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Monday, February 25, 2019

Oscars 2019 Highlights in 8 Minutes

The Entire 2019 Oscars Ceremony
Summarised in 8 Minutes
Maya Rudolph   *   Tina Fay   *   Amy Poler
We’re not your hosts, but we’re going to stand here a little too long so the people who get USA Today will think that we hosted,” Fey said.
So just a quick update for everybody, in case you’re confused, there is no host tonight, there won’t be a popular movie category and Mexico is not paying for the wall” Rudolph added.
“That’s right, and we won’t be doing awards during the commercials, but we will be presenting commercials during the awards,” Poehler said. “So if all the winners could say, ‘Hellmann’s Mayonnaise, we’re on the side of food’ instead of your speeches, that’d be great.

This is your one-stop-shop
for all the night’s highlights, winners, speeches and gags.

Chris Evans Proving Chivalry Isn’t Dead
It was a simple gesture, but fitting for Captain America himself.
Chris Evans Helps Regina King To The Oscars Stage, Proving Chivalry Isn’t Dead.  The “Captain America” star lent the actress a hand when her heel got stuck in her dress as she won her first Oscar.
Chris Evans won people’s hearts for acting like a true gentleman with Regina King during the 91st Academy Awards ceremony on Sunday night.
When it looked like the “If Beale Street Could Talk” actress might lose her balance as she walked up to the stage to accept her first Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, the “Captain America” star came to the rescue.
After King’s name was called as the winner, the 48-year-old actress got her heel stuck in her dress. But Evans, channeling his famous Marvel character, jumped up from his seat and offered her his arm.
Of course, for those who’ve been paying attention, this isn’t the first time Evans has performed the role of courteous usher. In 2015, he escorted the legendary actress Betty White to the stage during the People’s Choice Awards. I mean, look at this gentleman.
 Chris Evans Helps Regina King Onto Oscars 2019 Stage
And Viewers Loved It

Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry
Steal the Show
Adding a welcome dose of levity to the proceedings, Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry went method as they took to the stage to announce the Costume Design winner in full regalia of their own, replete with scattered stuffed bunnies. 
Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry
Present the Oscar for Costume Design

Regina King Accepts the Oscar for Supporting Actress

Friday, February 22, 2019

Washington D.C. - Arlington VA. HD

Washington D.C.
+ Arlington VA.
HD 1080P

Published on Oct 15, 2011
A walking travel tour around Washington D.C. as well as Arlington VA. This is THE city to visit if you're interested in history, culture, politics and much more. The museums are amazing! Please comment, subscribe and share!

The film chronologically progresses from early morning to the small hours of the night, showcasing daily life around Washington D.C.. For those planning on visiting, those who’d like to visit but cannot or those who might be nostalgic and want to re-live their past visits / life there, hopefully this film shall satisfy, time and time again.

Filmed in September 2011.
  • For more information on Washington D.C.:
  • Google Maps: 


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Walk in🌳 Central Park

Walk in Central Park
10 unexpected things getamericas 
Everybody know Central Park in New York, Get Americas reveal you its little secrets, sometimes unknown from general public for a different walk.
A park created by the Man
The 341 hectares of Central Park were conceived during 15 long years by the Man, which makes it the first american park completely conceived. It counts on his own 25 000 trees, 36 little bridges and 9 000 benches.

A park formerly covered of glaciers
The biggest of the glaciers, the Wisconsin Glacier was in Central Park 12 000 years ago, because indeed at this time, the park was ice-covered.

An old past for Central Park
Until 1934, we could again cross sheep having a walk through the park, hence the nickname “Sheap Weadow”. Otherwise, the beautiful grass from this day, “The Great Lawn”, wasn’t previously visible because it was submerged by water having served to supply New York few years ago.

A park rich in culture
In Central Park, we found about thirty sculptures representing poets, writers and fictitious characters, but also the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art containing 2 millions of works of art. We can say that the park abound in cultural treasures.
Now, will you pay a bigger attention on these works?

