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Monday, September 30, 2024

September🍁Autumn 🍂

Image from Holidays-Fetes

You might be old 👴 If...😉

You Might be Old...
If you get a Good Score
👴 You’re officially Old!  👵
How about you?
#Humor from Art#Humor from Art
#Humor from Art
#Humor from Art
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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ambient Noise 🎼 Rain ⛈️
 I like to have white or ambient noise playing while I study, so I thought I’d share a list of my favourite websites in case anyone else was interested.   By: g: janeros.e
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Sleep Deeply with Soothing Mountain Rain Sounds 
Ambient Noise For Sleeping
👇  😴  👇
  • Rainymood - Allows you to play rain, with suggestions of ambient music to play at the same time. Has an iOS and Android app, my personal favourite.
  • Calm - A visually beautiful website. Provides moving backgrounds and an option for guided calm which allows you to immerse yourself in the music and to relax. Has a free app for iPhone. Another one of my favourites.
  •   Showertime - The experience of taking a shower without the water. Allows you to control features such as length of shower, size of room, water pressure, etc.
  •   Coffitivity - The background noise of a coffee shop. Allows you to choose between different locations such as lunchtime lounge, morning murmur  etc. Has an app for iOS and Android as well as a desktop app for OS X.
  •   Soundrown - A website with a sleek minimalist design, allows you to choose between rain, coffee shop, ocean, fire, bird noises, or a combination of the five.
  •   Relaxing Snow - Visually beautiful falling snow, the website gives you the opinion to play music with the scenery, or to choose your own.
  • Raining.Fm - This website gives you the ability to adjust the rain to exactly how you’d like it, with options to tweak thunder, rain and storm noises. Has an app for iOS and Android, as well as a timer and snooze option.
  • Rain For Me - Simple rain effects with the option to download the audio files for offline listening.
  • Snowy Mood - Inspired by Rainy Mood, this website really makes you feel like it’s winter. Perfect for playing while snuggled up in a warm bed.
  • Rainy Cafe - Combines the sounds of a bustling cafe setting with the sounds of drizzling rain. Allows you to select the volume of each setting, or turn one off completely.
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💧 Mountain Rain & Thunderstorm ⛈️
Sleep Sounds 🛌 Ambient Noise 
For Sleep & Meditation
👇  😴  👇
I'm a 14 year old with really bad tinnitus, it gets so annoying and so stressful having a constant, high pitched ringing in my ears 24/7, I recently learned that listening to ambient sounds can help with it. This video is actually so helpful, I hear 0 ringing in my ears, I actually began tearing up. Thank you so much for making this!! 
I can't say I know exactly how you feel but, I have a good idea. I have Meniere's Disease in my right ear. (Translation: constant ear ache with ringing.) Thunder storms and "white noise" have been my saving grace. That's why I say God bless, to the artists that make these videos. Good luck Sweetie. Many prayers. 😉
Listening to the waves roll in at the beach works great, too.
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Sleep at Tropical Hideaway next to Calming Waterfall 
Soothing Rain Sounds to Sleep & Study
👇  😴  👇
☔️🌧️💦☔️⛈️ 💦☔️🌦️💦☔️🌪️💦☔️⛈️
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Saturday, September 28, 2024

How to Scan QR Code 📱 on iPhone 📸

How to Scan QR Code on iPhone 📱
Using Built-In Camera 📷 Image Tumblr: Image
1   Open the Camera app.
2 Point your Phone at the QR code so the QR code appears on your screen. Just like any other time you’ve taken a picture.
3 Your device will recognize the QR code and show you a notification at the Top or Bottom of your screen.
Click that notification and you’ll access the information associated with the QR code. Tumblr: Image
 How to Scan QR Code 
👇  📺  👇
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Today you will  learn how to scan a QR code using the  camera on your cell phone or tablet
A QR code is a type of square barcode  that you use to go to a specific  web page.
I will demonstrate on an iphone but the steps are very similar for most phones or tablets.
📱 📸
Start by finding the camera app on your phone. 
It should look like one of these icons. 
On my screen it is on the right at the top  HERE 👇 
Once you find your camera app, tap on it to open it.  
Point your camera at a QR code, centering it on the screen -- you may have to hold it still for a few  seconds.
A link will pop up.
Depending  on your type of cell phone or tablet the link will appear at the top of the screen at the bottom of the screen or just below the QR code.

