Sunday, November 26, 2017

Kimmy Skota ♫ Casta Diva ♫ André Rieu

Kimmy Skota
André Rieu
"Casta Diva"
Aria from the Opera Norma by Bellini
Casta Diva, che inargenti
Queste sacre antiche piante
A noi volgi il bel sembiante
Senza nube e senza vel
Tempra, o Diva
Tempra tu de cori ardenti
Tempra ancora lo zelo audace
Spargi in terra quella pace
Che regnar tu fai nel ciel

Norma, the head priestess, leads her people in a mesmerising prayer to the goddess of the moon ('Casta diva' translates as 'chaste goddess').

It's an exquisite example of the 'bel canto' style and is also, famously, one of the most challenging pieces ever written for soprano: it requires both a delicately flexible voice, for those vocal fireworks, but also a strong and powerful instrument over a large range of notes.
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Kimmy Skota - André Rieu
Vilja Song

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