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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Heimlich Maneuver 👨‍⚕️ How To

Heimlich Maneuver
#June from UWS
Each year on June 1 we recognize a life-saving technique on National Heimlich Maneuver Day. This important National Day kicks off National Safety Month, which is just one of the many celebrations you can take this month to help save a life.
Choking is the fourth leading cause of accidental death in young children, with the primary risks being food, toys, and household items like batteries.
Prevention is key - taking extra time to cut food into small, manageable pieces and watching children while they eat and play can reduce their risk of choking.
However, incidents can still happen at any time. Learning how and when to perform the Heimlich maneuver can be life-saving in an emergency.
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How to Give the Heimlich Maneuver
First Aid Training
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What do You do when Someone's Choking?  
You and a friend are out in a restaurant and all of a sudden, they start choking  First, you ask, "Are you OK"?  Oftentimes, the international sign for choking is this. I can't breathe.  If you're around other people, you want to get them to help you.  If you're in a restaurant or place of business, have someone call out for help and have the people help you out.  
Tell them what you're doing.  Don't just attack them because that will just heighten their anxiety and their panic.  What you're going to do is, you're going to stand behind them and you're going to wrap your arms all away aroundYou find their belly button with your pinky. 
Make a fist.  
Put the pinky on the bellybutton, then roll it up so the knuckle of your thumb is right there and then you thrust.  You pull it in and up.  In and up.  In and up until they can dislodge whatever is in there and they can breathe again.  Don't go crazy like in the movies and start slapping their back and wrestling.  Sometimes people get carried away and they want to slap your back.  They just end up hurting you.
If the person is pregnant or a larger person and you can't get your arms all away around to where their belly button is, you want to go higher, up to where their breastbone is.  You wrap around.  You find their breastboneYou do the same thing. In and up.  In and up until they dislodge whatever is in their throat and they can breathe again.   
 If the person is so big, if you're a small person, and you have a big strapping person with you who's choking and you just can't even do that.  You can assist them in doing a self Heimlich maneuver on a chair or surface that will get to their diaphragm.  You just lean them over.  Talk them through it.
Stay calm. The more panicky you get, the more panicky they're going to get. They're already in a state of anxiety because they can't breathe, which is normal.
If they lose consciousness and they fall to the floor, you're going to lay them down.  You're going to roll them over and then you're going to do the same thing.  You're going to find the bellybutton, roll up, and you're going to thrust while they're on the floor until that comes out or until help arrives.  Continue trying to do the thrusts and trying to get them to get that out of their throat so they can breathe again.  Stay with them until help arrives.
How to Give Yourself Heimlich Maneuver
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How to Survive Choking When Alone
You were so hungry that you barely chewed your meal. Now, a big chunk of food is stuck in your throat. If only there were someone around to help you. But what if no one is there to help you? And how could a chair save your life?
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Choking essentially cuts off oxygen to the brain, which is called cerebral hypoxia. Brain cells are sensitive to a lack of oxygen. Some brain cells start dying after less than 5 minutes without their oxygen supply. Irreversible brain death occurs in about 10 minutes.

Step 1. Don’t drink water
Do not try to force the food down your throat by drinking water. This can make the situation much worse and block your airway even more, making it impossible to dislodge the food.

Step 2. Eat slowly and Stay Sober
Prevent choking by taking small bites and chewing your food thoroughly. Don’t talk, and try not to laugh while you’re chewing. And be extra careful if you’re drinking alcohol. Having alcohol in your blood changes your perception of when you have chewed your food enough, so you tend to swallow sooner. In addition, the muscles in your throat aren’t as coordinated as when you are sober.
Step 3. Call for help
This may be against your instincts since you cannot breathe, but you need to call 911 immediately. You may not be able to vocalize what you are going through. But the operator can pick up cues when they hear you coughing and can dispatch first responders much quicker. Hopefully, the next steps will help you, and you can let them know that you’re OK.
But if you pass out, at least help will be on the way. In 2016, actress Ellen Barkin was having lunch, and she began to panic after food became stuck in her windpipe. She passed out, and was quickly taken to the hospital, where doctors performed tests and discharged her that night.

Step 4. Cough hard
If you can cough, make a sound, laugh, or cry, that is good news. It means that your airway is not completely blocked. So try to cough as forcefully as possible until the object blocking your windpipe is forced out.

Step 5. Use the Heimlich Maneuver
You will not be able to deliver back blows to yourself effectively. But you can perform abdominal thrusts to dislodge the item. Place a fist slightly above your navel, then place your other hand on top of the fist. Push inwards and upwards, as hard as you can, in a quick motion. This pressure on the diaphragm compresses the lungs and forces the remaining air to push up through the trachea, hopefully dislodging the food. You can also use a countertop or the back of a chair to press your stomach.

Step 6. Assess the damage
Those hard thrusts can hurt your abdomen and organs. If you had to push hard many times, you could be facing a ruptured spleen or other issues. Also, there’s a chance some of the food could have gone into your lungs, which might cause inflammation, infection, or collapse them. If you feel pain in your stomach or you still can’t breathe properly, go to a hospital immediately.
Never underestimate the importance of having a basic knowledge of first aid. Remembering these simple steps can mean the difference between life and death.
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