When you tap on the link it will take you to a website👈
Now you know how to scan a QR code with  the camera on your cell phone or tablet
earth wind and fire GIF

Friday, September 20, 2024

Ravel’s Boléro 🎼 29 Stages of Listening

♪♪ Stages of Listening
to Ravel’s Boléro  ♪♪
April 2019  By Lizzie Davis
Maurice Ravel’s Boléro is one of the most famous pieces of classical music ever written. So you’d think Ravel would have been really proud – chuffed, even – that one of his works was recognized around the world, right? 
WRONG. He hated it. And tbh, we can sort of see why… 
A Beginner's Guide to Boléro 
by Maurice Ravel
👇  📺  👇
These are the 29 Stages
of Listening to Ravel’s Boléro
1 Has it started yet?
2 Wow that snare drum player is exposed.
3 I wonder how he’s feeling right now.
4 What if he loses count?  
Would they just start again?   
Such concentration.
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5 Oh good someone else is playing now. That snare drum guy must be **relieved**

6 Ooh that clarinet line was a bit risqué for a concert hall.

7 Catchy tune this.

8 **hums along in head**

9 **taps toes**

10 **gets self-conscious about tapping toes** **stops**

11 Wow that snare drum guys is still going in the middle of all that.

12 I wonder if I could keep tapping that rhythm for this long



15 **loses count**

16 Wow, I really have a new found respect for percussionists

17 SAXOPHONE KLAXON. More pieces with saxophones, composers of the world plz.

18 Is this getting louder or are there just more instruments playing?

19 Bit of both maybe?

20 Oh, nope. Definitely getting louder.


22 This just carries on getting louder. The clarinettist looks like she might actually take off.

23 The conductor’s hair is properly wild now. We must be getting near the end.

24 OMG, we reached ff like 10 minutes ago. They must be at about fffff by now.


26 Wow, that was AWESOME. I need a lie-down now.

27 Woooooop CLAP CLAP CLAP

28 Phew. There’s probably a really obvious metaphor here for something that builds up, gets faster and more energetic, and ends with an enormous climax but I just can’t think of it. Nope.

29 Let’s do it again!

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Boléro is a 1928 work for large orchestra by French composer Maurice Ravel. At least one observer has called it Ravel's most famous composition. It was also one of his last completed works before illness forced him into retirement. 
Le Boléro de Maurice Ravel est une musique de ballet pour orchestre en ut majeur composée en 1928 et créée le 22 novembre de la même année à l’Opéra Garnier par sa dédicataire, la danseuse russe Ida Rubinstein. Mouvement de danse au rythme et au tempo invariables, à la mélodie uniforme et répétitive, le Boléro de Ravel tire ses seuls éléments de variation des effets d’orchestration, d’un crescendo graduel et, in extremis, d’une courte modulation en mi majeur.
Cette œuvre singulière, que Ravel disait considérer comme une simple étude d’orchestration, a connu en quelques mois un succès planétaire qui en a fait son œuvre la plus célèbre et, de nos jours encore, une des pages de musique savante les plus jouées dans le monde. Mais l'immense popularité du Boléro tend à masquer l'ampleur de son originalité et les véritables desseins de son auteur.
L'œuvre porte la référence M.81, dans le catalogue des œuvres du compositeur établi par le musicologue Marcel Marnat.
Maurice Ravel
Joseph Maurice Ravel (7 March 1875 – 28 December 1937) was a French composer, pianist and conductor. He is often associated with Impressionism along with his elder contemporary Claude Debussy, although both composers rejected the term. In the 1920s and 1930s Ravel was internationally regarded as France's greatest living composer. 
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Maurice Ravel est un compositeur français né à Ciboure le et mort à Paris 16e le .
Avec son aîné Claude Debussy, Ravel fut la figure la plus influente de la musique française de son époque et le principal représentant du courant dit impressionniste au début du XXe siècle. Son œuvre, modeste en quantité (quatre-vingt-six œuvres originales, vingt-cinq œuvres orchestrées ou transcrites), est le fruit d'influences variées s'étendant de Couperin et Rameau jusqu'aux couleurs et rythmes du jazz, dont celle, récurrente, de l'Espagne.
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