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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Spring Allergies 🌷 Lifestyle Tips

🌻 Spring Allergies 🌻 
🌼  Lifestyle Tips 🌼
#Spring from Nature
Your top strategy is to avoid exposure to allergens as much as possible.  
Here's How:
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Keep your Doors and Windows Closed. 
Of course it's tempting to open your windows and let in the fresh spring breeze after a long winter, but when you do so, you're allowing a cloud of pollen to enter your house, says James Li, MD, board-certified asthma and allergy specialist and chair of the division of allergic diseases in the department of internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. It may be a sacrifice, but it's better to keep the doors and windows of your home and car closed if you have spring allergies.
Use Allergy Filters on Your AC. 
It's better to run your air conditioning than to open the windows on warm spring days, but be sure to use a good air filter on your ventilation unit to catch and filter out pollen.
Check the Pollen Levels. 
If your allergies are worse on high-pollen days, listen to the pollen count report before deciding how much time to spend outside. When pollen levels are high, exercise indoors and avoid outdoor activities if possible. You can get pollen and mold counts on your local news radio station or online with Everyday Health's allergy pollen counter.
Saline Nasal Sprays or Rinses. 
Over-the-counter saline sprays, squeeze bottles, or neti pot rinses can help to irrigate your nasal passages and remove mucus, debris, and allergens. These may not be as effective as corticosteroid nasal sprays, though.
Over-the-counter antihistamines work by blocking histamine that causes allergy symptoms such as sneezing, running nose, and itching. Some types of antihistamines are less likely to make you drowsy, such as loratadine (Claritin), and fexofenadine (Allegra). Cetirizine (Zyrtec) may cause mild drowsiness in some people. However, medications such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) definitely cause drowsiness, and you shouldn't drive when you take them, Li says. Be sure to read medication labels carefully. Antihistamines can also be taken in the form of a nasal spray, such as azelastine (Astepro).
Decongestants can be taken as pills or nasal sprays, and come in over-the-counter and prescription varieties. They're also sometimes combined with antihistamines. There are many over-the-counter decongestants, including the ingredients phenylephrine (Sudafed PE) or pseudoephedrine (Sudafed).
Decongestants can act as mild stimulants, so your doctor should monitor you if you take them regularly, even if it's only an over-the-counter formula, Li says. Possible side effects of decongestants may include sleeplessness or tremors. Also, people with high blood pressure may need to avoid oral decongestants; talk to your doctors before taking one, even if it's available over the counter.
Decongestant nasal sprays such as oxymetazoline (Afrin) and others shouldn't be used for longer than a few days because they will end up making nasal congestion worse if used for longer. Read the package instructions, and never exceed the recommended duration of use.

Eye drops. 
Antihistamine and antihistamine-decongestant eye drops are available both by prescription and over the counter. They work in a similar way to oral drugs. 
Allergy Shots. 
If you aren't getting enough relief from medication or are experiencing side effects, allergy shots at your doctor's office may be more effective. You will first need to be tested to identify exactly what is causing your symptoms. People who take several allergy medications can often reduce the number to one when they switch to shots, Li says. Allergy shots are usually given once a week during a build-up period, and then once a month for several months afterward.
You have many options to get relief from spring allergies. However, to most effectively manage your particular allergy symptoms, consult with your doctor to find the best long-term choices.
Tips for Reducing Indoor Allergies
Here are some ways you can reduce the potential allergens in your home:
  • Keep humidity levels low. "Keeping the relative humidity less than 50 percent is going to be important," says McNairn. You can lower the humidity in your home by using a dehumidifier in damp areas such as a basement.
  •  Use hardwood, linoleum, or tile. Replace carpeting and rugs with hard-surface flooring. Your carpet and rugs can trap in allergens within the fibers, as opposed to hard surface flooring, which you can regularly dust.
  • Clean carpeting. If you are unable or unwilling to remove all carpet, have your carpeting and rugs regularly cleaned to reduce the amount of allergens in them.
  • Cover your bedding. Use special allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers under regular sheets and pillowcases.
  • Wash bedding. Wash bedding in hot water and dry it on high heat weekly.
  • Leave the cleaning to someone else. Have your floors regularly vacuumed with a HEPA (high efficiency particle air) vacuum. "It's a good idea for the allergic person not to do the cleaning," says McNairn. "If they do, they should wear a face mask and goggles." HEPA vacuums suck up smaller particles than do traditional vacuum cleaners, leaving you with fewer allergens left behind.
  • Find pets a new home. In the case of animal dander allergies, consider removing a pet from the home or keeping the pet outdoors. And keep pets out of the bedroom.
  • Cover food. Store food in tight-lidded containers, and keep your home clean to prevent cockroach infestation.
  • Rid the house of cockroaches. If you see a cockroach, have a professional exterminator get rid of any remaining roaches.
  • Eliminate visible mold. "Any visible mold should be cleaned with a diluted bleach solution," says McNairn.
  • Consider an indoor air cleaner. "HEPA air cleaners can help with pet dander," says McNairn. There are many varieties available; for more on air purifiers, see Allergy Relief for Indoor Air Pollution.
Controlling indoor allergens during the winter months will make life more comfortable for anyone who's allergic to them. The added bonus: You’ll always have a clean house!

