Saturday, September 26, 2020

Things You Thought Were True 🙉But Aren’t

10 Things
You Thought Were True
But Aren’t

10. You Can’t Really See The Great Wall Of China From Space
You know the expression, but it’s not true. There is a ton of manmade structures that you can see from space, but the Great Wall of China is not one of them. It is possible to see the wall, but it’s not easily visible.

9. Your Hands Don’t Wrinkle From Over Exposure To Water
After a long day in the pool, you may notice that your hands are really wrinkly. Most people believe that it is from the overexposure to water, but that’s not true. It’s actually due to our “autonomic nervous system” and it is something that has evolved from our ancient ancestors.

8. 420 Has Nothing To Do With Marijuana
Believe it or not, but the term “420” has absolutely nothing to do with smoking marijuana. It’s actually a Police code in Los Angeles that means “juvenile disturbance.”

7. Most Fish Have Good Memories
In Finding Nemo, the character Dory is a fish with a terrible memory. Believe it or not, but that is an exaggerated example. Fish actually have better memories than people give them credit for.

6. The Forbidden Fruit Was Not An Apple
This is something that probably got lost in translation over the years. The word apple was never written in the Bible. Many scholars believe that the infamous fruit was actually a fig.

5. The Earth Doesn’t Revolve Around The Sun
This one might be the hardest to believe. It’s become common knowledge that the Earth revolves around the Sun, or does it? The Earth is actually revolving around the Barycenter of our solar system

4. Humans Have More Than Five Senses
Even though you might not realize it, you actually have a variety of senses that aren’t commonly discussed. Pain, temperature, balance, and many others are all examples of these extra senses.

3. Dogs Are Not Color Blind
The myth that dogs are color blind has been around for awhile, but it turns out they’re not as color blind as we thought. Our four legged friends can actually see a variation of different colors, just not to the extent
that we do.

2. Orange Got Its Name From The Fruit
This is a great little factoid. Before the 15th century, orange was considered a variation on the color red. It eventually got its own category when it took the name from the fruit.

1. Chameleons Don’t Change Colors To Blend In
This one is a real shocker. Rather than use their color changing abilities to hide from predators, they are actually changing color to display aggression and many other types of emotions.

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