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Monday, March 31, 2014
Amazing Water & Sound Experiment
Amazing Water & Sound
"Ever since I created the first version of this video a year ago I've
been wanting to try it again with more water and better lighting /
footage. This is a really fun project and when you first see the
results, chances are your jaw will drop.
The main thing to keep in mind
for this project is that you need a camera that shoots 24 fps."
effect that you are seeing can't be seen with the naked eye. The effect
only works through the camera. However, there is a version of the
project you can do where the effect would be visible with the naked eye.
For that project, you'd have to use a strobe light.
For this project you'll need:
- A powered speaker
- Water source
- Soft rubber hose
- Tone generating software
- 24 fps camera
- Tape.
the rubber hose down past the speaker so that the hose touches the
speaker. Leave about 1 or 2 inches of the hose hanging past the bottom
of the speaker. Secure the hose to the speaker with tape or whatever
works best for you. The goal is to make sure the hose is touching the
actual speaker so that when the speaker produces sound (vibrates) it
will vibrate the hose.
Set up your camera and switch it to 24 fps. The higher the shutter speed the better the results. But also keep in the mind that the higher your shutter speed, the more light you need. Run an audio cable from your computer to the speaker. Set your tone generating software to 24hz and hit play.Turn on the water. Now look through the camera and watch the magic begin. If you want the water to look like it's moving backward set the
frequency to 23hz. If you want to look like it's moving forward in slow motion set it to 25hz.
Have fun!
Set up your camera and switch it to 24 fps. The higher the shutter speed the better the results. But also keep in the mind that the higher your shutter speed, the more light you need. Run an audio cable from your computer to the speaker. Set your tone generating software to 24hz and hit play.Turn on the water. Now look through the camera and watch the magic begin. If you want the water to look like it's moving backward set the
frequency to 23hz. If you want to look like it's moving forward in slow motion set it to 25hz.
Have fun!
Facebook. (click LIKE on Facebook to add him)
It's not levitation, (if you look half way though the video above), you can
see the hose is vibrating ever so slightly, resulting in the water
coming out in a wave pattern too fast fro the eye to comprehend. Kind of
like how a wheel appears to stop turning or turn backwards at high
Saturday, March 29, 2014
The Age of Innocence and the influence of Impressionism
The Age of Innocence (1993)
The Influence of Impressionism

The Influence of Impressionism
The Age of Innocence (1993)
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Beloved New York City Places That Don't Exist Anymore
Beloved New York City Places
That Don't Exist Anymore
There's a lot to love about New York City today: A flood of new,
ambitious architecture, refurbished river-fronts, miles and miles of
additional bike lanes and recently launched parks like the High Line.
New York is constantly evolving and changing.
Yet we can't help
but mourn for yesterday's New York. So many historic spots have vanished
in the eternal march of progress. Here's a few we miss:
The Original Penn Station
The original Pennsylvania Station was torn down in 1963 due to financial problems and replaced with a squat, hideous train station that's almost universally despised.
The brutal demolition of such a beautiful, historic piece of
architecture was a huge embarrassment for the city. As a result New York
established the Landmarks Preservation Commission, which was tasked
with saving the city's historic landmarks and avoiding further debacles.
CBGB was once much more than just a T-shirt logo .
The iconic music club is recognized for its key role in the 1970s and
1980s NYC punk scene and hosted everyone from Patti Smith to the
Ramones. The spot closed in 2006 and the space is now home to a high-end clothing store.
The Hippodrome
Once billed as the world’s largest theater,
the Hippodrome on Manhattan’s West Side was big enough to allow more
than 1,000 actors to perform at the same time -- including famous
magician Harry Houdini. The theater also boasted an 8,000 gallon water
tank that could be raised for diving and swimming shows, before closing
in 1939 in part due to the Depression and the increasingly popular movie
The Artist Apartments
Above Carnegie Hall
Above the historic concert hall, Carnegie Hall Towers once provided
affordable housing to dancers, photographers, poets and musicians.
Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Marlon Brando and Grace Kelly once hung out
there, but the building's last remaining residents were pushed out in 2010 to create more rehearsal space.
