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Monday, September 23, 2019

Japan 🇯🇵 Is Different 🎎

Photos That Prove Japan
Is Different
From The Rest of The World
Japanese culture is absolutely incomparable to any in our Western world.
Their deeply rooted politeness, precision, and dedication to work are rarely seen anywhere else.
Donna R :
Lol. If students in the US had to actually help clean their school -- I couldn't even imagine the outrage... by the parents. 😕

School Lunch in Japan
It's Not Just About Eating!
Get inspired to see how Japanese students operate their lunch period! You can see why "lunch period" is placed as a learning period in Japanese schools. Directed, edited and filmed by Atsuko Satake Quirk, Cafeteria Culture's media director. Visit to see how we bring in this Japanese style student-led operation into US school cafeterias on sorting their waste!
20 Things Can’t Be Seen Anywhere
But in Japan
Elements from Japanese culture are in our lives right now: many people watch anime and Japanese TV series, they eat wok and sushi, and they listen to songs by Japanese singers. And even such a seemingly ordinary thing as karaoke actually originated in Japan. However, there are still some things that can only be seen in the Land of the Rising Sun.
Really, Japan is a unique country, different from the rest of the world. Wanna have Pringles soup when in Japan? Here you go. In the mood for dinner with a huge plush Moomin in a Japanese cafe? Not a problem at all. Here are some cultural things can’t be seen anywhere but in Japan.  

👇  🎎  👇
Green rabbit called Miffy 0:34
Amazing head massagers 1:00
What Izakaya is 1:20
Square watermelons 1:48
Pringles is a noodle brand 2:26
Coffee in a bottle 2:44
Plush Moomin as your lunch companion 3:18
Pokemon-shaped cookies 3:43
Sauce that keeps the rice together 4:03
KFC instead of more traditional food 4:28
A stationery store which rises 12 floors 4:50
50 million vending machines 5:30
Japan-limited Kit-Kats 5:52
Free tissues on the streets 6:10
One-use pocket-heaters 6:36
Purikura 7:04
Rice of different colors 7:34
A subway chin rest 8:13
Cool taxi 8:43
Sightseeing cars with... footbaths 9:10
🗾 🇯🇵  🎎 👘 🍤 🐡 🗾 👘  🦌

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