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The latest trend to send the internet into hysteria are cinemagraphs – the cleverly designed GIF files that bring a still image to life. The images are seen on a continuous motion, but include a small video on a loop to make a part of the picture move. Many of these creations have gone viral, due to their popularity on social media sites like Buzzfeed and Facebook.
Cinemagraphs can range from anything, be it an iconic film scene
or a bit of cookery in the kitchen.
Some Examples:
The Running Hamster
The perfect piece of street graffiti to turn into a cinemagraph. The hamster is drawn on a stop sign, making it as if it is in a wheel. With the rest of the street setting frozen, the hamster moves in a running movement.
Pulp Fiction
Being one of the most iconic films of all time, there is no surprise a cinemagraph has been made. The image is the original film posters showing Mia Wallace laying on a bed enjoying a cigarette, with the only movement coming from smoke moving up the GIF.
Pouring Wine
Everyone enjoys a glass of vino after a long day at the office and this cinemagraphic is one of the most viral. The wine can be seen coming out of the bottle, but shows no impact on the glass.
BODYPAINTING DAY is a public art event produced by Human Connection Arts in which a select group of talented artists paint on the bodies of nude models over a 4 hour period in full public view.
WHY? Creating impactful public art events that enable free artistic expression, body acceptance and human connection through art.
The ARTISTS share their voice with the public. So often, the artists skills are in full view, but their voices are hidden, promoting a product or focusing on sales.
Bodypainting Day
is a non-commercial event that focuses on the artists voice. This year’s theme “Humanity” challenges artists to seek what is on the inside of
their model to inspire a painting on the outside.
Bodypainting Day gives MODELS the
opportunity to embrace themselves and to use their bodies to become living art. Unlike what people might expect from a body painting event, the models are ordinary people, ranging in age, size and gender. Models take great pride standing in public as they are. By holding the event as a full nude event, we remove the shame often associated with our bodies and show the distinction between nudity and sexuality. And the PUBLIC gets to see all types of bodies, which is rare in itself, but is especially important since the perception of the human form is twisted by advertising and the media, which is the source of anxiety for so many of us. It is also an opportunity to see in person, the artistic process of many artists all at once, each with their own unique approach. And most importantly, it’s an opportunity to connect with each other through art.
Bodypainting Day is founded by artist
Andy Golub, who has been painting bodies in the public streets of NYC since 2007.
Bodypainting Day started in 2014 in New York City.
In 2015, Bodypainting Day added the city of Amsterdam.
Bodypainting Day is a natural progression of Andy Golub‘s art. Before Andy ever painted on a nude body, he painted many objects including rocks, hats, tables, cars and mannequins.
The various shapes inspired art that he never would have created on a flat canvas. These paintings were collaborations with the object
Andy began painting bodies in 2007 and it took his work to a new level. Now that the objects were actually alive,
Andy could connect with the model’s personality as well as their form to help inspire the art. After a series of studio shoots, it seemed only natural to Andy to share this unique process with the public.
In 2009, Andy was kicked out
of Times Square while painting a male and female model, wearing G-strings. Andy didn’t know what his legal rights were, so he contacted civil rights attorney, Ron Kuby. Kuby explained that not only was his work legal, but it would still be legal even if the models were completely nude.
Kuby advised Andy that there remains the possibility of arrest, albeit a false one. After a week of serious contemplation, Andy was resolved that he would no longer back down to police for his body painting, even if it meant the risk of arrest.
The first time that Andy painted fully nude models was in 2011.
After several hours of painting, police arrested him along with his two female models. They spent over 25 hours in jail. Coincidentally, Andy had an interview with the New York Post the following day. Andy’s art and arrest became a big NYC news story.
One month later, the NYC legal department informed Kuby that despite the earlier arrest, that it was in fact legal for Golub to paint fully nude models in public. Kuby informed the city of Andy’s next scheduled body painting. Although police were instructed not to arrest, model Zoe West was taken away in handcuffs anyway! West, later received $15,000 in a settlement with the city.
In 2011, as charges against Andy were dismissed, the District Attorney warned him that full nude body painting would only be tolerated at night. There was no legal basis for this restriction. In the summer of 2013, with the help of the New York Civil Liberties Union,
the nighttime-only restriction was rescinded. The city acknowledged that Andy could paint fully nude men or women, day or night, on any
public street of New York City.
In 2013, Andy was busy. He painted models in Times Square outside of the Apple Store, the Guggenheim Museum, a group of 10 models on Broadway, which landed him as the subject of David Letterman’s Top Ten List.
Other body painters began approaching Andy about painting together, so he decided to make a NYC Bodypainting Day. Young Naturists America helped organize the event along with body painter Craig Tracy.
The event celebrated the unique art form of body painting, freedom of artistic expression and freedom of artistic nudity in New York City.
