🛌 Home Remedies ☕️
For a Sore Throat
Sore Throat & Strep

Sore Throat & Strep
Sore Throat, also known as pharyngitis, is typically a sensation of soreness in the throat. Some features of a sore throat include scratchiness, difficulty or painful swallowing, tonsil swelling, and hoarse voice. This symptom can also be associated with body aches, headaches, fevers, chills, runny nose, nausea and vomiting. Sore throats could be considered an emergency if there is an onset of difficulty breathing, drooling and significant difficulty swallowing.
What causes Sore Throat?
What causes Sore Throat?
- Allergies (Pollen, pet dander, dust or post nasal drip)
- Viruses (common cold, Influenza, Mononucleosis)
- Bacterial infections (Strep throat, upper respiratory infection).
Sore throats abound. Withwinter already dropping temperatures and the inevitable cold symptoms sneaking in, it’s time to stock up on supplies to combat the result of infection, such as the painful sore throat. Over-the-counter medication treats the symptoms, such as a sore throat, but doesn’t aid your body’s defenses in fighting off the infection. Rather than sticking to patent medicines, take an approach that’s gentler on your body while boosting your ability to get well. Try any of these natural remedies.
1. Salt Water For Sore Throats
Although it sounds painful, gargling with warm salt water is actually soothing to a sore throat. The sodium in salt draws moisture out of cells, reducing the swelling of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. This eases the pressure of the swollen tissues, thins mucus and allows your sinuses to drain.
One cup of warm water, preferably around 8 ounces, and a half teaspoon of salt are all that are needed. Heat the water until it’s warm, but not hot, and stir in the salt until it’s dissolved. Gargle thoroughly. Repeat this at least three times a day to prevent the tissues from swelling further.
2. Garlic For Sore Throats
Fresh garlic contains allicin, a natural antibiotic. This helps your body fight further infection, and also reduces the irritation done to your tissues by active germs. As an immune system stimulant, it also helps boost the body’s defenses. Garlic does not have to be specially preserved to maintain its’ properties. Most kitchens can boast a bulb or two of garlic and it’s easily obtained from the grocery store.
A fresh clove- one section, not the entire bulb- cut in half act like cough drops. Tuck one in each cheek and suck on them. There may be initial soreness in the mouth from holding the garlic there; avoid this by shifting the pieces around your gums periodically until you discard the garlic.
3. Cloves For Sore Throats
Containing eugenol- a natural pain killer with antibacterial properties
– cloves have been in medicinal usage for centuries. Dentists in the
19th Century would often prescribe oil of cloves to combat toothache. To
ease a sore throat, clove oil is not recommended as it may cause an
upset stomach.
All that’s needed are several whole cloves, but a glass of water is helpful to keep the oil from accumulating on the tissues and for
hydration. Simply pop a dry clove into your mouth and suck on it until it becomes pliable. Chew the clove like gum. Swallowing the residue is not harmful and you can repeat this as needed to keep your pain level manageable.
4. Sage For Sore Throats
Sage is an amazing herb.
An herb found in almost every kitchen, sage has astringent properties which reduce swelling in tissues. Phenolic acids found in sage are also
known to be antibacterial substances. This readily available herb combines well with salt in order to ease the swelling of a sore throat.
To create a sage gargle, pour one cup (12 oz) of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of sage leaves. You can use either dried or fresh; the effectiveness of the gargle remains the same. Cover and let it steep for twenty minutes. Add one and a half teaspoons of salt, mix until thoroughly dissolved. Gargle as needed.
5. Honey For Sore Throats
The medicinal properties of honey are well known, and it’s one of the first things recommended for feeling sniffly or stuffy- a cup of hot tea with honey.
With antibacterial and antioxidant properties, honey has been used for centuries to treat sore throats and coughs. It calms inflamed membranes without drying out the tissues and inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Honey can be taken as a sweetener with an herbal tea, such as peppermint- for the sinus soothing menthol- or cinnamon for extra antioxidants. It can also be taken alone, mixed with one cup (12 oz) of hot water. Honey may also be used as a cough syrup, taken in teaspoonfuls to ease coughing.
As many natural remedies and treatments for cold symptoms are usually
awaiting in the kitchen, try a quick fix this winter. One quick poke
through the spice cabinet and a whistling kettle can provide relief that
will aid your body in fighting against the germs which caused your

