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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Ancient Rome 🏛️Virtual 3D

Virtual Ancient Rome in 3D
History in 3D
Aerial view, 8 minute flight over the detailed reconstruction
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Our goal is to create the most extensive, detailed and accurate virtual 3D reconstruction of Ancient Rome. 

In this video you can see the whole center of the Etrnal City from the air, as well as other significant areas, such ar Campus Martius, or Trastevere (Transtiberim).
You can see the Forum, Colosseum, imperial Forums (Fori Imperiali), as well as famous baths, theaters, temples and palaces. 

This is the current progress of our project, and as you can see about 40% of all Rome, as it was in IV AD, is already done.
  1. Unbelievable reconstruction, Ancient Rome was an absolutely magnificent City and your recreation helps us realize that!!!
  2. This reconstruction is a magnificent achievement, I can only imagine the hours of painstaking research that went into this video.
  3. A wonderful experience flying over classical Rome. Thank you!
  4. What a labor of love - BRAVO!  Rome is reputed as the most beautiful city that ever will be, and you have summoned it for all time. I'm sure I saw Ovid and Julia Augusti filia hiding just out of sight.
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History in 3D

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