, arménien (Yes kou rimet'n tchim kidi), napolitain (Napule amica mia), russe.
Il a écrit ou coécrit plus de mille chansons, que ce soit pour lui-même ou d'autres artistes.

Décrit comme « la divinité de la pop française » par le critique musical Stephen Holden, Charles Aznavour a été consacré « chanteur de variété le plus important du xxe siècle » par CNN et Time devant Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra et même Elvis Presley.
Sans renier sa culture française, il représente l'Arménie dans plusieurs instances diplomatiquesinternationales à partir de 1995 , et obtient la nationalité arménienne en 2008. Il est nommé au poste d'ambassadeur d'Arménie en Suisse, son pays de résidence, et le représentant permanent de ce pays auprès de l'ONU.
Les Plus Belles Chansons de Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour Greatest Hits Full Album

À Erevan, des centaines d'Arméniens ont rendu un dernier hommage à Charles Aznavour, chanteur franco-arménien mort dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi.

Les chansons inoubliables de Charles Aznavour
Archive INA
Ina Chansons * Published on Oct 1, 2018
Hommage à Charles Aznavour
- Charles Aznavour "Et pourtant"
- Charles Aznavour "Que C'est Triste Venise"
- Charles Aznavour "For Me Formidable"
- Charles Aznavour "La Bohème"
- Charles Aznavour "Désormais"
- Charles Aznavour "Emmenez-Moi"
- Charles Aznavour "Comme Ils Disent"
- Charles Aznavour "Les Comédiens"
- Charles Aznavour "Les Plaisirs Démodés"
- Charles Aznavour "Mes Emmerdes"
- Charles Aznavour "Je M'voyais Déjà"
- Charles Aznavour "La mamma"
Abonnez-vous http://bit.ly/inachansons

French singer Charles Aznavour dies at 94
One of France's greatest singing voices has been extinguished. This unique tenor sold more than 100 million records in 80 countries.
Charles Aznavour was a composer, actor, writer, and singer renowned throughout the world for his repertoire of bittersweet love songs.
He was born Shahnour Varinag Aznavourian in Paris on May 22, 1924 into a family of artists of Armenian descent. His father was a former baritone and his mother a comic actress. His parents stayed in the French capital waiting for a visa to migrate to the United States.
He dropped out of school at the age of nine, aspiring to the life of an artist. He began to perform and took the stage name "Aznavour".
His big break came in 1946 when the legendary Edith Piaf heard him sing and took him with her on a tour of France and the United States. His career was set. and he went on to write around a thousand songs, and make more than a hundred records.
Humanitarian Work
He was a tireless and committed worker for Armenia founding a charity to help survivors of the earthquake there in 1988. Throughout his life he never forgot the orphans in what was his ancestors homeland.
In 1994 he helped provide food and medical aid to the refugees of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.
In 2006 he attended a ceremony at the Armenian genocide memorial at Yerevan. He sang the Ave Maria for Pope John Paul II.
He was appointed an Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Armenia to UNESCO in 1995. He became an Armenian citizen in 2008 and agreed to be the Armenian ambassador to Switzerland.
Legion d'honneur
The French president, Jacques Chirac, recognised his global renown as a French singer throughout the world by appointing him an officer of the Legion of Honour in 1997.
Charles Aznavour was a composer, actor, writer, and singer renowned throughout the world for his repertoire of bittersweet love songs.
He was born Shahnour Varinag Aznavourian in Paris on May 22, 1924 into a family of artists of Armenian descent. His father was a former baritone and his mother a comic actress. His parents stayed in the French capital waiting for a visa to migrate to the United States.
He dropped out of school at the age of nine, aspiring to the life of an artist. He began to perform and took the stage name "Aznavour".
His big break came in 1946 when the legendary Edith Piaf heard him sing and took him with her on a tour of France and the United States. His career was set. and he went on to write around a thousand songs, and make more than a hundred records.

Humanitarian Work
In 1994 he helped provide food and medical aid to the refugees of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.
In 2006 he attended a ceremony at the Armenian genocide memorial at Yerevan. He sang the Ave Maria for Pope John Paul II.
He was appointed an Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Armenia to UNESCO in 1995. He became an Armenian citizen in 2008 and agreed to be the Armenian ambassador to Switzerland.
Legion d'honneur
The French president, Jacques Chirac, recognised his global renown as a French singer throughout the world by appointing him an officer of the Legion of Honour in 1997.
French singing legend Charles Aznavour dies
Né en 1924 dans une famille d'émigrés arméniens, Charles Aznavour est un artiste talentueux, intelligent, curieux, maîtrisant la comédie, le drame, la photographie, et la composition de chansons narratives, amoureux de la langue française, et osant aborder des sujets sensibles.
Quatre-vingts ans de carrière, plus de mille chansons composées – Jezebel, Plus bleu que tes yeux, Le feutre taupé (1948), Sur ma vie (1956), Je m’voyais déjà (1960), Tu t’laisses aller (1960), Il faut savoir (1961), Les comédiens (1962), La mamma (1963), Et pourtant (1963), Hier encore (1964), For Me Formidable (1964), Que c'est triste Venise (1964), La Bohème (1965), Emmenez-moi (1967), Désormais (1969), Comme ils disent (1972), La Marguerite -, concerts dans le monde en six langues différentes, plus de 180 millions de disques vendus, une filmographie de plus de 70 longs métrages, ambassadeur d’Arménie en Suisse...
Quatre-vingts ans de carrière, plus de mille chansons composées – Jezebel, Plus bleu que tes yeux, Le feutre taupé (1948), Sur ma vie (1956), Je m’voyais déjà (1960), Tu t’laisses aller (1960), Il faut savoir (1961), Les comédiens (1962), La mamma (1963), Et pourtant (1963), Hier encore (1964), For Me Formidable (1964), Que c'est triste Venise (1964), La Bohème (1965), Emmenez-moi (1967), Désormais (1969), Comme ils disent (1972), La Marguerite -, concerts dans le monde en six langues différentes, plus de 180 millions de disques vendus, une filmographie de plus de 70 longs métrages, ambassadeur d’Arménie en Suisse...

Les Plus Belles Chansons de Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour Greatest Hits Full Album
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