A park decent of a scenery movie
Central Park is a real star, he made its appearance in more than 240 movies since 1908, which makes it the park the most filmed to the world. It’s also in this park that in 1997 took place one of the concerts the most followed to the world of the country singer Garth Brooks with a public of 980 000 person.

A shelter for spectacular animals
You don’t imagine the number of species of animals which you could cross in having a walk at Central Park ; pigeons, cockroaches, rats, squirrels but also crocodiles. In a time, we said that a caiman lived in one of the lakes of the famous park…

The bear and the millipede
Also in touch with animals, few years ago Central Park welcomed the polar bear Gus, the first bear in captivity to have been put under prozac. On the contrary of this impressive animal, in 2002 we discovered that park sheltered one of the smallest centipedes of the world, measuring approximately 12 millimeters.

Street lamps : their unsuspected meaning
We say of these 1 600 street lamps of the park that they are only here to light at nightfall, but at the risk of surprising you, in the day they are used to a quite different thing. Difficult to find itself in this gigantic park isn’t it? If you don’t know where you are, look at the street lamps, the first 2 numbers indicate the number of the closest street, the other 2 numbers refer to the orientation : the East (even numbers) or West (odd numbers).

A fishing trip ?
From april to october, you will have the possibility to share a fishing trip at Harlem Meer. For it, nothing more simple, enroll you at the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center, a fishing rod will be freely lent to you. But watch out ! Don’t count on your fishing to make your meal, because the captures must be released.

Adopt a bench or a tree
For 10 000$, you could acquire one of the 9 000 benches of the park, by graving your name on it. If time presses you and that you don’t have time to sit, you will always have the possibility to adopt a tree…

And now, will you have a walk in Central Park with the same look as before?

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Why the French 🇫🇷 Don't Understand You 🤔

🇫🇷 Why the French Don't Understand You 🤔    
French people don’t understand you when you speak to them in French
Here are 3 very common pronunciation mistakes that are confusing yet so easy to fix!
👇  📺  👇
Virginie Paradis of French Truly TV
Alain Sandoz: Hello Virginie! I'm an English teacher in... Pelussin! I really appreciate your channel 'cause I can "reverse" it for my pupils. By getting them to know how difficult it is to speak French properly, they pay attention to their own English spelling , grammar and vocabulary. So, many thanks to you!!
Catherine Poirier
:  The trick is to learn the french pronunciation of the vowels (especially E and I) and their different combinations (ai, au, eu, oi, ou...) Once you have mastered them, speaking french comes much more naturaly :)
Jeff Math:  A comment at this point: to my mind, the English language pronunciation is complicated as hell !  Why do have some sylllables to be stressed ?   Why should a single vowel contain two sounds ? (english "a" = é-i ; english "i" = a-i ; english "o" = e-u ; english "u" = i-u) Why the hell should the same vowel sound differently depending on the word and the location inside the word ? Like French people (I am), you English speakers have got troubles with vowels, and that's complicated for the rest of the world !     ;-)
Aindrias Hirt:   There are three main obsticles for English speakers to speak intelligibly in French. The first is that English is a stressed-timed language; French is syllable-timed. So English speakers are timing when they "bark" in an exhalation and French speakers are timing how many syllables they can fit in an exhalation and have a complete thought. So In English you might say, "Dogs chase cats." Each stressed syllable is set about the same time-distance apart. When you add small unstressed syllables, The barking of the three words doesn't change. So you can get, "Some dogs are chasing the cats." So in this sentence, the placement of "Dogs"-"chas"-"cats") is the same as the first sentence. French is more like, "Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam." So English speakers speed up and slow down and bark for no apparent reason when they speak in French because their timing is still in English. The second thing is that for French to make up for this, the language is highly structured in pitch. So the song of French is different than English. The third thing is that the resting place of the languages is very different. This is the dead give away (beside the French /u/). In North American English, the resting/pivot-point is the "Uhhh" sound you say when you don't know what to say. It's in the back of your throat. English speakers always slide back to this point on most unstressed syllables and at the ends of sentences. The French pivot point is the "peu" sound they make when they don't know what to say. This is also said with the back of your tongue up, but the direction of the air flow is almost directed to your top teeth. So if an English native speaker always tried to end every word with "peu" then most mispronunciations can be avoided. So if you say "beauté-um," it sounds wrong, but if you say "beauté-u (French /u/)" you suddenly sound French because the "é" is now in the French place and not the English place.

