Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Animals & Humans❤️Connection

Animals  &  Humans
❤️ Connection ❤️
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The Difference Between Humans & Animals
What is the difference?
Humans have long considered themselves truly unique. But it turns out that the better word from “unique” is “most advanced”. 
Every year scientists prove that some purely human traits are found in animals.

Tool use and construction  🥚 🐦
Ravens use stones to crack eggs, sometimes immobilizing an egg with a bigger stone and hitting it with a smaller one.

Sense of humor 🐵 😺
Apes in the wild have been recorded to taunt tiger cubs by pulling their ears, tails and patting them – and escaping later, only to return and do it again.
Complex communication 🐒
Although chimpanzees can’t really communicate verbally, they can do it through sign language.

Emotions   🐘
Elephants feed and wait for crippled herd member, showing empathy.

Culture  🐬
Wild dolphins, which were recovering from an illness in Adelaide dolphinarium learned to tail-walk only from dolphins living in captivity, without human trainers.

Self-awareness 🦍 🐬 🐘 🐦
All great apes, dolphins, elephants and magpies recognize their reflection in the mirror, if they see anything unusual they try to rub it/remove it.

Counting  🧮  🐵
Chimpanzees have similar basic arithmetic mental, non-verbal skills (adding up) as humans.
Long term memory  🧠  🐦
Clark’s nutcrackers remember for at least half year where they put seeds – and they use 5 thousand caches in a 15-mile area.

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Comparing Human Genetic Similarity to Other Life Forms
How Genetically Similar Are We To Other Life Forms?
Of the three billion genetic building blocks that make us living things, only a handful are uniquely ours.
In fact, despite our differences on the outside, humans are 99.9% genetically similar to one another.
But how alike are we to other, non-human life forms?
Turns out, we’re a lot more similar than you might think.
😲  😮
Category                         Genetic Similarity
Humans and Humans  🧍    99.9%
Humans and Chimps   🐒  98.8%
Humans and Dogs      🐕   94%
Humans and Cats        🐈   90%
Humans and Cows      🐄   80%
Humans and Fruit Flies 🪰  60%
Humans and Bananas   🍌 60%
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