Saturday, July 14, 2018

La Marseillaise + Casablanca +La Grande Illusion 
Le concert de Paris - La Marseillaise

La Marseillaise sans doute la plus connue dans le monde est originaire de... Strasbourg ! 

Là où, en 1792, Rouget de Lisle l'a composée pour l'armée du Rhin après que la France eut déclaré la guerre à l'Autriche. Elle s'appelle alors “Chant de guerre pour l'armée du Rhin”.

Sa reprise par un bataillon de républicains originaires de Marseille, qui gagnèrent à pied Paris et participèrent à l'insurrection des Tuileries, en août 1792, lui valut son nom définitif.

La Marseillaise devient chant national le 14 juillet 1795. E.P
The famous scene from Casablanca in which Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) leads the band and patrons of Rick’s in singing the French national anthem “La Marseillaise” was copied from Jean Renoir’s 1937 film La Grande Illusion (1937), in which French service members in a German POW camp sing the song as a similar gesture of defiance.
In Casablanca, “La Marseillaise” is sung over the German song “Watch on the Rhine”, and many of the extras had real tears in their eyes; a large number of them were actual refugees from Nazi persecution in Germany and elsewhere in Europe and were overcome by the emotions the scene brought out. 
During the shoot, Humphrey Bogart was called to the studio to stand in the middle of the Rick’s Cafe set and nod. He had no idea what the nod meant in the story - that he was giving his OK for the band in the cafe to play “La Marseillaise”.
Casablanca La Marseillaise

La Marseillaise Casablanca

"La Marseillaise" - France National anthem
French & English lyrics

What's So Great About Casablanca?

Ask a Film Professor.
We all know Casablanca is a great movie -- but what makes it great? We talked to film professor Julian Cornell about why Casablanca is one of the classic love stories in cinema. 
Mireille Mathieu singing La Marseillaise
(with lyrics)
Mireille Mathieu's legendary performance of La Marseillaise with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

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