Saturday, April 22, 2023

A Letter From 🌍Mother Earth
My Dear Children,

I am writing this letter to you, so that I can reach out to you and communicate my feelings through it.

When πŸ™ created me, πŸ™ also made other elements of life  such as water, land and sky  and plants, animals and the wisest and the most gifted of them all - Humans! Everything made was beautiful and perfect. 

I was blue and green with plenty of water and other resources. You people were so kind to me. I was treated with respect and was cared for.
BUT Alas! This harmony wasn’t to last forever. A day came when your mind was invaded by greed and selfishness, & then to fulfill your insatiable ego, you started the horrendous process of tormenting me.

In the name of ‘DEVELOPMENT’ and for the sake of your leisure and comfort, you forgot all about my needs and processes.
You started the wasting resources I gave you and thereby tortured me.
You people started using coal and petroleum unwisely, whose excessive usage in your machines resulted in air pollution accompanied by the hideous noise.
You built factories for your selfish purposes which polluted the air and the water.
Your chemicals made my soil infertile.
You cut trees blindly and killed your mother earth and its elements.
You barbarously dumped toxic waste in my oceans and as your ‘development’ progressed you forgot your values and the respect which you owe me.
Your population increased and you wasted all the resources.
But wait, all isn’t lost! 

If not most, some of you aren’t ignorant. There is still hope for me. There is a way to be good again.
You may have traveled the wrong road but you can always turn back to atone for the past, it is never ever too late in life. The way you polluted and choked, it all disappointed me. But some of you are working hard to protect me.
I own to you an infinite depth of gratitude for that. I expect you to spread the message and remind other people how much love I’ve embraced on you. All those people I have sheltered and helped all along must realize my importance before it is too late. 

If you call me your ‘mother’, then don’t be irresponsible and ignorant about your responsibilities towards me.

Hoping that you will take some concrete steps to nurture me. In the end, no matter what happens, I will always take care of you and try to serve you for as long as I can.

Love, now and always,

Mother Earth
  🌱🌍🌱🌏🌱🌎 Day from Nature

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