🧹Dust Mites * Dander * Roaches *  Mold 🧹

Household dust, pet dander, cockroach droppings, and mold are common indoor allergens that can trigger allergies in susceptible people.
  • Dust. Found in all homes, dust is the breeding ground for microscopic organisms called dust mites. The droppings of these dust mites are a common trigger for indoor allergies. Though dust mites can be found just about everywhere, they are particularly common in humid parts of the house and where human dander (flakes of dead skin) collects.
  • Animal dander, or the dead skin flakes of warm-blooded animals, contains proteins that can trigger allergies in some people.
  • Mold. While many molds do not survive outdoors after the first winter frost, they can linger in your home throughout the winter, especially in humid areas such as basements or bathrooms. "Be very careful if you have a humidifier on your furnace or a room humidifier because you can end up with mold growth," says Dr. McNairn. Spores released by mold can act as allergens in some people. 

Doctor's Day 🩺 Mar 30 🏥

😷 Doctor's Day 🩺
🏥  Mar 30th 🥼

National Doctors' Day is a day celebrated to recognize the contributions of physicians to individual lives and communities. The date may vary from nation to nation depending on the event of commemoration used to mark the day. In some nations the day is marked as a holiday. Although supposed to be celebrated by patients in and benefactors of the healthcare industry it is usually celebrated by health care organizations. Staff may organize a lunch for doctors to present the physicians with tokens of recognition. Historically, a card or red carnation may be sent to physicians and their spouses, along with a flower being placed on the graves of deceased physicians.
The first Doctors’ Day observance was March 28, 1933, in Winder, Georgia. This first observance included the mailing of cards to the physicians and their wives, flowers placed on graves of deceased doctors, including Dr. Long, and a formal dinner in the home of Dr. and Mrs. William T. Randolph. After the Barrow County Alliance adopted Mrs. Almond's resolution to pay tribute to the doctors, the plan was presented to the Georgia State Medical Alliance in 1933 by Mrs. E. R. Harris of Winder, president of the Barrow County Alliance.  On May 10, 1934, the resolution was adopted at the annual state meeting in Augusta, Georgia. The resolution was introduced to the Women's Alliance of the Southern Medical Association at its 29th annual meeting held in St. Louis, Missouri, November 19–22, 1935, by the Alliance president, Mrs. J. Bonar White. Since then, Doctors' Day has become an integral part of and synonymous with, the Southern Medical Association Alliance.

The United States Senate and House of Representatives passed S.J. RES. #366 during the 101st United States Congress, which President Bush signed on October 30, 1990 (creating Public Law 101-473), designating Doctors' Day as a national holiday to be celebrated on March 30.
Dr. Marion Mass along with Dr. Kimberly Jackson and Dr. Christina Lang applied to officially have physicians day changed to physicians week. This was accepted in March 2017.
In 2017 Physicians Working Together (PWT, founded by Dr. Kimberly Jackson) sponsored a series of articles in celebration of National Physicians week that were hosted on KevinMD. In 2018 PWT along with Openxmed sponsored a free online conference focusing on physician well being and advocacy. In 2019, PWT and Openxmed sponsored a scholarship program for medical students and residents. The week long event focuses on advocacy and supporting the physician community.
The healthcare environment is more complex now than ever. With more advancements, tools and information at their fingertips doctors have an overwhelming job to diagnose and treat their patients every day. 
Today, we would like to say thank you to all physicians for taking all of those late night patient calls, working long hours and always providing top-quality patient care. 