👇  Bienvenue sur French Truly TV  👇
Want to Become a Little Bit French?                          

Monday, February 18, 2019

Manhattan❤️New York City GlobeTrotterAlpha

Manhattan ❤️ New York City

A technical issue on Youtube's end is causing the video to play for only 15 minutes instead of 3 hours and 40 minutes on most viewing platforms such as mobile phones, tv streamers and even desktops. 
Youtube are aware of the issue and have been trying to fix it. Unfortunately, it's taking much longer than I have hoped to resolve the problem. I'm able to view all of the video on my desktop and am using Google Chrome as my web browser. Many other viewers have been able to view the video on their desktops as well. 
If you have a desktop and cannot view all of the video, try using Chrome. It might work. 
Hopefully, Youtube will fix this problem soon. Sorry for the inconvenience and for the current inability to see the majority of the video. 
Until Youtube fixes the original video, follow the link below for the full video.
It should play on every device:

The film chronologically progresses from early morning to the small hours of the night, showcasing daily life around Manhattan. 
- Early morning up to 10 AM (0:00 - 24:07
- Daytime from 10 AM to 2 PM (24:08 - 1:45:37
- Daytime from 2 PM to 4 PM (1:45:38 - 2:17:49
- Afternoon from 4 PM to sunset (2:17:50 - 3:00:17
- Sunset (3:00:18 - 3:11:01) .
- Evening (3:11:02 - 3:24:42
- Night (3:24:43 - 3:40:33

For those planning on visiting, those who’d like to visit but cannot or those who might be nostalgic and want to re-live their past visits / life there, hopefully this film shall satisfy, time and time again. A person MUST experience the city at least once in their lifetime. Filmed during October 2015. 

Did you like the video? 
Please support the channel through PayPal or Patreon. 
By doing so, more videos can be made more frequently.


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Healthy Eating When You're Sick!

Healthy Eating
When You're Sick!

1. Chicken and other Clear Broth Soups
This one is probably a no-brainer for many of us, since everyone always associates the cold or flu with chicken soup. The reason that soups are so good for you when you’re sick is that they contain lots of fluid and some sodium that restores much of the fluid you lose after being sick. Chicken serves as a good protein, and noodles are great for giving you energy after you’ve been drained from the cold or flu.

2. Toast or Crackers
Although toast or crackers may seem like fairly boring foods, it’s best to consume foods that are bland when your stomach is relatively weak. Paired with soup, toast and crackers can add that perfect crunchiness to a uniformly liquid diet.

3. Bananas
Bananas are great when you’re sick because, like toast, it’s easy to digest. Bananas are also easy to chew and they’re loaded with vitamins and, more importantly, potassium, that will give your immune system a very much needed boost to aid your body as it recovers.

4. Cottage Cheese
You’ve likely lost quite a bit of weight when you’ve been sick, and your muscles are probably sore and emaciated. This is why consuming protein is especially important. Easy-to-eat proteins like cottage cheese and eggs are probably your best choices, simply because your stomach and digestive system won’t be able to handle steak and other tougher sources of protein as easily.

5. Fruits High in Vitamin C
The stronger your immune system is, the faster you’ll recover from a bout of sickness, whether it’s a cold, the flu, a stomach virus, etc. High vitamin C intake is absolutely instrumental in strengthening your immune system. While taking vitamin C supplements is good, it’s much better to get vitamin C straight from the source since your body will absorb it better this way. Fruits are usually the best choice. Some examples include oranges, grapefruits, melons, black currants, strawberries, and cherries.
6. Yogurt
Experts suggest that yogurt may be just the thing you need when you are trying to fight off a cold or flu virus. The probiotics that yogurt contains specifically helps to fight disease and create higher white blood cell count. It’s also packed with protein, needs no preparation, and is easily digested by the stomach.

