The World's Most Incredible Sound Garden
Has Become Reality In Japan

The Xylophone of the Forest
Have you ever been on a hiking trip and stopped only to appreciate the sounds of nature?
The wind's sound, birds chirping, and rain dripping through leaves all combine to make an impressive wild orchestra.
In 2012, Morihiro Harano and his group worked together with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda, and sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo, in order to create a giant xylophone elevated throughout the forest.
They created the xylophone in one long straight line and then placed a small rubber ball at the top. They let it fall, slowly plunking throughout the natural scenery.
While the xylophone bels out the notes, you may notice the tune being played. Bach’s famous Cantana 147, with tempos and instrumental subtleties included.
The wooden symphony pierces through the natural silence of the forest. There was not much room for mistakes on this project. Only one incorrectly placed note could easily distort the entire performance.
Shockingly enough, the same day the video was captured a monster earthquake struck Japan. Afterward, the xylophone’s melody brought about a truly calming experience for the nation.
The forest xylophone has now found another home at the Daisetsu Mori-no Garden, Japan’s popular Hokkaido Garden Show.
If you ever visit the forest, you can buy a rubber ball for your own from a vending machine and send it down the xylophone. As the boards can rot, they need to close on rainy days.
Warch Morihiro Harano’s rubber ball performing Bach’s Cantana 147 !
The wind's sound, birds chirping, and rain dripping through leaves all combine to make an impressive wild orchestra.
In 2012, Morihiro Harano and his group worked together with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda, and sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo, in order to create a giant xylophone elevated throughout the forest.
They created the xylophone in one long straight line and then placed a small rubber ball at the top. They let it fall, slowly plunking throughout the natural scenery.
While the xylophone bels out the notes, you may notice the tune being played. Bach’s famous Cantana 147, with tempos and instrumental subtleties included.
The wooden symphony pierces through the natural silence of the forest. There was not much room for mistakes on this project. Only one incorrectly placed note could easily distort the entire performance.
Shockingly enough, the same day the video was captured a monster earthquake struck Japan. Afterward, the xylophone’s melody brought about a truly calming experience for the nation.
The forest xylophone has now found another home at the Daisetsu Mori-no Garden, Japan’s popular Hokkaido Garden Show.
If you ever visit the forest, you can buy a rubber ball for your own from a vending machine and send it down the xylophone. As the boards can rot, they need to close on rainy days.
Warch Morihiro Harano’s rubber ball performing Bach’s Cantana 147 !

How the Japanese Constructed the World’s
Most Incredible Sound Garden
By: Zoe Camp - August 10, 2015
If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound? Ok, here’s an easier question: if you use those trees to make a giant, 50-yard long xylophone, does it make a sound? Yes, yes it does – and what a beautiful sound it is.
Back in 2012, when a Japanese phone company launched its latest touch phone, Morihiro Harano and his team decided to eschew the technological obsessiveness typically associated with such spots and take an organic approach, instead emphasizing the phone’s wooden backplate. A nonfunctional design feature seems like an odd characteristic to emphasize, but it was a necessary tie-in for the project to come.
Working with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda, sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo, and on-site carpenter, the team crafted a huge xylophone raised up from the forest floor. This reticular xylophone didn’t take the form of some complicated Rube-Goldberg contraption, but rather a simple, straight line. Next, they placed a small rubber ball at the top of the instrument and let it drop, slowly plunking across the shady groves. Note by note, the ball plunked out Bach’s famous Cantana 147, instrumental subtleties and tempos intact.
Framed within the silence of the forest, the wooden symphony took on a narrative component – which, in turn, fit the linear narrative of the commercial. There was little room for error – one misplaced board could throw the entire Cantana’s tempo off – making the construction of the instrument extra difficult.
If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound? Ok, here’s an easier question: if you use those trees to make a giant, 50-yard long xylophone, does it make a sound? Yes, yes it does – and what a beautiful sound it is.
Back in 2012, when a Japanese phone company launched its latest touch phone, Morihiro Harano and his team decided to eschew the technological obsessiveness typically associated with such spots and take an organic approach, instead emphasizing the phone’s wooden backplate. A nonfunctional design feature seems like an odd characteristic to emphasize, but it was a necessary tie-in for the project to come.
Working with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda, sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo, and on-site carpenter, the team crafted a huge xylophone raised up from the forest floor. This reticular xylophone didn’t take the form of some complicated Rube-Goldberg contraption, but rather a simple, straight line. Next, they placed a small rubber ball at the top of the instrument and let it drop, slowly plunking across the shady groves. Note by note, the ball plunked out Bach’s famous Cantana 147, instrumental subtleties and tempos intact.
Framed within the silence of the forest, the wooden symphony took on a narrative component – which, in turn, fit the linear narrative of the commercial. There was little room for error – one misplaced board could throw the entire Cantana’s tempo off – making the construction of the instrument extra difficult.

