Venus de Milo
(Louvre 3D Reconstruction)

3D reconstruction of Aphrodite of Milo, better known as the Venus de Milo. Created sometime between 130 and 100 BC, the statue is believed to depict Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty (Venus to the Romans).
From an inscription that was on its plinth, it is thought to be the work of Alexandros of Antioch.
It is currently on permanent display at the Louvre Museum in Paris.
The arms and original plinth were lost following the discovery of the statue.
This reconstruction is based on Adolf Furtwängler’s proposed restoration sketch from 1895, incorporating statue fragments found at the original site.

Aphrodite Vénus de Milo (Mélos)
Louvre Reconstruction

La Vénus de Milo
Musée du Louvre
Paris - France
Musée du Louvre
Paris - France
Découverte en avril 1820 à Mélos (Milo) dans l’archipel des Cyclades en Grèce, la Vénus de Milo fut immédiatement considérée comme un modèle de beauté. Le film raconte l'histoire de son succès à travers les fantasmes qui ont nourri l'imaginaire de ceux qui l'ont portée au pinacle. Extrait de la Série Sculptures, la Vénus de Milo ou l'invention d'un mythe

Without Arms
Alek Vacura (2009)
Thesis for Pratt Institute MFA in Digital Arts, Spring 2009. A 3D animated short that took 3 semesters, 2 of which were spent at The Mill Group's facility in NYC completing this film.
Software used: Maya 2009, The Setup Machine, ZBrush3, Adobe After Effects CS4, Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD.
Music: Fantasy in D- by Mozart, performed by Harrison Gradwell Slater, used with permission
Software used: Maya 2009, The Setup Machine, ZBrush3, Adobe After Effects CS4, Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD.
Music: Fantasy in D- by Mozart, performed by Harrison Gradwell Slater, used with permission

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