Thursday, February 9, 2017

SNL Women Play Trump Administration :-)

SNL Women
Play Trump Administration
‘SNL’ Should Have Women Play Trump’s Entire Administration

So, Trump is supposedly upset that a woman played his White House press secretary on “Saturday Night Live” last weekend.

Politico is reporting that seeing Sean Spicer depicted by a thunderous Melissa McCarthy bothered the president so much, particularly because he “doesn’t like his people to look weak.” Spicer himself said that he thought McCarthy “could dial back” the impression. The impression clearly bothered them both. 
As a result, people have been excitedly starting to call for more women to play the men in Trump’s administration, hoping to further injure the president’s always sensitive ego, and maybe cause some behind-the-scenes drama.
Rosie O’Donnell, a longtime critic of the president, has already said she would be willing to play Trump adviser Steve Bannon if called upon by Lorne Michaels. 

To which we say: Why stop there? 

It’s time for “SNL” to throw the entire administration into a gigantic hissy fit by having women play them all. 
To help out the people over at “SNL,” we decided to do a bit of the casting work for them, just so they can think about it. Look, “SNL” can do what it wants. But if what it wants is to create an existential crisis at the White House, it should do this. 

Melissa McCarthy   as    Sean Spicer
 We already know this one is perfect
No need to explain why.

Rosie O’Donnell    as    Steve Bannon
Two things to ask yourself about these impressions: First, will the impression be funny? And second, will it irk the president and the people below him? 
In the case of Rosie O’Donnell playing President Steve Bannon, the answer on both counts is clearly yes.
It’s not hard to imagine Bannon throwing a whiskey against the wall of a dark room while watching Rosie impersonate him.

Rachel Dratch   as    Reince Priebus
Have Rachel Dratch pull off a Debbie Downer-like character while impersonating White House Chief of Staff Reince Preibus. You already know that’s how things are going down between him and Bannon these days anyway. 

Kristen Wiig     as     Jared Kushner
This one just works. If you don’t get it, then I don’t know what to tell you, you unimaginative sack of garbage. 

Janeane Garofalo    as    Steven Mnuchin 
Janeane Garofalo’s first run at “SNL” didn’t go well at all. But a lot has changed on the show since the mid-1990s, and if there were ever a reason to bury the hatchet, this is it. Garofalo would make a hilarious Goldman-Sachs banker-turned-treasury-secretary. I also promise you that was the first time the words “hilarious Goldman-Sachs banker-turned-treasury-secretary” have ever been written. 

Betty White    as       Jeff Sessions
Because if we can get Jeff Sessions to hate Betty White, we can prove he hates everything. 

Ellen DeGeneres   as     Mike Pence
Vice President Mike Pence likes to play it cool. So it’s going to take something big, like Ellen DeGeneres agreeing to join “SNL,” to really ruffle the feathers of the anti-LGBT former Indiana governor. 

And of course...
Meryl Streep      as       Donald Trump
Not only did Meryl Streep rip into Trump at the Golden Globes. Not only did Trump prove it got under his skin when he responded by calling the actress “over-rated.” 
But Streep already played him last year in Central Park, so you know she’d be more than willing to do it again. Please do 
it again, Meryl. Please do it again. (Sorry, Alec.)

 Amy Poehler    as     Ivanka Trump

Christine Baranski      as       Betsy DeVos

Christine Baranski is offering to play Betsy DeVos on SNL

Sean Spicer Press Conference
(Melissa McCarthy)

Trump Was Reportedly 'Rattled
That a Woman Played Sean Spicer on 'Saturday Night Live'
By Ryan Bort On 2/7/17

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