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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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Seasonal Affective Disorder😔Not Just for Winter🌞

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Isn’t Just for Winter
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Feeling blue even though everyone seems to be basking in perfect summer weather?  
There might be a good reason for that.

By Cameron Walker 

This is what happens to the Earth during summer: 
Tilted about 23.5 degrees, it arrives at a place in its orbit where the Northern Hemisphere leans toward the sun. This is what happens in Wisconsin during summer: People go outside, maybe to picnics or parks, to barbecues, on day trips, on summer vacation.

This is what happens to Kristen Ashly during summer: Depression descends like a heavy curtain. She skips picnics, day trips and vacations — the hot, humid days in central Wisconsin make her lethargic, yet also agitated, irritable and unable to sleep. By afternoon, she feels “like a zombie.”

It’s hard to explain the feeling to those around her, said Ms. Ashly, a wrestling journalist and an owner of the women’s wrestling website, Bell To Belles. “People who love summer, they don’t get it. And up here, most people love summer,” she said.

Ms. Ashly has summer seasonal affective disorder, a less common and much less understood counterpart to seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a recurring pattern of depression that comes on in fall and winter.

A team of researchers led by the psychiatrist Norman E. Rosenthal first described seasonal affective disorder in the scientific literature in 1984. About 5 percent of adults in the U.S. may experience the most extreme version of the condition, which significantly alters their day-to-day life. More people experience a milder version, the “winter blues.” The shorter days of fall and winter, which can be stingy with their sunlight, are thought to be a trigger.

Often, when Dr. Rosenthal talked about his research, someone would approach him to say that the same thing happened to them — but in the summer. In 1987, he and his colleagues published a report of 12 people who experienced a pattern of seasonal depression between March and October. This and subsequent work suggested that summer SAD presented differently than its winter counterpart, and might have different causes.

Summer SAD is more of an agitated depression,” said Dr. Rosenthal, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Georgetown University School of Medicine. While those with winter SAD tend to oversleep and overeat, summer SAD often shows up with insomnia and lowered appetite.

When asked by doctors and researchers, people with summer seasonal affective disorder usually say that what bothers them most is the heat and humidity. Each person’s exact pattern may differ — Ms. Ashly’s symptoms usually start in May and vanish in October — but the disorder returns regularly. Still, even the researchers who study summer SAD said there are other uncertainties around it.
“What causes summer SAD?  
We assume it’s heat and humidity,” said Kelly Rohan, a psychology professor at the University of Vermont. Studies suggest that some of the same compounds in the body that help regulate mood, such as norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, have also been linked to regulating body temperature. “But what is the trigger that makes people vulnerable?” she said.

An added challenge for the people who experience the disorder is the social pressure to feel summery when the sun is shining. People are used to the idea of mental health struggles during the winter, said Blessing Dada, 21, a student at Technological University Dublin in Ireland. Ms. Dada has experienced a deep sadness that comes on each summer, along with insomnia and migraines made worse by heat.

People tell her, “‘It’s summertime, you need to smile a bit more, be more happy,’” she said. “Comments like that are just not helpful.”

A few researchers, using year-round depression data, have questioned the idea that seasonal affective disorder exists at all. In 2016, researchers from Auburn University at Montgomery, in Alabama, reported that major depression was not associated with a seasonal pattern.

Dr. Rohan conducted a similar study in 2009 that evaluated surveys of about 2,000 children and adolescents, and found no seasonal pattern to their mood. That doesn’t mean that SAD doesn’t exist, she said, but that, in an ocean of modern depression, it is difficult to pick out the much smaller seasonal currents.

Those who study these seasonal currents are concerned that summer SAD, and mental health challenges in general, will increase with climate change. A 2018 study in the journal Nature Climate Change found that both suicide rates and social media posts using language signaling lower mood increased as average monthly temperatures rose in the United States and Mexico. The study suggested that as many as 21,000 additional people in these countries could die by suicide by 2050, based on projected temperature increases of 2.5 degrees Celsius in the United States and 2.1 degrees Celsius in Mexico.

Another seasonal challenge that could worsen with climate change — and play into mood — is pollen, said Teodor Postolache, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He said the immune response to allergens like pollen might create a cascade of changes in the body, including the release of biological compounds called cytokines that regulate inflammation and have been connected to depression.

Dr. Postolache and his colleagues started studying seasonal mood change in Old Order Amish people in Lancaster County, Pa., because of this group’s limited exposure to electric light, making them more subject to natural variations in day length. The Old Order Amish also spend significant time outside in spring and summer, which translates to greater pollen exposure.