Claremont Riding Academy
Until 2007, this stable gave just about anyone
the chance to go horseback riding in Central Park, where the paths were
designed with horses in mind. While a new stable has been built as a
home for police horses, arranging a horseback ride in the park is now
much more complicated.
Studio 54
In the late 1970s, Studio 54 became the city’s hottest night spot drawing countless celebrities like Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger and Woody Allen. Like all good parties, it had to end, however, and shut down after just three years.
The Gaslight Cafe
Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen
all performed at this basement cafe that became synonymous with the
beat generation until closing in 1971. A tattoo parlor now sits above
the old location at 116 Macdougal Street.
Old Waldorf-Astoria
Built in the 1890s, the original Waldorf-Astoria raised the bar for what a hotel could be.
In 1929 the original location was sold to the developers of the Empire
State Building and the hotel moved to a new location uptown.
The Sheep Meadow
(When It Actually Had Sheep)
Before it hosted throngs of sunbathing New Yorkers,
the Sheep Meadow in Central Park was home to grazing sheep.
November 19, 2013, will go down in history as a sad day for graffiti enthusiasts. 5pointz in Queens, once one of the largest spaces for graffiti artists to legally work in the city,
was whitewashed overnight erasing graffiti works by some 1,500 artists.
The abandoned factory, which once served as the artists' canvas, will
be torn down to make room for luxury apartments.
Brooklyn Navy Yard
While the
site of the original Brooklyn Navy Yard remains, it hasn't been in use
as a shipyard since 1966. Originally established by President John Adams
in 1801, the shipyard was used to build
merchant vessels. It's now home to a number of things including a movie
studio, which is where the TV shows "Girls" and "Boardwalk Empire" are
Starlight Park
In the early 1900s, the Bronx had its very own version of Coney Island called Starlight Park. The amusement park featured a roller coaster, large swimming pool and hosted free concerts before shutting down in 1932. One frequent visitor described the park as a “blue-collar country club,” in a letter to the New York Times. In 2013, Starlight reopened as a pedestrian park.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Massive Storm
Massive Storm
Happening off the Coast
of New England
Source: earth; GIF: Brett Brownell
There is a "hurricane strength" storm happening off the East Coast right now. Wind speeds
have reportedly reached 80 mph in New England and 119 mph in the Gulf
of Maine.
Judging by its wind field—the three-dimensional pattern of
winds—the storm could be as much as four times as powerful as Superstorm Sandy. Fortunately, this week's storm only grazed the East Coast (though Cape Cod and Nantucket did see damage).
Using Cameron Beccario's interactive weather visualization map, you can get a sense of what wind like that actually looks like.
According to the Weather Channel, it looks like the storm is going to calm and slow tonight. So, everybody for the most part lucked out.
Click on links blow for amazing views of storms !!
A visualization of global weather conditions
forecast by supercomputers
updated every three hours
Ocean surface current estimates
updated every five days
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Earth From Space
Earth From Space

The groundbreaking two-hour special that reveals a spectacular new space-based vision of our planet. Produced in extensive consultation with NASA scientists, NOVA takes data from earth-observing satellites and transforms it into dazzling visual sequences, each one exposing the intricate and surprising web of forces that sustains life on earth
Life in The Universe
Earth's Magnetic Shield
Friday, March 14, 2014
Inside the Animal Mind
Can Dogs Tell the Time?
Inside the Animal Mind
Episode 1- BBC Two
The 'Inside the Animal Mind' team rig a house with cameras for a week to test a theory: that dogs use their sense of smell to keep track of time.
Inside The Animal Mind
Season 01 Episode 02
Are Crows the Ultimate Problem Solvers?
Inside the Animal Mind
Episode 2 - BBC Two
Programme website:
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Science & Technology
Reasons Why A Dog Will Make Your Life So Much Better
Reasons Why A Dog
Will Make Your Life
So Much Better
When alpine ski racer Lindsey Vonn found out she would have to miss the Sochi Winter Olympics in order to get knee surgery, she was naturally super bummed out. So what did she do to make herself feel better? She adopted a dog.
Leo seems like a very logical mood-booster. Anyone who owns and loves a dog knows it becomes hard to live without their consistent and utter devotion to you. And even though they may love you at least partially because they literally rely on you to do things like eat, it is a two-way road when you own a dog. You may keep them alive by feeding and taking care of them, but they are also taking care of you.
