Marching Band
This week, The Ohio State University marching band set its sights on Hollywood, converting blockbuster movies from the silver screen to the playing green. "Superman" gets a nod at 1:20,
"The Lord of the Rings" - Sauron's "Eye" makes an appearance about a minute later, and "Harry Potter" drops in, then hops on his broomstick at 4:59.
"Hollywood Blockbuster Show"
The Lord of The Rings
Pirate And The Caribbean
Harry Potter
At the video's 6 minute mark, the marching band's "Jurassic Park" tribute portrays a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex that walks downfield and eats someone.
But the real special effects don't kick in until 7:27, where the band uses fireworks to recreate a battle between two ships for "Pirates of the Caribbean."
As you'd expect, their accompanying theme music for each movie isn't too shabby, either -- certainly enough to make John Williams proud.
But the real special effects don't kick in until 7:27, where the band uses fireworks to recreate a battle between two ships for "Pirates of the Caribbean."
As you'd expect, their accompanying theme music for each movie isn't too shabby, either -- certainly enough to make John Williams proud.
"Michael Jackson Tribute"