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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New York City's Central Park

New York City's Central Park
On July 21, 1853, hundreds of acres of land in the center of Manhattan were set aside for parkland, ultimately developed into one of the world's most glorious public spaces. Lee Cowan reports.
CBS Sunday Morning
Jul 23, 2019

“By the spring of 1858, more than three thousand men were busy dredging, clearing, grading, and planting—laboriously remodeling every feature of the rugged landscape,” wrote Ric Burns and James Sanders in New York: an Illustrated History.
“There were German gardeners, Italian stonecutters, and an army of masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, and road-building teams.”
Most of the low-level laborers were Irish and German, “often paid only a dollar a day and drawn, Olmsted said, from the ‘poorest, or what is generally considered the most dangerous, class of the great city’s population.'”

Central Park - Bethesda Terrace
  History of Central Park
👇 VIDEO  👇

Top 15 Things to do in Central Park
Hidden Secrets & More !
What are the Top 15 Things to do in Central Park, one of New York City's most popular destinations? From fishing to sailing model boats, and more.. this list has something for everybody.  Follow it in geographical order for the perfect day ! Make sure to watch all of my NYC Travel Videos linked down below in their playlists.
👇 VIDEO  👇
Central Park in Manhattan
Pedro Nascimento
A thorough look into the heart of New York City, the Central Park in Manhattan.
As it stopped raining as soon as I got to New York I thought I should give a walk and get to know Central Park better. It was about a 8km walk in the Central Park of Manhattan. I started to walk on the left side of Central Park all the way up and came form the left side of Central Park from the left side.
If you are coming to New York City, and you are wondering on what to do in New York City it is a must for you to visit Central Park. There are many things to do including a zoo with loads of animals to a huge lake when you can run around if you feel like doing some workout.
If you don't know what to do in Central Park get a map online and get to know this park, in this video I explain a few interesting facts about the park but there are many more. Manhattan New York city is a beautiful place, if you're around and love parks visit Central Park and you'll be amazed.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Arctic Ice Melt = More Extreme Winters

Arctic Ice Melt 
Could Mean More Extreme Winters
For U.S. And Europe
Posted: 09/12/2012
The record loss of Arctic sea ice this summer will echo throughout the weather patterns affecting the U.S. and Europe this winter, climate scientists said on Wednesday, since added heat in the Arctic influences the jet stream and may make extreme weather and climate events more likely.

The “astounding” loss of sea ice this year is adding a huge amount of heat to the Arctic Ocean and the atmosphere, said Jennifer Francis, an atmospheric scientist at Rutgers University in New Jersey. “It’s like having a new energy source for the atmosphere.” Francis was one of three scientists on a conference call Wednesday to discuss the ramifications of sea ice loss for areas outside the Arctic. The call was hosted by Climate Nexus.

arctic sea ice
The extent of Arctic sea ice on Aug. 26, 2012, the day the sea ice dipped to its smallest extent ever recorded in more than three decades of satellite measurements. The line on the image shows the average minimum extent from the period covering 1979-2010.  Credit: NASA/JPL.

On August 26, Arctic sea ice extent broke the record low set in 2007, and it has continued to decline since, dropping below 1.5 million square miles. That represents a 45 percent reduction in the area covered by sea ice compared to the 1980s and 1990s, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), and may be unprecedented in human history. The extent of sea ice that melted so far this year is equivalent to the size of Canada and Alaska combined.

The loss of sea ice initiates a feedback loop known as Arctic amplification. As sea ice melts, it exposes darker ocean waters to incoming solar radiation. The ocean then absorbs far more energy than had been the case when the brightly colored sea ice was present, and this increases water and air temperatures, thereby melting even more sea ice.

Peter Wadhams, the head of the polar ocean physics group at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., told BBC News on September 6 that the added heat from sea ice loss is equivalent to the warming from 20 years of carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that is causing manmade global warming.