Numerous studies have shown that owning a dog benefits a person's physical and mental well-being. So read up, and then go thank your pup for making your life so much better.
*1. You are also getting a walk when you take your dog out.*
Sometimes it may seem like such a nuisance (especially in these colder months), but walking your dog helps you stay more active than people who do not have to walk the dog. A 2006 Canadian study found that dog owners were more likely to participate in moderate physical activity than those who did not own a dog. They walked an average of 300 minutes per week, compared with non-dog owners, who walked an average of 168 minutes per week.
*2. Dogs can strengthen the bonds between humans.*
A recent study at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University found that people who have strong connections to their pets also have social and relationship benefits. The researchers surveyed 500 18- to 26-year-olds and found that those who had "strong attachment to pets reported feeling more connected to their communities and relationships." They also found that the more attached a person was to an animal as a teenager and young adult, the more empathetic and confident he or she was.
*3. Some dogs can detect if you have cancer or not.*
A black lab named Marine could save your life. The specially trained eight-year-old dog can detect when a person has colorectal cancer 91 percent of the time just by sniffing the person's breath. And if she smells stool, she can detect whether the person has colorectal cancer with 97 percent accuracy. It is estimated that a dog's sense of smell is up to a million times better than a human's.
*4. Dogs can also help make sure you do not eat things you are allergic to.*
Pups trained at the Florida Canine Academy can smell even the slightest hint of peanut in a room. This comes especially handy for people who have intense peanut allergies. These dogs are so good that they can detect peanuts in a cookie or in a candy bar that is wrapped in a lunch bag. In Texas, a place called "Southern Star Ranch" provides trained dogs to people who are suffering with severe peanut allergies. One grateful testimonial tells the story of a family with a son who was so severely allergic to peanuts that he had to be home-schooled and could only have highly supervised play dates. When he was nine, the family took in Remy, a peanut-detecting dog, who the family swears has a "college-educated mind." The dog detects peanuts before their son comes in contact with them, and now the family enjoys greater freedom.
*5. Just looking at your dog will make you feel happier.*
A 2009 study by Miho Nagasawa of Azabu University in Japan found that one's level ofoxytocin (the neurohormone that elicits feelings of happiness) rose intensely after interacting with their dogs. And the only interaction they needed was to stare into their dog's eyes. Those who looked longer into their dog's eyes had the bigger dose of oxytocin. Fun fact: A dog's willingness to meet eyes with humans is one of the things that separates them from wolves.
*6. A dog's face could bring out the caretaker in you.*
Homans writes that Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, speculated that a dog's face could possess an "infant schema"-- meaning that its "high forehead, big eyes, short snout and floppy ears might have evolved to take advantage of human's innate responses." The features are known as "social releasers" and can elicit a human caregiver's response.
*7. Dogs seriously calm you down in high-stress situations.*
Karen Walker, a psychology professor at the University of Buffalo, performed a series of tests that proved dogs help reduce people's everyday stress. She wired volunteers to blood-pressure monitors and had them count rapidly backwards by threes from a four-digit number (a task that seems simple, but is actually pretty challenging. Just try it.) She found that the subject's stress response was significantly lower if there was a dog in the room. In his book, Homans also cites a Japanese study that found elderly people who regularly walk a dog have enhanced heart rate variability, which is associated with stress reduction.
*8. They help us recover psychologically from a crisis.*
Dogs have been proven to help the recovery process of soldiers going through post-traumatic stress disorder. One army veteran, Robert Soliz, a former army specialist who served in Baghdad, found that engaging with dogs in a program called "Paws for Purple Hearts" helped him get his life back to the way it was before he left for war. When he returned, Soliz was so traumatized that he could not show any affection and struggled to even hug his kids. After spending six weeks with a golden retriever, Soliz began to feel more comfortable with his family.
*9. Your dog could help prevent your child from developing eczema. *
In 2010, a study found that children who were allergic to dogs but lived with at least one of them during their first year of life had a lower risk of developing the chronic skin condition eczema by age four. Interestingly, the complete opposite is true for cat ownership. Researchers found that children with cat allergies were 13 times more likely to develop eczema if they lived with a cat within their first year.