When the researchers surveyed about 1,300 Old Order Amish, they found the small group of people who felt at their worst in the summer also tended to report that high-pollen days worsened their mood. Previous work with college students also suggested a link between low summer mood and pollen sensitivity.

While more research is needed to understand how pollen might tie into summer SAD, Dr. Postolache said, “When you feel at your worst relates really well to daylength in the winter” and “to the heat and the pollen for the summer difficulties.”

One difficulty in detecting SAD is its transitory nature. Once fall comes, Ms. Ashly said, “you forget all about it.” Even without seasonal affective disorder, other stresses can trigger depression during summer, like being untethered from the structure of school.
Tonya Ladipo, a licensed clinical social worker and founder of The Ladipo Group in Philadelphia, suggested keeping a mood journal to track your moods and look for patterns. This helped Ms. Ashly and her therapist recognize her cycle of summer SAD. If a low mood doesn’t improve within about two weeks, Ms. Ladipo recommended seeking out a mental health professional — and finding help immediately if you are thinking about harming yourself.

If heat dampens your mood, Dr. Rosenthal said that some of his patients have found that frequent cold showers or baths can help; others experienced some relief by walking early in the morning. Sometimes intense summer light, along with heat and humidity, can be problematic; decreasing exposure with dark glasses or curtains may also be worth trying.

“If those things help, then do them,” Dr. Rosenthal said.

Ms. Ashly said she keeps a small misting fan by her desk, takes chilly showers and runs her wrists under cold water to help her cool off. On particularly hard days, she goes to her parents’ house and works in the basement, she said.

For winter SAD, researchers have found that cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of talk therapy, can help. A clinical trial with 177 adults compared it to light therapy, a well-known SAD treatment, and found that both significantly improved how people felt. Dr. Rohan is considering developing a similar therapy for the summer form of the disorder. She recommended contacting a professional to determine whether what you’re experiencing is related to the season or to another source — and, most importantly, to find ways to help you feel better.

Even if summer’s effect is subtle, it’s worth noticing. “Maybe you can get through your day, but you’re not feeling your best,” Ms. Ladipo said. “That still warrants attention.” Being mindful of the seasons outside and within can help you navigate summer as the Earth continues on its journey, its perspective on the sun a little different each day. Cameron Walker is a writer in California.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day 🇺🇸 Celebrations

🇺🇸  5 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day 🇺🇸
#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-Fetes
It’s Memorial Day Weekend, and people all over the country are celebrating in remembrance of our fallen soldiers. With so many events (and sales) going on over the entire weekend, it’s hard to know where to start.

There’s plenty of ways for you and your family to honor our troops while enjoying the nice late-Spring weather this weekend. We’ve boiled them down to five great choices.
#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-Fetes
1. Honor our Fallen Soldiers
The most somber celebrations are likely the most impactful. On Memorial Day, military cemeteries will often hold a remembrance ceremony, with speeches from current or former soldiers honoring those who have fallen in the line of duty.
Many military museums and landmarks are holding similar events for Memorial Day. Military museums are a family-friendly way to learn more about our military and honor our veterans.
#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-Fetes
2. Attend Memorial-Day Themed Celebrations
Two of the most notable Memorial Day traditions are local parades and baseball games. Many towns host parades to honor fallen heroes on Memorial Day Weekend. These parades will often feature service units as well as local charity organizations. It’s a relaxing and fun way to show your support.
Any baseball fan knows that Memorial Day is an important day for the sport. As “America’s Past-time” baseball stadiums across the country will take time to honor the troops with a flag ceremony and other events during the game. Many stadiums will even have a Blue Angels flight demonstration flyover. For fans, Memorial Day baseball games are an opportunity to support your team and honor fallen heroes at the same time.
#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-Fetes#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-FetesTumblr: ImageTumblr: Image
3. Support Our Troops Overseas
The most direct way to support our troops is to send a care package. A great way to honor the memory of our fallen heroes is by showing support for their fellow soldiers. Typically, these care packages will include snacks, hygiene items, books, and even video games.
There are a number of organizations that allow you to organize care packages and even “adopt” a soldier to send him letters and cards. Center State Bank has some great information:
#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-Fetes
4. Host Your Own Party Outdoors
Hosting a barbecue or picnic is a common tradition. Fire up the grill, and invite over some family and friends for a Memorial Day party.
You can make it a potluck, so guests can bring whatever type of food they like. Consider even hosting your party on the beach, so everyone can enjoy the waves and the warm sand. Just make sure everyone cleans up afterwards!
#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-Fetes
5. Have A Fun Adventure Outside
Memorial Day weekend is the perfect time to go out and have an adventure with your family and friends.
As Spring starts to give way to Summer, one thing is consistent: Memorial Day is a great weekend to do activities outside. Whether it’s a weekend spent camping, adventuring out on the water, or even just a hike, the late-spring weather means it’s not-too-hot and not-too-cold.
#Memorial Day 🇺🇸 from Holidays-Fetes
If you’re not as much of the adventuring type, there are likely plenty of Memorial Day Weekend festivals in your area, including food & beverage festivals, music festivals, car shows, and local fairs.
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#Memorial Day from Holidays-Fetes

