Happy New Year’s Eve!
Times Square ca. 1907
How Have New Yorkers
Celebrated New Year's
New-York Historical Society and NYC Media, the official network of the
City of New York, have partnered to produce a special series of one
minute videos that feature the staff of the New York Historical Society
as they answer some of the most captivating questions ever posed to them
about the City's fascinating and unique history.
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Early in the 19th C New Year's Eve was rowdy. To bring in 1828, for example, marauders harassed revelers emerging from fancy-dress balls. From 1879, authorities had gained control of New Year's Eve celebration, now held in churches, theaters, and gymnasiums, away from drunken crowds.
In 1904, The New York Times' Adolph Ochs threw the first Times Square bash, an effort to find a spacious places for the multitudes to safely congregate.
VIDEO: http://ow.ly/saX5I

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