*10. Your pooch could be your cure for loneliness.*
Loneliness is common among the elderly. Studies have shown that in people 60 years of age and older, owning a dog (or a cat) was four times less likely to be diagnosed as clinically depressed "The Waltham Book of Human-Animal Interactions: Benefits and Responsibilities" cites a study on medical visits by elderly people. The study proved that, compared with non-owners, pet owners made fewer medical visits over the course of a year.
*11. Your dog will force you to be social, for better or for worse.*
When you own a dog, you are forced to interact with people because you have to walk that dog in public. People are more likely to stop and say hello to you because you have a cute pup bouncing alongside you. In some cases, these interactions could change the rest of your life. Take the case of 71-year-old Emma Cooper, who had been living alone for eight years after her husband died. She told Psychology Today
"I was out walking Surrey, my cocker spaniel and this man stopped to give him a pat. He seemed like a nice man and told me that he used to have a blonde cocker spaniel just like Surrey. We started to talk about living with dogs and then stopped for a cup of coffee. Well one thing led to another and Bill and I are getting married next month--as soon as we can find a clergyman who is willing to let a dog stand in as the best man!"
*12. One study found that owning a dog could make you more attractive to potential love matches.*
According to a study conducted by Dog's Trust, the United Kingdom's largest dog welfare charity, when they surveyed 700 people, 60 percent said that owning a dog can make people more attractive, while 85 percent think people are more approachable when they are with a dog. Even more, it could matter what kind of dog you own. In a survey by mobile pet app Klooff, certain dog breeds are more likely to attract members of the opposite sex than others Men noted that they judged women with Chihuahuas as dumb, hot and easy; while women said they viewed men with bulldogs as one-night-stands. However, women really like men who owned Labrador or golden retrievers.
*13. A dog makes us appreciate the simple things in life.*
Homans presents one of the best arguments for why a dog is a great asset to one's life: The dog "takes us back to simpler modes of interaction. "Homans writes, "In a world of email and texting and video conferencing, a relationship with a dog is unmediated by technology."
Leo seems like a very logical mood-booster. Anyone who owns and loves a dog knows it becomes hard to live without their consistent and utter devotion to you. And even though they may love you at least partially because they literally rely on you to do things like eat, it is a two-way road when you own a dog. You may keep them alive by feeding and taking care of them, but they are also taking care of you.
Numerous studies have shown that owning a dog benefits a person's physical and mental well-being. So read up, and then go thank your pup for making your life so much better.
*1. You are also getting a walk when you take your dog out.*
Sometimes it may seem like such a nuisance (especially in these colder months), but walking your dog helps you stay more active than people who do not have to walk the dog. A 2006 Canadian study found that dog owners were more likely to participate in moderate physical activity than those who did not own a dog. They walked an average of 300 minutes per week, compared with non-dog owners, who walked an average of 168 minutes per week.
*2. Dogs can strengthen the bonds between humans.*
A recent study at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University found that people who have strong connections to their pets also have social and relationship benefits. The researchers surveyed 500 18- to 26-year-olds and found that those who had "strong attachment to pets reported feeling more connected to their communities and relationships." They also found that the more attached a person was to an animal as a teenager and young adult, the more empathetic and confident he or she was.
*3. Some dogs can detect if you have cancer or not.*
A black lab named Marine could save your life. The specially trained eight-year-old dog can detect when a person has colorectal cancer 91 percent of the time just by sniffing the person's breath. And if she smells stool, she can detect whether the person has colorectal cancer with 97 percent accuracy. It is estimated that a dog's sense of smell is up to a million times better than a human's.
Pups trained at the Florida Canine Academy can smell even the slightest hint of peanut in a room. This comes especially handy for people who have intense peanut allergies. These dogs are so good that they can detect peanuts in a cookie or in a candy bar that is wrapped in a lunch bag. In Texas, a place called "Southern Star Ranch" provides trained dogs to people who are suffering with severe peanut allergies. One grateful testimonial tells the story of a family with a son who was so severely allergic to peanuts that he had to be home-schooled and could only have highly supervised play dates. When he was nine, the family took in Remy, a peanut-detecting dog, who the family swears has a "college-educated mind." The dog detects peanuts before their son comes in contact with them, and now the family enjoys greater freedom.