Saturday, May 25, 2024

National 🕺Tap Dance Day💃 May 25th

National Tap Dance Day
National Tap Dance Day falls on May 25th every year and is a celebration of tap dancing as an American art form. The idea of National Tap Dance Day was first presented to U.S. Congress on February 7, 1989 and was signed into US-American law by President George H.W. Bush on November 8, 1989. The one-time official observance was on May 25, 1989. Tap Dance Day is also celebrated in other countries, particularly Japan, Australia, India and Iceland
Tap Dance Day is celebrated online, with over 27,518,521 mentions on social media in 2016.
Tap dance day can be celebrated with an event which may be organized by a studio or tap dance interest group. Some may also celebrate it individually due to geographical dispersion or lack of access to the wider tap community. National Tap Dance Day is celebrated in many different ways. For example, a studio may send people out onto the streets to teach the "Shim Sham Shimmy" to passers-by. The Shim Sham Shimmy is a popular move that is used in tap dancing.However, there are several cities (particularly in the United States) that have their own performances and events to coincide with Tap Dance Day.
Tap Dance is a type of dance characterized by using the sounds of tap shoes striking the floor as a form of percussion. The sound is made by shoes that have a metal "tap" on the heel and toe. There are several major variations on tap dance including: flamenco, rhythm (jazz) tap, classical tap, Broadway tap, and post-modern tap. Broadway tap is rooted in English theatrical tradition and often focuses on formations, choreography and generally less complex rhythms; it is widely performed in musical theatre. Rhythm tap focuses on musicality, and practitioners consider themselves to be a part of the jazz tradition. Classical tap has a similarly long tradition which marries European "classical" music with American foot drumming with a wide variation in full-body expression. Post-modern or contemporary tap has emerged over the last three decades to incorporate abstract expression, thematic narrative and technology.
There are different brands of shoes which sometimes differ in the way they sound. "Soft-shoe" is a rhythm form of tap dancing that does not require special shoes, and though rhythm is generated by tapping of the feet, it also uses sliding of the feet (even sometimes using scattered sand on the stage to enhance the sound of sliding feet) more often than modern rhythm tap. It produced what is currently considered to be modern tap, but has since declined in popularity.
Tap Dance has its roots in the fusion of several ethnic percussive dances, including Spanish flamenco, African tribal dances, English clog dancing and Irish jigs; the relative contribution of different traditions is a point of disagreement among historians and dance scholars. The oldest record of flamenco dates to 1774 in the book Las Cartas Marruecas by José Cadalso. El baile flamenco is known for its emotional intensity, proud carriage, expressive use of the arms and rhythmic stamping of the feet. Tap dance is also believed by some to have begun in the mid-1800s during the rise of minstrel shows. Famous as Master Juba, William Henry Lane became one of the few black performers to join an otherwise white minstrel troupe, and is widely considered to be one of the most famous forebears of tap dance
As the minstrel shows began to decline in popularity, tap dance moved to the increasingly popular Vaudeville stage. Due to the two-colored rule, which forbade black people from performing solo, the majority of Vaudeville tap acts were duets. This gave rise to the famous pair "Buck and Bubbles", which consisted of John "Bubbles" Sublett tap dancing and Ford "Buck" Washington on piano. The duo perfected the "class act", a routine in which the performers wore impeccable tuxedos, which has since become a common theme in tap dance. The move is seen by some as a rebuttal to the older minstrel show idea of the tap dancer as a "grinning-and-dancing clown." John "Bubbles" Sublett is also known famously for popularizing rhythm tap which incorporates more percussive heel drops and lower-body movements.
Another notable figure to emerge during this period is Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, who was a protégé of Alice Whitman of the Whitman Sisters around 1904 (then 'Willie Robinson'). Well-versed in both Buck and Wing dancing and Irish step dancing, Bill Robinson joined the vaudeville circuit in 1902, in a duo with George W. Cooper. The act quickly became famous, headlining events across the country, and touring England as well. In 1908, however, the two had an altercation and the partnership was ended. Gambling on his popularity, Robinson decided to form a solo act, which was extremely rare for a black man at that time. Despite this, he had tremendous success and soon became a world-famous celebrity. He went on to have a leading role in many films, notably in movies starring Shirley Temple.
Shortly thereafter, the Nicholas Brothers came on the scene. Consisting of real-life brothers Fayard and Harold, this team wowed audiences with their acrobatic feats incorporated into their classy style of dancing. They never looked less than suave and were always in total control of their dancing, even in childhood numbers such as Stormy Weather. A notable scene in the movie Stormy Weather features the pair dancing up a staircase and then descending the staircase in a series of leapfrogs over each other into a full split from which they rise without using their hands.
Cab Calloway & The Nicholas Brothers
Jumpin Jive
👇  🕺🏽🕺🏾 👇

