Friday, July 7, 2023

Chocolate Day 🍫July 7th

Chocoholics Unite!
July 7th has been officially dubbed 
World Chocolate Day ’!
Although it isn’t known exactly when this was first introduced, it’s a great excuse to indulge in some sweet treats and get involved in the conversations dominating social media! In honor of this most delicious of days, UnCOVered are here with some fun facts and creative recipe ideas for all you chocolate lovers out there! So…

Did you know?
  • Theobroma Cacao, which is the scientific name for the trees which grow chocolate, translates to “food of the gods”!
  • ‘Chocolate’ evolved from the word ‘Xocoatl’, which was an Aztec bitter drink from cacao beans.
  • Almost 3/4 of the World’s cocoa comes from West Africa.
  • White chocolate is not ‘real’ chocolate. (But still delicious!)
  • There is such a thing as blonde chocolate!
  • DON’T give chocolate to a dog! The compound theobromine, which is apparent in chocolate, is poisonous to canines.
  • The 1st chocolate bar was invented in 1847.
  • Dark Chocolate can be GENUINELY good for your health… It is one of the World’s most effective antioxidants.
  • Chocolate is a stronger stimulant than kissing!
  • The chocolate river in the original Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory was REAL!
Choco Choco Latte 🍫 with Lyrics

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