Tracking Your ⚕️ Health Data
📲 Through Wearable Devices 📳
May 22, 2022
Tracking your health data through wearable devices
Experts say devices like smartwatches that continually monitor your health data can also give you early warnings about medical problems before a doctor might.
Correspondent David Pogue looks at how self-tracking data may one day help detect conditions like infectious diseases, type II diabetes, heart conditions or even cancer.

- 🗣️ The Apple Watch has been a lifesaver for many people, particularly those with heart conditions. Being able to share with the Dr what the heart is doing is a true blessing.
- 🗣️ Snyder at 5:30 has lost touch with reality! $50?!? What smart watch that does everything they say is $50? My Apple Watch was $400, I run and use it for music so I can rationalize it. Most Americans won’t use half of what it can do and definitely cannot afford $400+, Michael get a clue sir!
- 🗣️ In March I was feeling not so great, but nothing was wrong. Next day I wake to my Apple watch telling me I had arterial fibrillation over night and my pulse was still elevated. Called 911, Seattle FD medics confirmed this and off to the ER. After some time in ICU, and a shock, I was stabilized. Thank you Apple engineers and future thinking medical researchers.
- 🗣️ Many doctors have created YT videos explaining that Apple Watch’ ECG and AFIB monitoring is useless, while other metrics are more relevant. Doctors also fear that people may rely on their watch to avoid going to the doctor for monitoring because the watch provides false reassurances.
- 🗣️ Best real-time health-monitoring apps: 24-hour-a-day checkup Healthy living starts with the right tools. The latest in tech makes staying healthy, reaching your goals and taking control of your wellness easier than ever. Here's where you'll find our best health advice and recommendations.

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