During the fall, when the sun sets once again and the Arctic Ocean begins to refreeze, the heat in the ocean gets released back into the atmosphere. Since the jet stream, which is a corridor of strong winds at upper levels of the atmosphere that generally blows from west to east across the northern mid-latitudes, is powered by the temperature difference between the Arctic and areas farther south, any alteration of that temperature difference is bound to alter the jet stream — with potentially profound implications. It just so happens that the jet stream steers day-to-day weather systems.

Francis published a study last year in which she showed that Arctic warming might already be causing the jet stream to become more amplified in a north-south direction. In other words, the fall and winter jet stream may be getting wavier. A more topsy-turvy jet stream can yield more extreme weather events, Francis said, because weather and climate extremes are often associated with large undulations in the jet stream that can take a long time to dissipate.
“We know that certain types of extreme weather events are related to weather that takes a long time to change,” Francis said.

While there are indications that the jet stream is slowing and may be more prone to making huge dips, or “troughs,” scientists have a limited ability to pinpoint how this will play out in the coming winter season.

“The locations of those waves really depends on other factors,” Francis said, such as El Niño and a natural climate pattern known as the Arctic Oscillation. “I can only say that it’s probably going to be a very interesting winter,” she said.
Francis’ work has linked Arctic warming to the unusually cold and snowy winters of 2009-10 and 2010-11, during which the U.S. East Coast and parts of Europe were pummeled by fierce winter storms and experienced cooler-than-average conditions. The winter of 2011-12 was much milder, by comparison, but Francis said it, too, was consistent with her research. Not all meteorologists agree on the Arctic connection theory, but that may change with time.

Jim Overland, an oceanographer at NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, said the inconsistency of the past three winters doesn’t mean the Arctic connection hypothesis is invalid.

“People like direct causality, [the notion that] if you lose the ice every year it will cause the same effect,” Overland said. But the chaotic nature of the atmosphere means that all that scientists can say with a high degree of confidence is that “the number of [extreme] events somewhere are destined to increase” as a result of rapid Arctic climate change, Overland said.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Real Man’s 👨Point System

👨  Real Man’s Point System   👨
  🙎 How to Deal with women 🙅
#to the bone from the stars my solace
For thousands of years, men have tried to understand the rules when dealing with women.
Finally, this merit / demerit guide will help you to understand just how it works. 
Remember, in the world of romance, one single rule applies:  
Make the Woman Happy
💓  Do something she likes, and you get points
 💔 Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted
😯  You don’t get any points for doing something she expects.


You make the bed:   + 1
You make the bed, but forget to add the decorative pillows:  
= 0
You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets: 
- 1
You leave the the toilet seat up:  - 5
You replace the toilet paper roll when it is empty:  0
When the toilet paper roll is empty, you resort to Kleenex
- 10
When the Kleenex runs out you use the next bathroom:  -
You go out to buy her extra-light panty liners with wings:  + 15
In the snow:
+ 28
But return with beer: 
- 5
And no liners:
- 25
You check out a suspicious noise at night: = 0
You check out a suspicious noise and it is nothing: = 0
You check out a suspicious noise and it is something: + 5
You pummel it with a six iron:  + 10
It’s her cat:  - 40

You stay by her side the entire party: = 0
You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with a College drinking buddy:  - 2
     Named Tiffany:   - 4
  Tiffany is a dancer:  - 10
With breast implants:  - 18
#Gina Lollobrigida from CINEMA


You remember her birthday: = 0
You buy a card and flowers:  = 0
You take her out to dinner:  = 0

You take her out to dinner and it’s not a sports bar… + 1
Okay, it is a sports bar:  - 2
And it’s all-you-can-eat night: 
- 3
It’s a sports bar, its all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colors of your favorite team: 
- 10


#Youtube from CINEMA
Go with a pal:  = 0
The pal is happily married:  + 1
The pal is single:  - 7
He drives a Ferrari:   - 10

With a personalized license plate (GR8NBED):   - 15

#Youtube from CINEMA

You take her to a movie:   + 2
You take her to a movie she likes:  + 4
You take her to a movie you hate:
  + 6
You take her to a movie you like:  - 2
It’s called Death Cop III:   - 3
Which features Cyborgs that eat humans:   - 9
You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans:  - 15

You develop a noticeable pot belly:  - 15
You develop a noticeable pot belly & exercise to get rid of it:  + 10

You develop a noticeable pot belly and resort to loose jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts:  - 30
You say, “It doesn’t matter, you have one too”:  - 800

She asks, “Does this dress make me look fat?”

