Saturday, November 26, 2022

Thanksgiving🍝Dinner🎨Artists Plate

🍴  Thanksgiving Special  🍝
🎨 How 10 Famous Artists 🍲
Would Plate Thanksgiving Dinner
In this fun series of photos titled Thanksgiving Special, San Francisco-based artist Hannah Rothstein imagines Thanksgiving dinners as plated by famous artists throughout history. Gravy, corn, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, and even the plate itself is used as a medium for edible artworks in the style of Jackson Pollock, Cindy Sherman, Georges Seurat, and Vincent van Gogh.
To see all 10 artworks head over to Rothstein’s website. Prints of the artistic plates are available, and Rothstein is donating 10% of the profits to the SF-Marin Food Bank. (via Coudal, Quipsologies)
Famous Artists Thanksgiving Dinner
Piet Mondrian * René Magritte * Vincent van Gogh * Pablo Picasso * Jackson Pollock *  Georges Seurat * Andy Warhol *
Hannah Rothstein * Mark Rothko * Julian Schnabel * Cindy Sherman *Haring * Christo* Miro *Dali* Hirst * Basquiat * O'Keefe * Man Ray * Klimt*Walker *
🍴🍝🍲🍴🍝🍲🍴🍝🍲🍴🍝 🍲

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