During the 1930s tap dance mixed with Lindy hop. "Flying swing-outs" and "flying circles" are Lindy hop moves with tap footwork. In the mid- to late 1950s, the style of entertainment changed. Jazz music and tap dance declined, while rock and roll and the new jazz dance emerged. What is now called jazz dance evolved from tap dance, so both styles have many moves in common. Jazz has since evolved separately from tap dance to become a new form in its own right. Well-known dancers during the 1960s and 1970s included Arthur Duncan and Tommy Tune.
No Maps on My Taps, the Emmy award-winning PBS documentary of 1979, helped begin the recent revival of tap dance. The outstanding success of the animated film, Happy Feet, has further reinforced the popular appeal.

National Tap Dance Day in the United States, now celebrated May 25, was signed into law by President George Bush on November 7, 1989. (May 25 was chosen because it is the birthday of famous tapper Bill "Bojangles" Robinson.) Prominent modern tap dancers have included Sarah Reich, Brenda Bufalino, Melinda Sullivan, The Clark Brothers, Savion Glover, Gregory and Maurice Hines, LaVaughn Robinson, Jason Samuels Smith, Chloe Arnold, Michelle Dorrance, Dulé Hill and Dianne "Lady Di" Walker. Indie-pop band Tilly and the Wall also features a tap dancer, Jamie Pressnall, tapping as percussion.
Tap dancers make frequent use of syncopation. Choreography typically starts on the eighth or first beatcount. Another aspect of tap dancing is improvisation. Tap dancing can either be done with music following the beats provided, or without musical accompaniment; the latter is known as "a cappella tap dancing".
Hoofers are tap dancers who dance primarily "closer to the floor", using mostly footwork and not showing very much arm or body movement. Steve Condos developed an innovative rhythmic tap style that influenced the work of later tap dancers such as Gregory Hines and Savion Glover. Condos passed his knowledge on to his protege Marshall L. Davis Jr. The majority of early hoofers, such as Sammy Davis Jr., Glover, Hines, and LaVaughn Robinson were African American men. Savion Glover helped bring tap dance into mainstream media by choreographing Happy Feet, a film about a tap dancing penguin. Another well-known tap film is 1989's Tap, starring Gregory Hines and many old-time hoofers.

Early tappers like Fred Astaire provided a more ballroom look to tap dancing, while Gene Kelly introduced ballet elements and style into tap. This style of tap led to what is today known as Broadway style, which is popular in American culture. It often involves high heeled tap shoes and show music, and is usually the type of tap first taught to beginners. Examples of this style are found in Broadway musicals such as Anything Goes and 42nd Street.
Common tap steps include the shuffle, shuffle ball change, double shuffle, leap shuffle, hop shuffle, flap, flap ball change, running flaps, flap heel, cramproll, buffalo, Maxi Ford, Maxi Ford with a pullback, pullbacks, wings, Cincinnati, the shim sham shimmy (also called the Lindy), Irish, waltz clog, the paddle roll, the paradiddle, stomp, brushes, scuffs, spanks, riffs, and single and double toe punches, hot steps, heel clicks, time steps, over-the-tops, military time step, New Yorkers, Shiggy Bops, drawbacks, and chugs. In advanced tap dancing, basic steps are often combined together to create new steps. Many steps also have single, double, and triple versions, including pullbacks, timesteps, and drawbacks. In tap, various types of turns can be done, including step heel turns, Maxi Ford turns, cramproll turns, and drag turns. Timesteps are widely used in tap and can vary in different areas. These consist of a rhythm that is changed to make new timesteps by adding or removing steps.
Tap dancing can also be done using an a cappella method, in which no musical accompaniment is provided and dancers creating their own "music" through the sounds of their taps.
In group tap dances, the steps are typically kept simple and easy to control. The group of dancers must work together to create the sound, keeping their steps at the correct speed to match each other.
Tap shoes
In the earliest years of tap dancing, tap shoes often had wooden soles, but most tap shoes since have had leather soles. Today, it is common for manufacturers of tap shoes to also produce and fix taps. There are a variety of styles of shoe: the Oxford is very common in jazz dance and the Mary Jane is common for younger girls in tap classes.  Tap shoe makers include Bloch, Sansha and Capezio
Metallic taps were added to tap shoes in 1910. Before that tap shoes used wood to produce a distinct tapping sound. Castanets were commonly used for larger shows with full orchestration. Depending on manufacturer and model, tap characteristics can vary considerably. For example, some taps have relatively low weight and small footprint, whereas others may be thicker and fill out the edge of the shoe more, making them heavier as a result. A tap's "tone" is influenced by its weight as well as its surface shape, which may be concave or convex. The tonal quality of a tap can also be influenced by the material it is made from, and the presence of a soundboard (though there is some debate whether this affects the sound).
Taps are mounted to the sole of the shoe with screws, and sometimes adhesive as well. The screws are driven into a soundboard – a thin fiberboard integrated into the sole that can be firmly "gripped" by the screws – to reliably attach the tap to the shoe. When no adhesive is used, the screws can be loosened or tightened to produce different sounds, whereas tonal quality is fixed when adhesive is used.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Chansons 🇫🇷 Ne Me Quitte Pas🌍Multi Languages🇺🇳

