The Web Museum was created by Nicolas Pioch, an enthusiast, in 1994, and is an archive of several thousand artistic works by more than 300 artists from Europe and, to a lesser degree, the United States and Japan. Spanning the period between the 13th century (Gothic) and the present, the collection offers a reasonably comprehensive selection of the paintings of the major artists in Europe. Only a few scattered examples of work beyond paintings or sketches are available here.
The collection is arranged both alphabetically by author and thematically (Gothic, Romanticism, Impressionism). Each artist’s page typically contains 8 to 10 images from his or her work presented as thumbnails that can then be enlarged. More famous or popular artists such as Vincent van Gogh have as many as 100 images available. Each artist’s page includes a biography of variable length that highlights his or her contribution to the history of European art and important moments of the artist’s life. Biographies also contextualize the artist’s work within the events of the artist’s life and prevailing artistic trends. Many of the individual images include 100- to 200-word descriptions of the particular work.

- Europe:
- Norway: (Thanks to Evert Meulie!)
- Italy:
- England: Southern Records (London)
- Hungary: József Attila University, Szeged (+ 1996 edition)
- Poland: SunSITE ICM, Warsaw University
- Russia: AstroNet - Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Moscow University)
- Asia:
- Singapore: SunSITE National University of Singapore
- South America:
- Brazil: PUC - Rio Datacentro (Rio de Janeiro)
- North America:
- USA - Massachusetts: (Thanks to Evert Meulie!)
- USA - North Carolina: (master site)
- Mexico: MexPlaza, Universidad de Guadalajara
Themes Index
- Gothic Painting (1280-1515)
- The Italian Renaissance (1420-1600)
- The Northern Renaissance (1500-1615)
- Baroque (1600-1790)
- Revolution and Restoration (1740-1860)
- Impressionism (1860-1900)