
Philosophy & Science
Naturalism (philosophy)
is any of several philosophical stances wherein all phenomena or
hypotheses commonly labeled as supernatural are either false or not
inherently different from natural phenomena or hypotheses.
Methodological naturalism, naturalism that holds that science is to be done without reference to supernatural causes; also refers to a methodological assumption in the philosophy of religion that observable events are fully explainable by natural causes without reference to the supernatural
Metaphysical naturalism,
a form of naturalism that holds that the cosmos consists only of
objects studied by the natural sciences, and does not include any
immaterial or intentional realities

Naturalist, a term for a person involved in the study of life forms, or "Natural history"
Liberal naturalism, a heterodox form of naturalism in the conceptual space between scientific naturalism and supernaturalism
Ethical naturalism, the theory that ethical terms can be defined in non-ethical terms, namely, descriptive terms mainly from the natural sciences
Spiritual naturalism, an approach to spirituality that is devoid of supernaturalism
Religious naturalism, religious institutions, rituals, doctrines and communities which do not include supernatural beliefs
Humanistic naturalism emphasises scientific reasoning as a basis for humane behavior
Sociological naturalism is the view that the natural world and the social world are roughly identical and governed by similar principles
Political naturalism is a politic and legal system based on the belief in the existence of a fair natural law
Naturalistic observation
is an empirical method of study by which the researcher introduces no
outside stimulus, instead witnessing behavior as it naturally occurs in
the environment
Poetic naturalism,
an approach to naturalism which allows for there to be many useful ways
of talking about the natural world, dependent upon the subject's frame
of reference.

Naturism: the practice of "social nudity", often confused with the term "Naturalism"
Naturism, or Nudism, is a cultural and political movement practicing, advocating and defending personal and social nudity,
most but not all of which takes place on private property. The term may
also refer to a lifestyle based on personal, family or social nudism.
Naturism may take a number of forms. It may be practiced
individually, within a family, socially or in public. Additionally,
there is also militant naturism, including campaigning and extreme
naturism is sometimes considered a separate category.

The Arts
Naturalism (visual art), a style in painting and the visual arts
Naturalism (literature), a literary style
Naturalism (theatre), a movement in theatre and drama that began in the 19th century

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