  Chansons  🇫🇷  (1960)
Jacques Brel
🇫🇷  Ne Me Quitte Pas 🎼
🇬🇧  If You Go Away   🇮🇹  Non Andare Via
🇪🇸 No Me Dejes No   🇩🇪 Bitte Geh Nicht Fort
🌍Other Song Covers🌎 🇬🇷  🇵🇱  🇵🇹/🇧🇷  🇹🇷  🇺🇳 🌏
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Moi, je t'offrirai des perles de pluie venues de pays où il ne pleut pas
Ne me quitte pas est une chanson de Jacques Brel sur la rupture amoureuse, écrite et composée avec son pianiste Gérard Jouannest et enregistrée par Brel en 1959.  
La chanson est écrite après la séparation de Brel et de sa maîtresse Suzanne Gabriello dont il était amoureux depuis 1955 mais qui mit fin à leur relation. 
Place dans les classements
En , l'institut CSA réalise un sondage pour Le Parisien et La Cinquième dans lequel 31 % des personnes interrogées considèrent Ne me quitte pas comme la meilleure chanson du XXe siècle. En , selon un sondage BVA, elle est désignée deuxième chanson préférée des Français derrière Mistral gagnant de Renaud et devant L'Aigle noir de Barbara. Trois ans plus tard, Ne me quitte pas retrouve la première place (qu'elle a longtemps occupée), selon un sondage du site Riffx; cette position est confirmée en 2020 par Thomas Pawlowski dans son livre Les 1 000 Chansons préférées des Français
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"Ne me quitte pas" ("Don't leave me") is a 1959 French song by the Belgian chansonnier (singer-songwriter) Jacques Brel.
It has been covered in the original French by many artists and has also been translated into and performed in many other languages.  🇬🇧/🇺🇸/🇨🇦   🇮🇹   🇪🇸   🇬🇷   🇩🇪   🇵🇱   🇵🇹/🇧🇷   🇹🇷
A well-known adaptation, with English lyrics by Rod McKuen, is "If You Go Away".
"Ne me quitte pas" is considered by some as "Brel's ultimate classic". It was written after Brel's mistress "Zizou" (Suzanne Gabriello) threw him out of her life. 
Brel first recorded the song on 11 September 1959, and it was released on his fourth album La Valse à mille temps.  In 1961 a Dutch-language version sung by Brel was released on the Philips label; entitled "Laat me niet alleen", with lyrics by Ernst van Altena, it was a B-side to Marieke (also a Dutch-language version). Brel recorded "Ne me quitte pas" again as the title track of his 1972 album.

In a 1966 interview, Brel said that "Ne me quitte pas" was not a love song, but rather "a hymn to the cowardice of men", and the degree to which they were willing to humiliate themselves.

The lyrics "Moi, je t'offrirai des perles de pluie venues de pays où il ne pleut pas" ("I'll offer you rain pearls from lands where it does not rain") are sung to a theme borrowed from the second part, Lassan (Andante), of the Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6 by the composer Franz Liszt.
In popular culture
The song was used in season 1 episode 19 of the critically acclaimed TV show Person of Interest and in the final episode of Mr. Robot. It was also used in season 1 finale of The Leftovers. "Ne Me Quitte Pas" was used by Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar in his sixth film, Law of Desire, in a striking performance by Brazilian singer Maysa Matarazzo.