Mother Nature’s
🌵 Cacti in Bloom 🌵
👇 🌸 👇

Echinopsis cacti have some of the most brilliant flowers of any
cactus, with vibrantly colored petals and explosive blooms that look
almost like bursting fireworks.
The trick is actually seeing it. The
cacti bloom only late at night, and even then only for a few hours. The
peak moment of beauty may only last an hour.

Freaky Flowers:
Echinopsis Cacti in Bloom
A montage of a dozen types of Echinopsis cactus flowers blooming. And wilting. And just generally showing off their mind-blowing colors. My favorite cactus flowerings from the 2014 blooming season..

from EchinopsisFreak on Vimeo.

15 Flowers Opening
Three 'Fascination' Cacti

Freaky Flowers 2:
Wilting Wonders

Freaky Flowers 2: Wilting Wonders from EchinopsisFreak on Vimeo.

Flowers Opening

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