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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Houseplants๐ŸŒฑ For ๐Ÿ›€ Bathroom ๐Ÿšฟ

๐Ÿฅ€ House  ๐Ÿก Plants ๐Ÿชด
That Would Love to Live
๐Ÿ›€   in Your Bathroom   ๐Ÿšฟ
By Ren Lenhof 
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These plants will thrive in these conditions and look amazing while doing it! Do you want to make your bathroom more beautiful? Finding Houseplants for your bathroom is easier than you think!
Houseplants are a great way to add some life and color to any room.
They’re also perfect for bathrooms because they help filter the air, absorb moisture, and reduce allergens! I’ve put together this list of 6 houseplants that would love to live in your bathroom. These plants will thrive in these conditions and look fabulous while doing it! I’ve gathered a list of my top favorite houseplants for your bathroom! These houseplants will flourish and pretty up your bathroom because even this room deserves a little love and greenery!
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Formally known as the Sansevieria, the Snake Plant is an excellent choice for any home environment, especially a bathroom, due to its adaptability. It is incredibly tolerant. It’s been called nearly impossible to kill, and if kept in a humid bathroom, they might need less watering than they would if kept outside the bathroom. They also filter toxins from the air, perfect for counteracting bathroom cleaning products.
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With over 40 varieties to choose from, finding a Dracaena reflexa that fits your bathroom dรฉcor is simple and straightforward. Because Dracaena’s should never be placed in direct sunlight, bathrooms are a great choice for these plants. This plant also prefers high levels of humidity and as a slow grower, it can stay in one spot.
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It has smaller leaves than standard Pothos Plants. They are also unique in coloring because they are white & green rather than entirely green, like Devil’s Ivy. They grow rather slowly but look beautiful in a hanging planter and they are a slower-growing variety.   They are extremely versatile, love humidity, and require no special care; Pothos plants tolerate low light but grow well in all types and prefer moist soil
Tillandsias, often called air plants, do not require soil to grow, which is perfect for various environments. Please keep them in your shower window, where you can spray them with water occasionally, or hang your air plants in a planter in spritz often. You can have 3 shipped to your house for under $20 on Amazon.
With its well-known capabilities of purifying the air, Devil’s Ivy is a beautiful and practical addition to a bathroom. They are extremely versatile and require no special care; Pothos tolerate low light but grow well in all types and prefer moist soil. Because it can grow quite rapidly, hanging it from a shelf or ceiling allows the vines to trail down and grow naturally. It is also called Devil’s Vine or Devil’s Ivy because it is almost impossible to kill, and it stays green even when exposed to limited lighting. Devil’s Ivy is a hardy, carefree houseplant relatively laidback as one of the easiest plants to grow. The plant can reach about four inches in length indoors, which is a great decoration for bathrooms with windowsills. This is also an excellent place for your Devil’s Ivy because it needs sunlight.
Note: Devil’s Ivy is toxic, so keep it out of reach of children and pets. It is best to place them in hanging planters away from curious critters!
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The Zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as a ZZ plant or Eternity Plant, can survive in low-light conditions and requires little to no maintenance. This plant should only be watered every one or two weeks, and because of its hardiness, it is also nearly impossible to kill. Ours used to be in our sunroom, but since moving it to our bathroom, it has grown like crazy!
Spider Plants are non-toxic to animals and great for reducing toxins in your home or office. They love humidity, so they thrive in bathrooms. If you notice the leaves’ ends turning brown, give it a tad more water or move it to a location with higher humidity: Your Bathroom!
Description: Spider Pants are not scary, but they are beautiful! Their leaves look like long striped blades of grass, and I love how they look when planted in a hanging planter.
Why I Love It: I love ours because it was a gift from our neighbor, Nina. She propagated it and gave it to us as an itty-bitty-baby-spidey-plant, and now it is producing its own babies! I also love it because Spider Plants are great for filtering and purifying the air in our home.
My Quick Care Tip: If you notice the ends of the leaves turning brown or crispy give it a tad more water or move it to a location with higher humidity (they love bathrooms.) Another reason the tips of the leaves are turning brown is that there may be too much fluoride in your tap water. Just simply trim off the brown tips and swap to distilled water for your houseplants.
Where to Buy It: You may be able to find it at Home Depot or your local nursery, but if not, you can order a Spider Plant on Amazon.
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Dumb Cane houseplants make a good candidate for you bathroom and are also great for new plants and homeowners because they are insanely resilient and will most likely survive a little neglect. In addition, they like high humidity and bright indirect light. They will also do well in low light but won’t grow as fast.
Peace Lilies are a beautiful, low-maintenance plant that will brighten any room. 
And for those looking to add to their houseplant collection or those thinking about adopting their first houseplant, I highly recommend getting a Peace Lily because they are SO easy to care for!
Bathroom Houseplants
Aloe Plant, Spider Plant, Calathea Whitestar, ZZ, and a Tradescantia zebrina.

