Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Opera 🗣Enrico Caruso 🇮🇹 Feb.25.1873

🇮🇹  Enrico Caruso  🎼
Enrico Caruso (25 February 1873–2 August 1921) Italian operatic first lyric tenor then dramatic tenor. He sang to great acclaim at the major opera houses of Europe and the Americas, appearing in a wide variety of roles that ranged from the lyric to the dramatic. Generally recognized as the first international recording star, Caruso made around 250 commercially released recordings from 1902 to 1920.
Caruso in his signature role as Canio in Pagliacci, 1908
Biography - Early life
Enrico Caruso came from a poor but not destitute background. Born in Naples in the via Santi Giovanni e Paolo n°7 on 25 February 1873, he was baptised the next day in the Church of San Giovanni e Paolo. 
Caruso was the third of seven children and one of only three to survive infancy. 
Caruso's father, Marcellino, was a mechanic and foundry worker. Initially, Marcellino thought his son should adopt the same trade, and at the age of 11, the boy was apprenticed to a mechanical engineer who constructed and maintained public water fountains. Whenever visiting Naples in future years, Caruso liked to point out a fountain that he had helped to install. Caruso later worked alongside his father at the Meuricoffre factory in Naples. At his mother's insistence, he also attended school for a time, receiving a basic education under the tutelage of a local priest. He learned to write in a handsome script and studied technical draftsmanship. 
During this period he sang in his church choir, and his voice showed enough promise for him to contemplate a possible career in music.
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Caruso was encouraged in his early musical ambitions by his mother, who died in 1888. To raise cash for his family, he found work as a street singer in Naples and performed at cafes and soirées. Aged 18, he used the fees he had earned by singing at an Italian resort to buy his first pair of new shoes. His progress as a paid entertainer was interrupted, however, by 45 days of compulsory military service. He completed this in 1894, resuming his voice lessons upon discharge from the army.
Opera 🗣 Caruso  👇 📺 👇  Click  Below  to   Choose   a Video   
Tumblr: Imagehttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/CarusoPostcard.jpg
Tumblr: Imagehttps://64.media.tumblr.com/daaa6f6a63b8fa1126aaaa83496e019c/34b17e021111769a-05/s1280x1920/73a7f6a69a47f7c68921b86472fc80517401e6ca.jpg
Caruso 🎼 Song
"Caruso" is a song written by Italian singer-songwriter Lucio Dalla in 1986. It is dedicated to Enrico Caruso. Following Lucio Dalla's death, the song entered the Italian Singles Chart, peaking at number two for two consecutive weeks.The single was also certified platinum by the Federation of the Italian Music Industry.

Meaning of the Song
The song simply tells about the pain and longings of a man who is about to die while he is looking into the eyes of a girl who was very dear to him. The lyrics contain various subtle references to people and places in Caruso's life.
Lucio Dalla told the origin and the meaning of the song in an interview to one of the main Italian newspapers, the Corriere della Sera. He stopped by the coastal town of Sorrento and stayed in the Excelsior Vittoria Hotel, coincidentally in the very same room where many years earlier Enrico Caruso spent some time shortly before dying. Dalla was inspired to write the song after the owners told him about the last days of Caruso and in particular the latter's passion for one of his young female students.
Lara Fabian 🎼 Caruso (Lyrics)
Caruso was an acclaimed Italian operatic singer who was one of the greatest and most sought-after singers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Unfortunately he lived a very difficult and rather unhappy life, having had many challenges and problems with Italian opera houses, but gained more fame and success in the United States.
He was often involved with women, and had several love affairs with prominent married women in the performing arts, which often ended badly. His longest and most passionate love affair was with the married Ada Giachetti, with whom he had two sons. It ended when she left him for their chauffeur. A few years before he died, he met and wed a woman 20 years his junior, Dorothy Park Benjamin, whom Lucio Dalla describes in this song "Caruso". With her he had a daughter named Gloria. 
Guardò negli occhi la ragazza, quegli occhi verdi come il mare
He looked into the eyes of the girl, those eyes as green as the sea
Poi all'improvviso uscì una lacrima e lui credette di affogare
But then, a tear fell, and he thought he was drowning
Sorrento is referred to as "Surriento", which is the name in the Neapolitan language. It refers to Caruso's frequent visits to the seaside town and its Excelsior Vittoria Hotel. 
Te voglio bene assaje       I love you very much
ma tanto tanto bene sai  
very, very much, you know
è una catena ormai         
It is a chain by now
che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai..
that melts the blood inside of our veins, you know...