*5. Just looking at your dog will make you feel happier.*
A 2009 study by Miho Nagasawa of Azabu University in Japan found that one's level ofoxytocin (the neurohormone that elicits feelings of happiness) rose intensely after interacting with their dogs. And the only interaction they needed was to stare into their dog's eyes. Those who looked longer into their dog's eyes had the bigger dose of oxytocin. Fun fact: A dog's willingness to meet eyes with humans is one of the things that separates them from wolves.
Homans writes that Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, speculated that a dog's face could possess an "infant schema"-- meaning that its "high forehead, big eyes, short snout and floppy ears might have evolved to take advantage of human's innate responses." The features are known as "social releasers" and can elicit a human caregiver's response.
*7. Dogs seriously calm you down in high-stress situations.*
Karen Walker, a psychology professor at the University of Buffalo, performed a series of tests that proved dogs help reduce people's everyday stress. She wired volunteers to blood-pressure monitors and had them count rapidly backwards by threes from a four-digit number (a task that seems simple, but is actually pretty challenging. Just try it.) She found that the subject's stress response was significantly lower if there was a dog in the room. In his book, Homans also cites a Japanese study that found elderly people who regularly walk a dog have enhanced heart rate variability, which is associated with stress reduction.
*8. They help us recover psychologically from a crisis.*
Dogs have been proven to help the recovery process of soldiers going through post-traumatic stress disorder. One army veteran, Robert Soliz, a former army specialist who served in Baghdad, found that engaging with dogs in a program called "Paws for Purple Hearts" helped him get his life back to the way it was before he left for war. When he returned, Soliz was so traumatized that he could not show any affection and struggled to even hug his kids. After spending six weeks with a golden retriever, Soliz began to feel more comfortable with his family.
*9. Your dog could help prevent your child from developing eczema. *
In 2010, a study found that children who were allergic to dogs but lived with at least one of them during their first year of life had a lower risk of developing the chronic skin condition eczema by age four. Interestingly, the complete opposite is true for cat ownership. Researchers found that children with cat allergies were 13 times more likely to develop eczema if they lived with a cat within their first year.
*10. Your pooch could be your cure for loneliness.*
Loneliness is common among the elderly. Studies have shown that in people 60 years of age and older, owning a dog (or a cat) was four times less likely to be diagnosed as clinically depressed "The Waltham Book of Human-Animal Interactions: Benefits and Responsibilities" cites a study on medical visits by elderly people. The study proved that, compared with non-owners, pet owners made fewer medical visits over the course of a year.
*11. Your dog will force you to be social, for better or for worse.*
When you own a dog, you are forced to interact with people because you have to walk that dog in public. People are more likely to stop and say hello to you because you have a cute pup bouncing alongside you. In some cases, these interactions could change the rest of your life. Take the case of 71-year-old Emma Cooper, who had been living alone for eight years after her husband died. She told Psychology Today
"I was out walking Surrey, my cocker spaniel and this man stopped to give him a pat. He seemed like a nice man and told me that he used to have a blonde cocker spaniel just like Surrey. We started to talk about living with dogs and then stopped for a cup of coffee. Well one thing led to another and Bill and I are getting married next month--as soon as we can find a clergyman who is willing to let a dog stand in as the best man!"
*12. One study found that owning a dog could make you more attractive to potential love matches.*
According to a study conducted by Dog's Trust, the United Kingdom's largest dog welfare charity, when they surveyed 700 people, 60 percent said that owning a dog can make people more attractive, while 85 percent think people are more approachable when they are with a dog. Even more, it could matter what kind of dog you own. In a survey by mobile pet app Klooff, certain dog breeds are more likely to attract members of the opposite sex than others Men noted that they judged women with Chihuahuas as dumb, hot and easy; while women said they viewed men with bulldogs as one-night-stands. However, women really like men who owned Labrador or golden retrievers.
*13. A dog makes us appreciate the simple things in life.*
Homans presents one of the best arguments for why a dog is a great asset to one's life: The dog "takes us back to simpler modes of interaction. "Homans writes, "In a world of email and texting and video conferencing, a relationship with a dog is unmediated by technology."
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