Monday, November 28, 2022

Legal Eagle ⚖️ These Aren’t Laws πŸ•΅️‍♂️

These Aren’t Laws
Bad r/Legal Advice
  πŸ•΅️‍♂️  ⚖️  πŸ‘”  ⚖️

I'd just like to add. That whole "waiting 24 hours to report someone missing" thing is really dangerous. If you believe that someone is missing or has been taken etc. Those first 24 hours are really crucial to finding them. It gets exponentially harder the longer you wait 
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⚖️ πŸ•΅️‍♂️  ⚖️ πŸ‘”  ⚖️⚖️ πŸ•΅️‍♂️  ⚖️ πŸ‘”  ⚖️

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