Sore Throat Home Remedies
That Work For Strep Throat and Inflamed Throats
That Work For Strep Throat and Inflamed Throats
Here are a few treatments you can use for immediate relief from a sore throat condition.
- Drink plenty of water and gargle with warm water and salt.
- You could also gargle with the following teas; Thyme, Green, Camomile or Licorice.
- Eat and drink plenty of citrus fruits because they will do you good.
- Other sore throat home remedies are to gargle with lemon juice + salt + honey + 8oz water for 1 min every hour.
- You should also drink a tea made from apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper morning, noon and night.
- Sore throat home remedies are easy and simple to do such as not smoking and avoiding smoky areas. To soothe your strep throat you could use throat lozenges and suck hard boiled sweets and ice popsicles.
Regardless of the cause of your strep throat, your immediate concern when soreness strikes is how to get immediate relief. But if the condition happens a
lot other treatment may be required so keep reading.
If you keep suffering from a sore throat then perhaps you should look to take preventative measures so you will avoid the strep throat condition and won't need to keep taking sore throat home remedies.
If you keep suffering from a sore throat then perhaps you should look to take preventative measures so you will avoid the strep throat condition and won't need to keep taking sore throat home remedies.

More immediate sore throat home remedies.
Strep throat remedy and cure.
is a natural remedy for sore throat pain, strep throat and sore throat
infections and is something to fight the infection in your throat.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and one of turmeric powder and make a thick paste. Turn into small balls and let one disolve in your mouth every 2 hours.
- Natural home remedy using lemon juice, black pepper powder and salt:
- Take 1 tbsp lemon juice. Add ½ tsp black pepper powder. Add ½ tsp salt and mix well. Warm the mixture till it turns lukewarm and drink once a day
- Natural home remedy using black pepper powder, salt and cinnamon powder:
- Take 1 glass hot water and add ½ tsp black pepper powder plus1 tsp salt and ½ tsp of cinnamon powder. Allow it to cool until lukewarm and then gargle with it 2 times a day.
These natural medicines are a combination
pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, so they'll make you feel better
and they'll also reduce some of the swelling associated with a sore
throat and if you have a fever that's also contributing to your
symptoms, they can help reduce that as well.
Sore throat home remedies @ http://homeremediesfornaturalhealth.c...

Sore Throat or Strep Throat?
How to Cure a Sore Throat Instantly
In this video I’m going to share with you my top natural remedies to cure a sore throat. There are four main items that can help you cure a sore throat very fast.
The first product that can help ease your throat is olive leaf extract, which can kill off any bad bacteria and fungus in your body as well as function as an anti-viral.
Secondly, colloidal silver is great for curing a sore throat because it has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral activity in it.
My favorite way to use colloidal silver is through a throat spray. I would recommend using it every 30 minutes if needed.
Sea Salt is the third ingredient I would recommend for curing a sore throat because it has natural soothing effects to the throat when consumed, which naturally treats a sore throat. Start with mixing sea salt and water and gargling this mixture three times a day.
Lastly, using essential oils like lemon, oregano, and peppermint will help cure your sore throat. These three oils are the most effect oils for treating a sore throat. You could also add these oils to your throat spray to make it even more powerful.
In addition to these four natural remedies, getting plenty of rest and consuming a nutritional diet are important. Sleeping 8 + hours is vital to helping your immune system fight your virus and consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, bone broth, and avoiding sugars and grains will help you overcome your sore throat fast.
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