The day the commercial was filmed within the Hokkaido forests, a monstrous earthquake hit Japan. When the commercial aired online shortly thereafter, the xylophone’s peaceful melody provided a calming respite from the nationally-felt trauma – and more importantly, a message of hope and rebuilding, of nature’s ability to carry on and stay beautiful. As a result of this universality, the ad went viral, and eventually aired on television (you can check it out below).
Today, the forest xylophone has found a new home at the Daisetsu Mori-no Garden, the primary venue of Japan’s famous Hokkaido Garden Show. Visitors to the forest purchase a rubber ball from a vending machine and become conductors, proceeding one after the other to continue the vernal symphony. Because wet boards are susceptible to rot and deterioration, the xylophone “rests” on rainy days, but at any other time, the forests of Japan are alive with the sound of music – and while the tune may be Bach’s, the music ultimately owes its magic to the spirit of nature.
Below, watch Morihiro Harano’s rubber ball perform Bach’s Cantana 147– simply by falling through the trees.
Today, the forest xylophone has found a new home at the Daisetsu Mori-no Garden, the primary venue of Japan’s famous Hokkaido Garden Show. Visitors to the forest purchase a rubber ball from a vending machine and become conductors, proceeding one after the other to continue the vernal symphony. Because wet boards are susceptible to rot and deterioration, the xylophone “rests” on rainy days, but at any other time, the forests of Japan are alive with the sound of music – and while the tune may be Bach’s, the music ultimately owes its magic to the spirit of nature.
Below, watch Morihiro Harano’s rubber ball perform Bach’s Cantana 147– simply by falling through the trees.

Hokkaido Show Gardens
Garden of sound Great in Japan
The World’s Most Magnificient Sound Garden
Has Been Constructed By Japan
Ryan Zyan
Enjoy watching Morihiro Harano’s rubber ball perform Bach’s Cantana 147!
Nippon Has been inventing and Creating the most amazing natural vibrations that have melted everyone heart. Recently Japan made an amazing sound garden where you will surely lose your other concentration and concentrate on the music of the garden! Yeah! Have you ever been on a hike and just stopped to appreciate the sounds of nature? The sound of the wind, rain dripping through leaves, and birds chirping all combine to make an amazing wild orchestra.
In 2012, Morihiro Harano and his team worked with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda, and sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo, to create a giant xylophone elevated throughout the forest.They made the xylophone in one long straight line and then place a small rubber ball at the top.
They let it freely fall down, slowly plunking throughout the natural scenery. As the xylophone bels out the notes, you might notice the tune being played. Bach’s famous Cantana 147, with tempos and instrumental subtleties included.
The heart of every listener will be amazingly affected by this forestry . The wooden symphony pierce through the natural silence of the forest. There wasn’t much room for mistakes on this project. One incorrectly placed note could distort the entire illustration.
Surprisingly enough, the same day the video was filmed a monster earthquake struck Japan. Afterwards, the xylophone’s melody brought about a calming experience for the entire nation.
Nowadays, the forest xylophone has found another home at the Daisetsu Mori-no Garden, Japan’s famous Hokkaido Garden Show.If you visit the forest you can buy your own rubber ball from a vending machine and send it down the xylophone. Due to the fact the boards can rot, they have to close on rainy days. No any extreme level of soreness will be felt over here since it is tragically natural.
If you have just heard about the heaven,
Come to this garden to feel it !!!!
Enjoy watching Morihiro Harano’s rubber ball perform Bach’s Cantana 147!
Nippon Has been inventing and Creating the most amazing natural vibrations that have melted everyone heart. Recently Japan made an amazing sound garden where you will surely lose your other concentration and concentrate on the music of the garden! Yeah! Have you ever been on a hike and just stopped to appreciate the sounds of nature? The sound of the wind, rain dripping through leaves, and birds chirping all combine to make an amazing wild orchestra.
In 2012, Morihiro Harano and his team worked with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda, and sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo, to create a giant xylophone elevated throughout the forest.They made the xylophone in one long straight line and then place a small rubber ball at the top.
They let it freely fall down, slowly plunking throughout the natural scenery. As the xylophone bels out the notes, you might notice the tune being played. Bach’s famous Cantana 147, with tempos and instrumental subtleties included.
The heart of every listener will be amazingly affected by this forestry . The wooden symphony pierce through the natural silence of the forest. There wasn’t much room for mistakes on this project. One incorrectly placed note could distort the entire illustration.
Surprisingly enough, the same day the video was filmed a monster earthquake struck Japan. Afterwards, the xylophone’s melody brought about a calming experience for the entire nation.
Nowadays, the forest xylophone has found another home at the Daisetsu Mori-no Garden, Japan’s famous Hokkaido Garden Show.If you visit the forest you can buy your own rubber ball from a vending machine and send it down the xylophone. Due to the fact the boards can rot, they have to close on rainy days. No any extreme level of soreness will be felt over here since it is tragically natural.
If you have just heard about the heaven,
Come to this garden to feel it !!!!

Japanese Incredible Sound Garden
Japanese Sound Garden

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