Monday, May 2, 2022

What to do with Orange Peels? 🍊 Recettes Suprêmes

What to do with Orange Peels? 
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Oranges might be good for boosting your vitamin C intake in winter, but the peel of the fruit is redundant after the fruit is eaten. But we found some handy kitchen and home hacks that you can test out using the peel.

There are loads of amazing ways to make the most of leftover orange peel.
Use orange peel to ward off pests
#orange from D.I.Y.

All-natural mosquito repellent
Take fresh orange peels and rub them all over your skin to repel mosquitoes, who don’t like the smell. Much more pleasant-smelling than Aerogard!
Handy slug repellent
If slugs are an issue in your garden, spread peels on top of the soil to keep them away – a much safer option than a toxic pesticide, especially if you have young children or pets.
Ant repellent
Got a problem with ants in your home or planning a picnic and want to make sure it’s an ant-free experience? Place orange peels (or ground-up peels) around problem areas with ants and watch them march off in the opposite direction.
Stray cat repellent
Orange peels on the outside of your home will also keep stray cats away ... or use it to stop your own cat getting into things they shouldn't, such as house plants.

DIY non-toxic cleaning spray
To make a brilliant natural cleaner, simply toss some orange peels in a lidded jar and cover with white vinegar. Let it sit in the fridge for a few weeks, shaking it occasionally. Transfer to a spray bottle, shake, and use to clean surfaces, floors and windows. Mmm, citrus fresh!

Whiff buster extraordinaire
Orange peels make a fantastic deodorizer around the house. Place some directly in the bottom of a smelly garbage can before you put in a clean garbage bag to stop those bin pongs. Alternatively, grind the peels up in a food processor, and place them in a sachet, small envelope or muslin bag. Place them in drawers, closets, basements, or anywhere else that is prone to getting musty. Stick a couple in some smelly shoes to depong them as well!

Clean your garbage disposal cleaner
If your garbage disposal unit is starting to stink, throw some orange peel down it and run it till it becomes clear. A lovely citrus smell will replace the unpleasant one.
Drink it in tea
Dry orange peels and add some to tea the next time you brew it. The orange will infuse a subtle citrusy taste into the tea.

#Instructions from FOOD

What to do with Orange Peels?
What To Do With Orange Peels will give you some ideas on orange rinds and how not to let them go to unnecessary waste. Citrus peels not only smell amazing, but you can use them for cleaning, beauty products, in gardening, and as an ingredient for recipes. 

I use at least one to two oranges a day to make an orangeade or to add to my morning juice or smoothie. Throwing away the orange rind seemed like such a waste. I knew there had to be multiple ideas on what to do with orange peels.

Who knew there were so many unexpected ways to use the skin of this popular fruit?

Here’s What to do with Leftover Orange Peels?
Using Orange Peels for Cleaning
What to do with orange peels? Make orange cleaner 
Orange peels have the perfect concentration of limonene oil that is great for cutting through grease and conditions wood surfaces. Simply peel one orange for every 1/2 cup of water and let simmer for 15 minutes. Let cool and pour into a spray bottle for a natural way to clean surfaces. 
Leftover Orange Peels for Freshening the Garbage Disposal
Cut your orange peels into thin strips and add to your garbage disposal to eliminate bad odors. Turn it on and let the oils from the peels deodorize the garbage disposal. You can also use other citrus fruits like limes and lemons in addition to the orange rinds. If you’re not ready to clean your garbage disposal, place the citrus peels in an ice cube tray and add water. Freeze the cubes and place them in a freezer bag. Use In the citrus peel cubes at a later date. 
Remove Coffee Stains in Mugs
Coffee stains will disappear if you rub the pithy side of an orange peel on the inside of your mug.
Orange Rind Candle
A friend of mine loves to make candles out of orange rinds. She starts with a half an orange shell base and pours the wax in the rind with a wick. They look beautiful on her dinner table and she will often gift me with an orange peel candle.
Stove Potpourri
Make stove potpourri with a handful of orange peels, lemon peels, and a cinnamon stick to give you home a fresh scent with a citrus.

