Anal Gland Disease 🐕
A video I think EVERY Pet Parent SHOULD SEE !!!

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by PETS Referral Center on August 11, 2011
What are they?
Anal sacs are two small glands that are found just inside of your
pets anus that contain a foul-smelling material. Prior to domestication,
these glands served the purpose of marking an animals territory, and
could be readily emptied voluntarily. Pets nowadays have largely lost
their ability to empty their sacs on demand, and the process occurs
naturally during normal defecation when firm feces are passed,
lubricating the anal opening in the process. Glands can also
“spontaneously empty” during times of stress or excitement; you can
recognize this has happened if your dog or cat suddenly develops a very
unpleasant odor.
What is the anatomy?
The picture on the left shows the location of normal-appearing anal
glands in the dog; cats’ anal glands are in the same area. The glands
lie beneath the surface of this skin and are not something that you can
visibly see. The picture on the right shows both an inflamed anal gland
as well as a ruptured anal gland (more on this below).
How does it happen?
Anal sacs become impacted when a blockage develops in the duct that
leads from the gland to the anus. At this stage, the gland is generally
swollen and non painful. However, if an infection develops, the area can
then become painful, swollen, and sometimes result in the formation of
an abscess. Main causes for the development of a blockage in the duct
include having a softer stool or diarrhea, allergies that result in
inflammation of the sac and duct, or just plain luck of the genetic
How can I tell if my pets anal sacs are causing a problem?
One of the first things owners often report is a “scooting” behavior,
and they observe their pet dragging its bottom along the floor or
carpeting in an attempt to empty the glands. Some dogs will also lick
the anal area while others will nip and bite at their bottom or chase
their tails. Cats like to present with their own set of signs and
usually just lick the fur off from underneath their tails.
How is it treated?
The following video is a good demonstration on how to express your
pets anal sacs.
This may be considered graphic by some, so please don’t
click “play” if you are easily queasy...
some things are best left to the
In this video we are showing you how to express the anal glands of your dog or your cat.
This is often all that is required to relieve the pet who has blocked glands and a build up of secretions.
How to Express Your Dog's Anal Glands at Home
Veterinarian Recommended Way
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Veterinarian Recommended Way
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Can I express my pets anal glands at home? What if the scooting continues?
Obviously this is not for everyone, but if you feel comfortable in doing so, this is a procedure that can be done at home. It is strongly recommended that you have your veterinarian or groomer demonstrate how to do this for you, for your first time. A second pair of hands up at the front of your dog or cat is helpful to give distracting rubs on the head and praises. A word of caution: expressing incorrectly can cause irritation and lead to further problems so make sure you are able to perform the task correctly.
If the scooting behavior continues more than a couple of days following sac emptying, the glands should be rechecked by your veterinarian. If left unattended, an abscess can develop in the gland and rupture through the skin of the rectal region. Oftentimes, a ruptured anal sac abscess if often mistaken for rectal bleeding. If treated early, anal sac abscesses are generally treated with antibiotics, pain medications and warm compressing the area at home.
Another important reason to have your pet examined by your
veterinarian if scooting continues is that there could also be other
causes of this behavior such as allergies, parasites, or even referred
back pain.
How To Recognise Anal Gland Problems In Your Dog
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What a stuff of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious knowledge
on the topic of unpredicted feelings.
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