Here the "chain" is a translation, but what is meant is a chain reaction – such love melts the blood and so forth. The music and words of the above refrain, written in a mixture of standard Italian and Neapolitan, are based on a Neapolitan song, titled "Dicitencello vuje", published in 1930 by Rodolfo Falvo (music) and Enzo Fusco (text) written according to the best tradition of Neapolitan "romances" with a style reminiscent of opera.
Lucio Dalla's official video of the song was filmed in the 'Caruso Suite' at the Excelsior Vittoria Hotel where Caruso spent most of the final weeks of his life, though Caruso died at the Vesuvio Hotel in Naples.
In 2015, on the occasion of the third anniversary of Dalla's passing, GoldenGate Edizioni published the biographical novel by Raffaele Lauro, "Caruso The Song – Lucio Dalla and Sorrento", which through unpublished testimonies reconstructs the almost fifty-year-long bond (from 1964 to 2012) of the great artist with Sorrento ("Sorrento is the true corner of my soul"), and the authentic inspiration for his masterpiece, "Caruso". The documentary film by the same author, "Lucio Dalla and Sorrento – Places of the Soul", was presented in the national première on 7 August 2015 at the Social World Film Festival 2015 in Vico Equense.
Caruso est une chanson écrite en 1986 par l'auteur et interprète italien Lucio Dalla. Elle est dédiée au ténor italien Enrico Caruso. Le clip de la chanson originale a été filmé au Vesuvio Hotel, où Enrico Caruso est mort.
À la suite de la mort de Dalla, la chanson s'est hissée jusqu'à la deuxième position du palmarès italien pour deux semaines consécutives. Le single a été certifié platine par la Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana.
La chanson a depuis été reprise, traduite et réinterprétée dans le monde entier par une multitude d'artistes.
Ironie du sort, Lucio Dalla qui effectue une tournée en Suisse, est mort dans une chambre d'hôtel, le Royal Plaza à Montreux en face d'une étendue d'eau, le lac Léman, alors qu'il a composé sa célèbre chanson Caruso durant une vingtaine de jour dans la chambre du Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria, à Sorrente, face à la péninsule de Sorrente, où Enrico Caruso a vécu les mois précédant sa mort, qui est intervenue à Naples en 1921. La veille de sa mort, Lucio Dalla avait interprété Caruso en concert à l'Auditorium Stravinski
La chanson raconte la douleur et l'envie qu'éprouve un homme sur le point de mourir en regardant dans les yeux d'une jeune femme qui lui est chère. Elle est probablement une interprétation romancée des derniers instants d'Enrico Caruso à Sorrente et Naples. Caruso, légende de l'opéra italien, a éprouvé plusieurs difficultés à se faire reconnaître en son pays, ayant obtenu plus de succès aux États-Unis. Il a également entretenu plusieurs relations tumultueuses avec des femmes de renom et mariées. Caruso décrirait sa dernière femme, Dorothy Caruso (née Park Benjamin), qui était de vingt ans sa cadette. Cependant, la chanson pourrait également décrire sa fille.
Cover versions
Maria Callas  &  Enrico Caruso
Brindisi Libiamo  from Verdi's La Traviata
  👇   📺   👇
La chanson a été reprise et réenregistrée un très grand nombre de fois par des dizaines d'interprètes :

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