Using Orange Peels for Beauty

Invigorate Bath Time
Store your orange peels in a mason jar in the refrigerator. When it’s time for a bath, throw a handful of peels into your tub. The heat of the water will release the citrus scent, making bath time even more special.As an extra bonus the citric acid in the peels will help slough off dead skin.
Orange Peel Powder
You can dry orange peels and grind them up in a food processor to grind into a fine powder. Store in a glass jar until you use the powder in recipes. It’s a popular ingredient in making beauty products at home for your hair, skin, or teeth. You can find different ways of using orange peel in beauty recipes here.
What to do with Orange Peels in the Kitchen
Make Candied Orange Peel 
Homemade Candied Orange PeelHomemade Candied Orange Peel
This is my favorite idea on What to do with orange peels. You can easily make your own Candied Orange Peel recipe at home. Make sure you take off the white pith, it makes the it bitter tasting. Here’s a recipe for how to make it on Epicurious.
Use Orange Peels for Zest in Recipes 
Orange Zest and zester
There are a lot of recipes that call for orange zest. If you’re not going to use it right away, freeze the zest in a freezer bag for future use. Orange peels are loaded with Vitamin C and add an abundance of flavor. 
Fresh Bouquet Garni
What is a bouquet garni you ask? It’s a French term for a bundle of herbs like parsley, thyme, and bay leaves. It’s usually tied together with fresh celery or leek. Adding a twist of orange peel will give even more flavor to your dish.
The French use these bundles to give flavor to soups, stews, roasts, and sauces. 
Orange Peels for Tea Blends 
Herbal Tea Mix in a Teapot with Hot WaterHomemade Herbal Tea Mix
If you enjoy herbal teas, you can make your own blends using dried orange peels. Mix it with herbs, florals, and even black teas for a wonderful combination.
Dried citrus peel has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a good thing for you body and taste buds. 
Lump-Free Brown Sugar
Prevent your brown sugar from getting hard by keeping a 3-inch piece of orange peel in the container. 
Orange Rind Bowls
Orange Rind Bowls for SherbertUse Orange Rinds for Bowls
If you want to add a little beauty to your table, use orange rinds as a bowl for ice cream, sherbet, or fruit ice is a simple way to impress your guests. It’s a great way to give visual interest to your dining table. 

Orange Peel Cocktail Garnish
Orange Peel Cocktail GarnishOrange Peel Cocktail Garnish
Your cocktails will be elevated to a new level with fresh orange peel garnishes. 
 Orange Zest Garnish
Adding orange zest as a garnish to food makes an inviting presentation. Chocolate desserts look especially festive, topped with orange zest. The holidays are a perfect time to use the orange rind creatively. 
Infused Water
Add orange peels mixed with other ingredients to create infused water is one of the easiest ideas for what to do with orange peels.
Orange Peel Olive Oil
If you like infused olive oils, you’ll love making your own orange olive oil. They are great to use in salad dressings. It’s easy to make with just two ingredients – oil and orange peel. You can find the recipe here on Epicurious.
Citrus Butter
One of my favorite ways to turn my meals from good to great is to make compound butters. Using fresh orange peel to make a citrus butter is a fun way to elevate pancakes, waffles, toast, English muffins, and even fish. 
Homemade Orange Marmalade
Homemade Orange Marmalade
Orange Marmalade uses fresh orange peel in thin strips as an ingredient. It’s the perfect idea when you are searching for what to do with orange peels. 
What to do with Orange Peels in the Garden
Orange Peel Starter Pots
Use the hallowed-out orange peel halves as starter pots for seedlings. Fill half orange rinds with potting soil, seeds, and then water.
Plant the “pots” directly into the garden once the seedlings are mature enough
Using Orange Peels for a Compost Pile
Adding your orange rinds to your compost pile to help make healthy soil is a perfect solution for what to do with orange peels. It’s good for the environment and will help you create the garden of your dreams.
Repel Insects and Cats
Use small pieces of orange peel as a natural insect repellant in your garden is a great use for your leftover peels. Cats don’t like the scent of oranges as well. If you have a problem with stray cats digging in your garden beds, simply scatter orange peel in the areas they frequent. 

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Orange Recipes You’ll Love

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🍊Recettes Suprêmes🍊
Mon Dieu! Je n'aurais jamais pensé que mettre une peau d'orange derrière la porte ferait ça.

Recettes Suprêmes
Mon Dieu! Je n'aurais jamais pensé que mettre une peau d'orange derrière la porte ferait ça.

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Use orange peel to clean the house
Turn it into a sponge
Orange peel actually makes a brilliant natural sponge … who knew? If you have a gunky stove or sink, use a fresh orange peel to scrub it – the natural oils are a perfect degreaser and cleaner.
Remove water spots
If your metal appliances and faucets are sporting some unsightly water marks, get your trusty orange peel and rub directly over them to polish them up until they shine.
Polish wood
The white side of orange peel can also be used to polish and brighten dull-looking wood furniture. Step aside, Mr Sheen!
Use orange peel around the house
This is a fun project you can make with the kids – an orange peel can be transformed into a candle with nothing more than some kitchen oil and a sharp knife! 
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 🍊 Peaux d'Oranges 🍊
Dès aujourd'hui ne jetez pas la pelure d'orange à la poubelle !
Voici pourquoi.
#orange from D.I.Y.#orange from D.I.Y.

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