Sunday, June 9, 2024

Jessye Norman πŸ™ "Amazing Grace"

Jessye Norman
"Amazing Grace"
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Jessye Norman was trained at Howard University, the Peabody Institute, and the University of Michigan. 
The New York Times music critic Edward Rothstein described her voice as a "grand mansion of sound," and wrote that "it has enormous dimensions, reaching backward and upward. It opens onto unexpected vistas. It contains sunlit rooms, narrow passageways, cavernous halls." 
Her operatic dΓ©but came as Elisabeth in Wagner's TannhΓ€user. She went on to sing leading roles with many other companies, including the Metropolitan Opera, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Paris Opera, and the Royal Opera, London. 
She sang at the second inauguration of Ronald Reagan, at Queen Elizabeth II's 60th birthday celebration in 1986, and performed the La Marseillaise to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution on July 14, 1989.
She sang at the 1996 Summer Olympics opening ceremony in Atlanta and for the second inauguration of Bill Clinton in 1997. 
She received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and the National Medal of Arts, and was a member of the British Royal Academy of Music. In 1990, UN Secretary-General Javier PΓ©rez de CuΓ©llar named her Honorary Ambassador to the United Nations.
Jessye Norman, Opera Singer 
« This has been a great master class on how you can respond when people try to press you, defy you or make you feel uncomfortable with tricky questions and non sense statements. She always responded assertively with class and charm. Love her. »
« She is absolutely brilliant. Class, charm, intellect, talent, humor, generosity, and honesty.»
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"Well they might write it, but darling I don't read it"
  1. It’s sad that he was trying so hard stir the pot! I applaud the way she handled his questioning she is certainly a great legend and she will forever be missed
  2. She was BRILLIANT. That interviewer didn’t deserve her presence and wisdom. She was giving a lecture on human kind but he didn’t let her finish. He even doubted if she was fluent in several languages. I wonder if he‘d have doubt the same if the guest was white. Long life to your soul, Jessye Norman. Blessings and good return.
  3. He is trying so hard to inject a narrative. He is not listening to her. She is the finest of an era.
  4. Subtext:  “As a black person how did you force yourself to like a Caucasian art form...because be really honest you prefer Gershwin and American songbook standards to that Opera ish...right...I mean why didn’t you just sing the music you’re supposed to sing”. Literally one of the most insulting interviews I’ve ever had displeasure to watch. La Norman was a lady throughout.
  5. She really captured a moment in history with such class and control.  She was able to redirect the interview the entire time
  6. He tried so hard to politicize her background. I think he wanted a "sap persecution story" from Jessye. But she was above it. He wanted to hear how primitive and racist her environment was and tried so hard to force her to say it. Appalling.
  7. Not every truly successful artist rises from the pit, so to speak. Some come from warm, loving and supportive backgrounds. Please continue to enjoy her artistry through the wondrous gift of her recording
  8. This has been a greatmaster class on how you can respond when people try to press you, defy you or make you feel uncomfortable with tricky questions and non sense statements. She always responded assertively with class and charm. Love her.
  9. She is absolutely brilliant. Class, charm, intellect, talent, humor, generosity, and honesty.

Opera 🎼 Jessye Norman
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