Thank you for all that you do.
 Happy National Doctors Day!
Happy National Doctors’ Day!
Today, March 30, 2017, is a day we celebrate “the contribution of physicians who serve by caring for its citizens.”
In 1933, the first Doctors’ Day observance occurred in Winder, GA, where the wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond proposed setting aside a day that included mailing greeting cards and placing flowers on the graves of deceased doctors.
In 1958, the U.S. House of Representatives adopted a resolution commemorating Doctors’ Day.
Finally in 1990, following overwhelming approval by Congress; President George H.W. Bush turned the commemoration into a national holiday.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Dogs 🐕Taking School Bus 🚌 to Doggy Daycare

🐶Dogs Love Taking School Bus 🚌
To Doggy Daycare
A doggy daycare in Texas has gone viral after its owner started sharing videos of how excitable pooches are to take a school bus to and from his center. 
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Evan Zwerneman, 31, from Austin, bought the bright yellow bus last year, after a number of his clients jokingly asked if he could get a real bus to ship dogs to and from his care.
Having previously used only Ford Transit vans, Evan, who runs EZ Dog Stay and Play, said the school bus offered more room to sit dogs in a particular order, just like kids.
Each day, Evan pulls up outside the houses in his area, where his customers dogs dart from their homes and onto the bus, where they have designated seats.
Just like kids, the dogs have friends on the bus, and seeing it pull up immediately lets them know they’re heading for an adventure.
He launched the company in 2019 with just one vehicle and himself. 
Today, Evan’s company has five full-time employees and five “Dog Buses” – though only one is a large, traditional yellow school bus; the rest are vans. 
Speaking of the reception his bus has received, Evan said: ” The dogs absolutely have friends on the bus and it makes our day watching them run happily to the bus to see us and their friends.  
“They know they’re going to have a day of fun and adventure.
“People are obsessed with the bus! I get a lot of looks on the road for sure.
“I have been doing this for years and am often called the dog whisperer.  
“I managed a veterinary clinic prior to launching this business so I’ve always known I wanted to work with animals and somehow it quickly became my passion and career.”
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Let your pup ride in style! Trust us, you haven't seen anything
Bark + Ride is St. Albert's premier boarding / daycare transportation service. Our state of the art shuttle has been fully customized to provide the safest and most comfortable ride for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Bark + Ride picks up and drops off your pet for scheduled boarding or daily for daycare.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Theatre 🎭Broadway ♫ Musicals

🎭   Theatre   🎭
Broadway Musicals
👇   📺   👇                          Click  Below  to   Choose   a Video     