In 2014, 30 artists from around the country painted 40 fully nude models in
the public streets at Columbus Circle. In 2015, the event doubled in size and was expanded to the city of Amsterdam. 2016 promises to be even
bigger with some new cities on the horizon.
AWAKEN is a feature documentary film from director Tom Lowe exploring humanity's relationship with technology and the natural world.
Shot over a 5-year period in more than 30 countries, the film pioneers new time-lapse, time-dilation, underwater, and aerial cinematography techniques to give audiences new eyes with which to see our world. AWAKEN is a celebration of the spirit of life, an exploration of the Earth, and an ode to the Cosmos..
Trailer for Awaken, a Documentary That Brings Together Breathtaking Footage From Over Thirty Countries
Here is the first trailer for the feature length documentary film AWAKEN,
a work that beautifully observes the simple and complex relationships
that humans from all over the world have developed with technology and
the natural environment. Shot over the course of the five years, the
film tracks the ceremonies, private moments, and daily rituals of
citizens from over thirty countries, capturing each instance with
beautiful panning shots or captivating time lapse visuals.
AWAKEN was directed, shot, edited, and produced by Tom Lowe, who previously created the short film Timescapes, and is set to open next year. (via Kottke)
When the heat is on, these plants of myth and legend bring their magic to the Conservatorycourtyard pools.
People have long appreciated the
beauty and resilience of aquatic plants. The sacred lotus, Nelumbo
nucifera, symbolizes eternal life in Buddhism. Preserved petals of water
lilies have been found in 3,000-year-old Egyptian tombs. When the heat
is on, these plants of myth and legend bring their magic to the Conservatorycourtyard
pools. Water lilies and lotus in brilliant yellow, pink, purple, and
even blue float serenely next to waving grasses and reeds. Dominating
the tropical pool is the Victoria amazonica, the world’s largest water
lily, whose leaves can span seven-feet across.
Generous support for the Water Lily Concert Series and Water Lilies & Lotus: An Aquatic Exhibition has been provided by Vivian and Edward Merrin.
The New York Botanical Garden is an iconic living museum, a major educational institution, and a renowned plant research and conservation organization. Founded in 1891 and now a National Historic Landmark, it is one of the greatest botanical gardens in the world and the largest in any city in the United States, distinguished by the beauty of its diverse landscape and extensive collections and gardens, as well as by the scope and excellence of its multidisciplinary exhibitions and programs.
Take Metro-North
The N.Y.B.Garden
New York’s other botanical garden (with Brooklyn Botanic Garden), offers 250 acres of natural beauty not often available in New York City. The famous 1890’s Haupt Conservatory is a major attraction at the garden, a wrought-iron framed “crystal-palace style” greenhouse originally designed by Lord & Burnham. An institutional member of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this leading research facility also houses 50 separate gardens including its crowd-pleasing Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden, and a 50-acre Forest. Generally closed Mondays.
Situé dans le quartier du Bronx, le jardin botanique de New York est un endroit fabuleux. Avec plus de 97 hectares de terrain, ce lieu permet à chacun de s'évader un instant du tumulte de la Grosse Pomme.
L'un des premiers jardins botaniques à avoir vu le jour aux USA, il a été inauguré le 28 avril 1891, sur des terrains ayant appartenus à des magnats du tabac, la famille Lorillard. Différents laboratoires se sont développés et certains comptent parmi les plus réputés. On pourra notamment citer le Pfizer Plant Research Laboratory qui travaille sur les gênes et l'ADN des plantes et comment appliquer ces découvertes à l'industrie pharmaceutique.
Une cinquantaine de jardins différents permet aux visiteurs de s'immerger dans des environnements totalement différents. Un bout de la forêt originelle qui recouvrait New York a ainsi été préservée. Traversée par la rivière Bronx et son canyon, elle sera le lieu idéal pour une promenade en famille. Des chutes d'eau, un jardin japonais, un jardin de roses en mémoire à Peggy Rockefeller, le moulin à tabac de la famille Lorillard et bien d'autres lieux uniques sont également présents dans le New York Botanical Garden. L'imposante bibliothèque du domaine recense plus de 50 000 ouvrages. Construite en 1899, elle est considérée comme étant la plus grande et la plus fournie des bibliothèques centrées sur la botanique aux Etats Unis. C'est également dans ce bâtiment que des herbiers particulièrement fournis en fleurs et plantes du monde entier sont conservés.
Autre monument imposant du jardin botanique new yorkais, l'Enid A. Haupt Conservatory est une serre en fer forgé, construite en 18990, permettant de conserver des espèces délicates.
Aujourd'hui, et ce depuis 1967, le jardin botanique du Bronx est inscrit sur la liste des monuments historiques nationaux. Des centaines de milliers de visiteurs s'y pressent chaque année pour découvrir les plantes mais également profiter des expositions temporaires, comme par exemple celle très attendue au moment de Noël.