🐵 Apes 🦍
🦍Animal 🐒 World 🦍
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# | 🙈 Playlist 🦍 Apes 🐵 | Time |
1 | Koko's Tribute to Robin Williams | 4:37 |
2 | Jane Goodall Releases Chimp | 1:30 |
3 | Damian Aspinall's wife Victoria is accepted by wild gorillas | 6:04 |
4 | Man and gorilla's unforgettable reunion after years apart | 11:17 |
5 | Koko the Gorilla Mourns Her Friend, Robin Williams | 2:38 |
6 | Gorilla-Flüsterer by © Raymond Hummy ART Gorilla Whisperer | 2:30 |
7 | Koko meets Mr. Rogers, her favorite celebrity | 0:47 |
8 | Baby Monkey Freaks Out Reuniting with Foster Mom and Dad | 0:57 |
9 | Kanzi the Ape Who Has Conversations with Humans | 6:30 |
10 | Gorilla Learns Sign Language and Reveals what Poachers did to Family | 3:21 |
11 | Gorilla youngster beats chest at mom, instantly regrets it | 2:00 |
12 | Funniest Monkey Annoying Cat Videos Compilation | 3:44 |
13 | Touched by a Wild Mountain Gorilla (short) | 3:24 |
14 | Tense encounter with a Silverback Mountain Gorilla in Rwanda | 2:25 |
15 | Circus monkey cries seeing a friend after a year of separation | 1:20 |
16 | Gorilla Conservation Release | West Africa | The Aspinall Foundation | 3:03 |
17 | Tiny Tansy Aspinall Meets The Gorillas | 1:53 |
18 | Freya Aspinall And Her Special Connection With Gorillas | 0:49 |
19 | Tansy Aspinall And The Gorillas: Reunited At Last! | 4:56 |
20 | Damian Aspinall's Extraordinary Gorilla Encounter on Gorilla School | 4:02 |
21 | Damian Aspinall & Kifu at Howletts Wild Animal Park, Kent | 2:25 |
22 | Monkey Sees A Magic Trick | 0:39 |
23 | Monkeys react to magic | 3:43 |
24 | Gorillas Reunite with Girl, Dad Reunite Who Raised Them | 1:45 |
25 | SMART Chimp Asks Zoo Visitors For Drink | 1:07 |
26 | Little Girl Kyla Plays with and Kisses Baby Gorilla | 1:15 |
27 | Orangutan Kisses Baby | 1:59 |
28 | Quand les Singes réagissent aux tours de magie | 4:15 |
29 | Dying Chimp Says Goodbye To Old Friend | 1:41 |
30 | Mommy 59 ready to die when an old friend pops up | 2:25 |
31 | Elderly Chimpanzee Sick And Dying Recognized Old Friend | 6:00 |
32 | Top 5 Genius Monkeys Caught on Camera | 10:05 |
33 | Top 10 Funny Monkeys Behaving Like Humans | 6:45 |
34 | Emotional Reunion with Chimpanzees | 7:03 |
35 | See How a Lone Chimp Finds Solace With His Human Caretaker | 1:49 |
36 | Chimp Living Alone on an Island For Years Gets A Big Surprise | 3:15 |
37 | Rescued Chimp Won't Stop Holding Hands With New Friend | 1:06 |
38 | Remembering the human side of Koko the gorilla | 2:16 |
39 | Baby Orangutans Learn How to Crack Coconuts | 3:56 |
40 | Koko The Gorilla meets Mr. Rogers - KokoFlix | 1:33 |
41 | Koko, the gorilla, delivered a disturbing message | 3:04 |
42 | Koko's Wish for a Family | 1:55 |
43 | Gorilla Documentary - Gorillas: 98.6% Human | 22:09 |
44 | What Happened To Koko The Talking Gorilla | 7:23 |
45 | Koko the gorilla dead at age 46 | 1:00 |
46 | Koko the Gorilla's From Sign Language to Meeting Mister Rogers | 2:42 |
47 | Un singe a kidnappé un chiot errant | 4:41 |
48 | Loire : ils ont adopté un gorille | 5:21 |
49 | Ils ont adopté un gorille | 4:42 |
50 | Gorilla Jelani tells people to swipe to next picture on phone | 7:41 |
51 | Gorilla Silverback Roututu meets his friend | 1:25 |
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