Bathrooms have tricky environments:
low light, high moisture, and warm temperatures, so finding a houseplant that can thrive in this room could be a difficult task but don’t worry, I have you covered! Tropical plants are often the best for this environment because of their resiliency and love for moisture. However, a few non-tropical houseplants would love to live in your bathroom, too!  Get one of these plants today and enjoy the benefits of having them around daily. Your bathroom will be healthier, prettier, and happier than ever before. Plus, you’ll have an excuse to spend time there even when you don’t need it! ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Can Air Plants Live in Dark Bathrooms?
Yes, air plants can live in a dark bathroom. Actually, they do quite well in these circumstances. Succulents are another option that does well in dark bathrooms.
Is It Okay To Put Plants in the Bathroom?
Absolutely! However, not all plants will do well in bathrooms. You should look for plants that do well in environments similar to your bathroom. For example, some bathrooms are dark or have no windows.
You’ll want to find plants that work well in humid climates that meet these additional unique circumstances.
How Can I Decorate My Bathroom With Plants?
Plants can be hung inside the shower or placed on your bathroom counters. Additionally, you could put some plants along your windowsill, hang them from the ceiling, or use them in larger planting pots along the floor.
Which Fern Is Best for Bathroom?
One of the best fern options for your bathroom is the bird’s nest fern. However, a few other ferns will also do well in your bathroom. Examples include the Boston fern, the maidenhair fern, and the button fern.
Are Ferns Good for the Shower?
Yes, ferns thrive in the shower. The combination of filtered light, humidity, and misty “rain” is reminiscent of a fern’s natural habitat.
Do Indoor Plants Like Humidity?
Not all indoor plants like humidity, but a significant portion of them do. This is because most plants you keep indoors originate in humid jungle climates. However, it’s crucial to research indoor plants before
purchasing them. Each species has unique requirements to thrive.
What Plants Need a Humidity Tray?
If you keep your plants in high-humidity areas like the bathroom, you likely won’t need a humidity tray. However, these are generally excellent for plants that naturally thrive in areas with high humidity.
Specifically, this includes most tropical plants. A few prime examples include: * Ferns * Fiddle leaf figs * Air plants * Carnivorous plants * Prayer plants * Orchids * Nerve plants * Monsteras * Philodendrons * Anthuriums
Can I Put My Plants in the Bathroom?
Absolutely! Just be sure you’re choosing plants that enjoy humid environments. Plants that do better in dry climates shouldn’t be placed in the bathroom or other areas prone to humidity and moisture. 
Wall planters are a great way to put houseplants in your bathroom if you do not have much floor or counter space. We have these cute Wall Planters in our foyer, and I have pothos in them.
Can I Put My Houseplants in the Shower?
Yes, but only certain houseplants. Ferns are an excellent option if you’d like to add houseplants to your shower.
What Plants Can Grow in a Bathroom With No Light?
Numerous plants can grow well in areas with no light. A few prime examples include peace lilies, ferns, and aloe vera. Other popular options are philodendron, spider plants, and English ivy.
Is Pothos Good for Bathrooms?
Pothos prefer indirect, lower light levels. This makes it the perfect plant for your bathroom.
Can Pothos Survive in a Bathroom Without a Window?
Yes. Pothos is generally a rugged plant that does well in conditions other plants may find challenging. They hold up well to low light levels, varying degrees of humidity, and infrequent watering.
What Plants Are Good in High Humidity?
Ferns, aloe, carnivorous plants, and certain types of ivy do well in high humidity.
Are There Plants That Thrive in Darkness?
The only plant that will grow in complete darkness is the mushroom. However, many plants do well with very low light levels. Examples include the cast-iron plant, arrowhead plant, and the Chinese dwarf plant. Various palm, ivy, and fern species will also do well with low light levels.

What Plant Can Survive in a Dark Bathroom?
The best options for plants in a darker bathroom include ferns, certain types of ivy, and palms. Other options may consist of aloe, pothos, and snake plants.
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#Plants from Nature                        

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