7. Applesauce

Aside from being an absolutely yummy food that reminds you of your childhood and the comforts of home, applesauce is packed with antioxidants and fiber. It also contains many flavonoids, which act as anti-inflammatory agents. This is especially helpful when you are sick, since anti-inflammation can help ease muscle and joint pain from high fevers and lying down all day.

8. Popsicles
Though it may not sound like something particularly healthy, popsicles can serve as the perfect comfort food, which can ease the pain caused by a sore throat. They will also help you get more fluids in your body, since drinking water, Gatorade, or fruit juice all day can become a bit tiring when you’re drinking all day.

Friday, February 15, 2019

SeaOrbiter by Jacques Rougerie

3D Movie by Jacques Rougerie
Version Française 2013 

SeaOrbiter 3D Movie 
by Jacques Rougerie.
English version

Jacques Rougerie - L'exploration de la vie sous l'eau est notre futur at TEDxCannes
A travers cette intervention passionnée d'un rêveur très pragmatique, Jacques Rougerie nous invite à prendre conscience de l'importance des océans pour notre futur, pour le développement de la société et de l'économie bleue, source d'innovation et de progrès. Il nous présente SeaOrbiter, symbole d'une nouvelle génération de vaisseaux d'exploration maritime, véritable sentinelle des mers.
Humanity and life underwater - what's next?: Jacques Rougerie at TEDxCannes 
French with English subtitlesThrough this passionate talk of a very pragmatic dreamer, Jacques Rougerie invites us to become aware of the importance of the oceans for our future, for the development of the society and the blue economy as the source of innovation and of progress. He presents us SeaOrbiter, symbol of a new generation of vessels of maritime exploration, real sentinel of seas.


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Paris avec des Gratte-ciel Comme à Manhattan

Voilà à quoi Ressemblerait Paris
Si la Ville Avait des Gratte-ciel
Comme à Manhattan
L’architecte Luis Fernandes s’est amusé à réaliser des photomontages en incrustant les immenses buildings de New York sur des images de Paris en noir et blanc, datant du début du XXème siècle.

La plupart de ces anciennes photos illustrent la capitale française dans les années 1900 et 1910. Le Paris de cette époque est marqué par la patte architecturale du baron Haussmann depuis un demi-siècle, ainsi que par l’existence encore fraîche du monument qui en sera son symbole au niveau international : la Tour Eiffel.

Quasiment à la même époque, outre-Atlantique, la Grosse Pomme faisait également l’étalage de sa nouvelle grandeur en se posant comme le berceau des gratte-ciel à l’instar de Chicago. Dès lors, Luis Fernandes, architecte de métier, propose une vue inédite du Paris ancien en y incrustant ces grands buildings. Imaginez l’Empire State Building sur la place de la République ou encore la Seine traversant Central Park.

Voici 15 images des buildings de Manhattan dans Paris:

1 – Le Flatiron Building sur la place de la République

2 – L'Arche de la Défense à côté d'un des ponts de Manhattan

3 – L'Arc de Triomphe en plein Manhattan

4 – Le Woolworth building en face de Notre-Dame de Paris

5 – Central Park en plein Paris

6 – Le Flatiron Building sur l'île de la Cité

7 – Vue du toit de l'Arc de Triomphe

8 – L'Opéra Garnier en plein Manhattan

9 – Si l'Empire State Building était sur la place de la République

10 – Notre-Dame de Paris cerné d'immeubles !

11 – Un immeuble, place de Clichy

12 – Le Flatiron Building sur le boulevard Barbès

13 – Un immeuble qui veut faire de l'ombre à la Tour Eiffel

14 – En face de l'Opéra Garnier

15 – Un immeuble sur la place Saint-Michel

16 - Grand building sur la place de l'Opéra

17 - Sur les Champs Élysées

18 - Sur la rue Soufflot, près du jardin du Luxembourg

19 - Le Flatiron Building sur l'île de la Cité, vu de la Seine

20 - Sur la place de la Concorde
Impressionnant, n’est-ce pas ?

Si le travail de Luis Fernandes vous plaît, vous pouvez aller faire un tour sur son blog tumblr, justement baptisé « Haussmanhattan ».