🤗Need A Hug? 🫂
Go Get One
Today Is National Hug Day!
January 21, 2016 🤗 by Latina Moms Staff
Did you know that today, January 21st, you have the perfect excuse to “officially” hug someone? Yes!
Today is National Hug Day
and now you have a reason to celebrate this cuddly holiday. This day was first celebrated in 1986 in Michigan, and today it is also observed in many other countries. The idea of National Hug Day is to encourage everyone to hug family and friends more often!
The only suggestion we have… ask first... if you are unsure of the response. Otherwise, go for it!
Still skeptical?
Look at these 3 amazing benefits of hugging:
1 - Hugs give you the "fuzzies"
And by that we mean: oxytocin. Hugging stimulates the neurotransmitter responsible for promoting feelings of trust and contentment while lowering stress. And higher oxytocin levels
and frequent hugs between spouses or partners have been linked to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Touch also activates an important part of our brains. By the way, did you see the hug Steve Harvey gave to Miss Colombia as an apology for his mistake during the Miss Universe pageant?
2 - Is good to give and also receive
Give hugs, get hugs, don’t worry about keeping count. Touch has reciprocal benefits, researchers say—a person giving a massage experiences a reduction in stress hormones
equal to the person being massaged, and a person giving a hug gets just as much benefit as the person being hugged. So go ahead an hug away!
3 - You can do it yourself
If you don’t have a loved one nearby, don’t worry. Did you know you can hug yourself and feel better? Experts say it significantly reduces pain. The crossed arms confuse the brain, increasing sensory stimulation and reducing the brain’s capacity for pain signals. Confusing the brain is a method long-used to alleviate pain—rubbing your head when you have a headache is another example. How confusing!

Self-portrait with Her Daughter
by Elisabeth-Louise Vigée Le Brun * Étreinte maternelle
National Hugging Day
National Hugging Day is an annual event dedicated to hugging in the United States. It was created by Kevin Zaborney, a Christian pastor, and occurs annually on January 21. The day was first celebrated in 1986, in Clio, Michigan. The holiday is also observed in many other countries. The idea of National Hug Day is to encourage everyone to hug family and friends more often. Zaborney cautions to ask first if one is unsure of the response, as respecting the personal space of others is always important and some people are not huggers.
Kevin Zaborney is credited with coming up with the idea of National Hugging Day in 1986. It was included in Chase's Calendar of Events; Zaborney's friend at the time was the granddaughter of the proprietors of the publication. He chose January 21st as it fell between the Christmas, New Year's Holidays, Valentine's Day, and birthdays when he found people are generally in low spirits. Zaborney considered that "American society is embarrassed to show feelings in public" and hoped that a National Hugging Day would change that, although he thought that his idea would fail.
Kevin Zaborney is credited with coming up with the idea of National Hugging Day in 1986. It was included in Chase's Calendar of Events; Zaborney's friend at the time was the granddaughter of the proprietors of the publication. He chose January 21st as it fell between the Christmas, New Year's Holidays, Valentine's Day, and birthdays when he found people are generally in low spirits. Zaborney considered that "American society is embarrassed to show feelings in public" and hoped that a National Hugging Day would change that, although he thought that his idea would fail.
Journée internationale des câlins
La journée internationale des câlins est un événement annuel qui se produit le 21 janvier. Le mouvement a été lancé aux États-Unis.
Aux États-Unis, on connaît cet événement sous le nom de National Hug Day ou National Hugging Day, qui se traduit en français par « journée nationale des câlins ». La célébration de cette journée se propage ensuite à d'autres pays tels que l'Australie, le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne ou encore la Pologne et la France, si bien que la journée peut être qualifiée d'internationale. Ce serait un révérend américain du nom de Kevin Zaborney qui aurait instauré cette journée dédiée au câlin en 19861,.
Aux États-Unis, on connaît cet événement sous le nom de National Hug Day ou National Hugging Day, qui se traduit en français par « journée nationale des câlins ». La célébration de cette journée se propage ensuite à d'autres pays tels que l'Australie, le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne ou encore la Pologne et la France, si bien que la journée peut être qualifiée d'internationale. Ce serait un révérend américain du nom de Kevin Zaborney qui aurait instauré cette journée dédiée au câlin en 19861,.
L'idée est d'encourager les personnes d'une même famille ou des amis à se prendre dans les bras quelques secondes, en marque de tendresse. Cette manifestation d'affection serait bonne pour la santé et le moral, en favorisant la sécrétion d'ocytocine. Le choix de cette date hivernale fut motivé par la dépression générale ambiante plus forte à cette période de l'année.
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