🎭  🎭   🎭  🎭  🎭  🎭

Monday, March 27, 2023

Mozart ♫ Don Giovanni ♫ Carlo Maria Giulini

Don Giovanni
Carlo Maria Giulini
 👇 🎼 👇

Don Giovanni :  Eberhard Wächter Conductor :  Carlo Maria Giulini
Donna Anna :  Joan Sutherland Philharmonia Orchestra & Chorus
Don Ottavio :  Luigi Alva Chorus Master : Roberto Benaglio
Commendatore :  Gottlob Frick Harpsichord : Heinrich Schmidt
Donna Elvira :  Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
Leporello :  Giuseppe Taddei Stéréo recording in 1959
Masetto :  Piero Cappuccilli Label : EMI (Warner)
Zerlina :  Graziella Sciutti
Don Giovanni - Opéra in two acts Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Overture (00:00)
Act 1                                            Act 2
Notte E Giorno Fatica (06:16) Eh Via, Buffone, Non Mi Seccar! (1:25:01)
Non Sperar, Se Non M (07:56) Leporello!…Signore (1:26:09)
Lasciala, Indegno! (09:18) Ah Taci, Ingiusto Core! (1:27:43)
Leporello, Ove Sei (11:21) Amico, Che Ti Par (1:32:34)
Ah Del Padre In (11:48) Deh Vieni Alla Finestra (1:34:21)
Fuggi, Crudele, Fu (14:24) V'E Gente Alla Finestra (1:36:11)
Orsu, Spicciati (18:26) Meta Di Voi Qua Vadano (1:37:17)
Ah, Chi Mi Dice Mai (19:40) Zitto, Lascia Ch'Io Senta “Ahi! Ahi! La Testa Mai! (1:40:31)
Chi E La (23:06) Verdrai, Carino… (1:42:09)
Madamina, Il Catalogo (25:34) Di Molte Faci Il Lume… (1:45:25)
In Questa Forma (31:01) Sola, Sola In Buio Loco (1:45:46)
Giovinette Che Fate Al (31:30) Mille Torbidi Pensieri (1:51:10)
Manco Male E Par (33:00) Dunque Quello Sei Tu… (1:53:33)
Ho Capito, Signore, Si (35:01) Ah, Pieta, Signori Miei! (1:53:53)
Alfin Siam Liber (36:39) Ferma, Perfido, Ferma! (1:55:45)
La Ci Darem La Mano (38:14) Mio Tesoro (1:56:15)
Femati, Scellera (41:27) In Quali Eccessi… (2:00:53)
Ah! Fuggi Il Traditor! (42:05) Mi Tradi Quell'Alma Ingrata (2:01:41)
Mi Par Ch'Oggi Ii Demonio (43:23) Ah, Ah, Ah, Questa È Buona… (2:06:27)
Non Ti Fidar (44:14) O Statua Gentilissima (2:10:05)
Povera Sventurat (48:12) Calmatevi, Idol Mio! (2:13:43)
Don Ottavio, Son (48:30) Crudele_ Ah No, Mio Bene! (2:14:20)
Or Sai Chi L’Onore (51:19) Non Mi Dir, Bell'Idol Mio (2:16:10)
Come Mai Creder (54:10) Ah Si Segua Il Suo Passo (2:21:12)
Dalla Sua Pace (54:34) Già La Mensa È Preparata (2:21:25)
Lo Deggio Ad Ogni Patto (58:55) L'Ultima Prova Dell'Amor Mio (2:26:01)
Finch'Han Dal Vino (1:00:16) Che Grido È Questo Mai (2:28:16)
Masetto, Senti Un Po’ (1:01:39) Don Giovanni, A Cenar Teco (2:29:31)
Batti, Batti, O Bel Masetto (1:02:38) Da Qual Tremore Insolito (2:34:50)
Guarda Un Po’… (1:06:26) Ah, Dov'È Il Perfido (2:35:56)
Presto, Presto, Pria Ch'Ei Venga (1:07:00) Or Che Tutti, O Mio Tesoro (2:37:36)
Tra Quest'Arbori Celata (1:08:49) Resti Dunque Quel Birbon (2:40:00)
Bisogna Aver Coraggio (1:11:20) Questo È Fin (2:40:34)
Protegga Il Giusto Cielo…Vendichi Il Giusto Cielo (1:13:28)
Riposate, Vezzose Ragazze (1:15:49)
Venite Pur Avanti (1:17:08)
Ecco Il Birbo Che T'Ha Offesa! (1:21:22)
Trema, Trema, O Scellerato! (1:22:54)

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Soeur Sourire 🎼 Videos

Sœur Sourire
👇 🎼 👇

  1.  - Dominique (1963)
  2.  - Sœur Adèle
  3.  - Plume de Radis
  4.  - Entre les Étoiles
  5.  - Brother John.flv
  6.  - Fleur de Cactus
  7.  - J'ai Trouvé
  8.  - Entre les Étoiles
  9.  - Mets ton joli Jupon
  10.  - "Entre Les Etoiles"
  11.  - Un moustique tique tique
  12.  - Sœur Sourire The Singing Nun) Dominique 1963
  13.  - Dominique (& lyrics France, English, Espanol). .mp4
  14.  - Mets ton joli jupon
  15.  - Debbie Reynolds - "Dominique" (The Singing Nun)