You hesitate in responding:   - 10
You reply, “Where?”   - 35
You reply, “No, I think it’s your ass”:  - 100
Any other response   - 20

When she wants to talk about a problem...
You listen, displaying a concerned expression… = 0
You listen, for over 30 minutes… + 5
You relate to her problem and share a similar experience… + 50
Your mind wanders to sports and you suddenly hear her saying "Well, what do you think I should do?" -100
You have fallen asleep:  - 200

You talk… - 100
You don’t talk… - 150
You spend time with her… - 200
You don’t spend time with her… - 500
You seem to be enjoying yourself… - 1000

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Art - Metropolitan Museum of Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art


The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met)
A World of Art: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Views of the New Galleries for Greek and Roman Art
A Scholars' Day Workshop: Collecting Byzantine and Islamic Art Part 3
New American Wing: Behind-the-Scenes with Director Thomas P. Campbell
Shuffling the Decks: The New American Wing Balcony Displays
A Third of the World in Three Rooms—Redesigning the Oceanic Galleries
China: West Meets East at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Connections: Survival 
Eternal Ancestors - The Aesthetics of the Reliquary in Central Africa
Gallery  of "Vermeer's Masterpiece: The Milkmaid
Heroic Africans: Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures
Islamic Art by Omer Sensoy
Islamic Art and Culture in the Renaissance—The True Moor of Venice
Picasso in The Metropolitan Museum of Art: A Behind-the-scenes Tour with...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - a place for dreamers
The Tomb of Perneb - Part 1 of 3
The Tomb of Perneb - Part 2 of 3
Vermeer's Masterpiece The Milkmaid: Discreet Object of Desire 


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mozart 🎼 Adagio ✈️Air France Commercial

Air France Commercial
Mozart K488
Mozart: Piano Concerto No.23
In A Major, K 488 Adagio
L'Envol ✈️ Mozart
 Mozart - Piano Concerto 23 K488 Adagio
(Air France commercial 2011)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cuba's 🐟 Isle of Youth

Cuba's Isle of Youth
🐟 🐡 🐟 🐠🐟  🐬 💦
"Sunday Morning" takes us under the sea, at Cuba's Isle of Youth (Isla de la Juventud). Videographer: Ziggy Livnat.
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🐡  🐟 🐠 🐡 🐟 🐠 🐠  🐟  🐟 
🐬 🐠 💦

Upper Austria Timelapse - Ottensheim

Upper Austria Timelapse
Municipality Ottensheim
Material Collected over a Year

Oberösterreich Timelapse - Gemeinde Ottensheim
Jahr Material gesammelt - das Ergebnis nun als Video.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Napping and its Benefits

Napping and its Benefits
How long is a Good Nap?

THE NANO-NAP: 10 to 20 seconds. Sleep studies haven’t yet concluded whether there are benefits to these brief intervals, like when you nod off on someone’s shoulder on the train.

THE MICRO-NAP: two to five minutes. Shown to be surprisingly effective at shedding sleepiness.

THE MINI-NAP: five to 20 minutes. Increases alertness, stamina, motor learning, and motor performance.

THE ORIGINAL POWER NAP: 20 minutes. Includes the benefits of the micro and the mini, but additionally improves muscle memory and clears the brain of useless built-up information, which helps with long-term memory (remembering facts, events, and names).

THE LAZY MAN’S NAP: 50 to 90 minutes. Includes slow-wave plus REM sleep; good for improving perceptual processing; also when the system is flooded with human growth hormone, great for repairing bones and muscles.

Check out this interesting infographic to learn more about napping health benefits, the culture of napping and the famous nappers: 

Sunday, July 21, 2019