Saturday, August 13, 2022

Left Handers DayπŸ‘ August 13th

Left Handers Day πŸ‘
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August 13th
 August 13 is the International Left-Handers’ Day!
Left-Hander’s Day is the day when we motivate Left-Handed People. It was firstly celebrated in 1976 to promote awareness for them and show the struggles they face in day to day lives. Life is little critical but noting is impossible. This is the new challenge in our lives. We can take it as challenge. I saw a carpenter who has no hand and making wonderful furniture from their legs. I was wondered to see this.
Left Handers Day is a chance to tell your family and friends how proud you are of being left-handed, and also raise awareness of the everyday issues that lefties face as we live in a world designed for right-handers.
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Left Handers Day
Behind the News
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Are you a leftie or a rightie? If you're part of the 10% of the population that prefer your left then you're in luck because the 13th of August is International Left-handers’ Day. To celebrate, we thought we'd find out why people prefer different hands and how being left-handed wasn't always seen as okay.
  • 90% left handed
  • 9% right handed
  • 1% ambidextrous
Why are some people left-handed?
Daniel M. Abrams
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Today, about one-tenth of the world’s population are southpaws. Why are such a small proportion of people left-handed -- and why does the trait exist in the first place? Daniel M. Abrams investigates how the uneven ratio of lefties and righties gives insight into a balance between competitive and cooperative pressures on human evolution.
Left-Handers Day History
On 13th August 1992 the Club launched International Left-Handers Day, an annual event when left-handers everywhere can celebrate their sinistrality and increase public awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of being left-handed. This event is now celebrated worldwide, and in the U.K. alone there have been more than 20 regional events to mark the day in recent years – including left-v-right sports matches, a left-handed tea party, pubs using left-handed corkscrews where patrons drank and played pub games with the left hand only, and nationwide “Lefty Zones” where left-handers creativity, adaptability and sporting prowess were celebrated, whilst right-handers were encouraged to try out everyday left-handed objects to see just how awkward it can feel using the wrong equipment!

These events have contributed more than anything else to the general awareness of the difficulties and frustrations left-handers experience in everyday life, and have successfully led to improved product design and greater consideration of our needs by the right-handed majority – although there is still a long way to go!!
The Left-Handers Club
Left Handers ClubThe Left-Handers Club was formed in 1990 aiming to keep members in touch with developments, make their views known to manufacturers and others, provide a help & advice line, to promote research into left-handedness and development of new left-handed items.Since its formation the Club has gone from strength to strength with members all over the world and is highly regarded as the foremost pressure group and advice centre on all aspects of left-handedness.
Left handers are in the minority (around one in ten people are left handed) but there are many reasons why being part of the gang rocks.
Famous Left-handers 
  1. The magnificent ceiling of Banqueting House @HRP_palaces was painted by left-handed Rubens.
  2. Leonardo da Vinci - 10 Artworks

15 Facts About Left-Handed People You Probably Didn’t Know

Do you know someone who’s left-handed? Left-handers don’t have it easy. The world is pretty much made for right-handed people. Everything we have comes right-handed in its standard design – lefties have to actually look out for a left-handed model of certain things, or learn to adapt themselves to using right-handed models. The most obvious example I can think of as a righty who’s never had to pay much attention to this? Guitars. A left-handed guitar is a mirror image of a regular guitar. If a lefty were to play a guitar meant for a righty, they’d have to learn how to play backwards since the strings for them would be going thin-thick instead of thick-thin as they usually do.

There are a lot of interesting things to know about lefties. Here’s a list of just a few fascinating facts about them.

1. Roughly 5 to 10% of the population is left-handed.
2. Left-handed people tend to make more use of the right side of their brains.
3. Lefties reach puberty 4 to 5 months later than others.
4. Left-handed people are often quite athletic, and roughly 40% of the top tennis players are lefties.
5. Additionally, 4 out of 7 recent U.S. presidents have been left-handed.
6. The word “left” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “lyft,” which meant broken or weak.
7. Women over 40 are 128% more likely to give birth to a left-handed baby than women in their 20s.
8. Interestingly, although only 10% of humans are left-handed, dogs, cats, and rats have about a 50/50 chance of being lefties.
9. 1 out of 4 Apollo astronauts was left-handed.
10. There are roughly 30 million lefties in the United States.
11. In the event of an accident taking out their dominant hand, lefties have an easier time than righties in adjusting to writing with the other hand.
12. The British Royal Family has several lefties: Prince Charles, Prince William, the Queen Mother, and even Queen Elizabeth II herself.
13. Left-handed people are more likely to suffer from insomnia.
14. August 13th is International Left-Handers Day.
15. Lefties are often quicker to anger. Case in point: left-handed tennis player John McEnroe. ‘Nuff said.
Left Handers Day Quotes
1. To be hated cordially is only a left-handed compliment. Herman Melville
2. Left-handers are wired into the artistic half of the brain, which makes them imaginative, creative, surprising, ambiguous, exasperating, stubborn, emotional, witty, obsessive, infuriating, delightful, original, but never, never, dull. James T deKay
3. Lefties – in great demand but limited supply! Anonymous
4. Life without left-handed people wouldn’t be right. C.R. Manske
5. When nothing goes right… go left. Anonymous
6. God made everyone right-handed, the truly gifted overcome it. Anonymous
7. Everybody is born left-handed. You become right-handed after your first sin. Anonymous
8. If the left half of the brain controls the right half of the body then only left-handed people are in the right mind. W.C. Fields
9. I may be left-handed, but I am always right. Anonymous
10. Left-handers don’t just write differently, we also think differently. Anonymous
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About Left Handed People!
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  Left Handers Day
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