🦎Bearded Dragon
With Wings
Halloween Costume

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The most important things are foam, glue, and a bearded Dragon. After that, scissors or a knife, paper, and pencils. I use carbon paper to make stencils, but if you print out the picture of the wing, you could just as easily use that as a stencil.

Bearded Dragon Wings!
Halloween Costume
Halloween is fast approaching, so I wanted to make a costume for one of my reptiles. I figured Zsasz was the perfect candidate for this, as bearded dragons are known to be pretty laid back about.... well everything. I always see people selling these on Etsy and I finally decided to make my own. It was very cheap, fast, and easy to make, and I thought it turned out pretty cute.
**I watched Zsasz while trying everything on her to be sure she wasn’t stressed. She maintained her normal orange colors during the whole thing, and never once got stress lines, a black beard, or became aggitated. If you’re going to make these for your beardie, or any reptile, be sure to just watch and make sure you’re not stressing them out. Also, definitely don’t leave them on there for too long. :)
**I watched Zsasz while trying everything on her to be sure she wasn’t stressed. She maintained her normal orange colors during the whole thing, and never once got stress lines, a black beard, or became aggitated. If you’re going to make these for your beardie, or any reptile, be sure to just watch and make sure you’re not stressing them out. Also, definitely don’t leave them on there for too long. :)
Go check out the original tutorial if you want an actual tutorial, and not just a sped of version of me making them:
DIY LIZARD WINGS! by Curtis Lasane: https://youtu.be/V3MSKn63p6s
DIY LIZARD WINGS! by Curtis Lasane: https://youtu.be/V3MSKn63p6s
Materials I Used (all available from Walmart, Hobby Lobby, or any craft store):
🦎 🦎 Wings:
🦎 🦎 Wings:
- Foam Sheets
- Elmer’s Glue Stick
- Elastic
- Acrylic Paint
- Paintbrush
- Pen
- Hole Punch
- Stapler (optional)
- Felt Sheets
- Pipe Cleaners
- Hot Glue/Hot Glue Gun
- Dragon Wings - https://patternuniverse.com/download/...
- Fairy Wings - https://i.pinimg.com/originals/53/9d/...
- Hat - https://www.firstpalette.com/tool_box...
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imgur: https://youtu.be/YWa74FSAMbw
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imgur: https://youtu.be/YWa74FSAMbw
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Bearded Dragon with Wings
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Two bearded dragons with strap-on WINGS pose for pictures. The orange reptiles were wearing the cute costumes at a pet show in Bangkok, Thailand, on August 8. They appeared to be just like the mythological dragons - known as lindworm or lindwyrm - that have wings and breathe fire, such as Puff The Magic Dragon or the Welsh Dragon, the national symbol of Wles in the United Kingdon.
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☛Make these now and send me a pic ASAP. ahah I hope you all enjoyed creating wings for you lizard whether that be a bearded dragon, leopard gecko, crested gecko, or something else! Send me your pictures!!
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Bearded Dragon Comes Running
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Bearded Dragon Comes Running
When His Mom Calls Him
Bearded dragon waits so patiently until his mom tells him he can eat his blueberries 💙
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