Friday, January 29, 2016

Piglet and Her Kitten Companion Find Love ♥

Rescued Piglet and Her Kitten Companion
Find Love In an Animal Sanctuary
Dos bebés dándonos una lección de amor♥

World, meet Laura the piglet and Marina the kitten — two rescued babies who are overcoming some very sad pasts thanks to plenty of love and care. And, of course, plenty of snuggles.

The pair are the youngest residents of Santuario Igualdad Interespecie (Interspecies Equality Sanctuary), a refuge for farm animals in Santiago, Chile.

While their backgrounds are quite different, not unlike their species, Laura and Marina have already begun to forge an inseparable bond that makes the future for each so much brighter than before.

Marina was saved by a Good Samaritan after being found sick and alone, having been abandoned on the street as a newborn. When she arrived at the sanctuary earlier this month, it wasn’t clear that she would even survive. Her rescuers, nevertheless, promised her they’d do everything they could to see that she did.

Laura’s story is no less tragic. She was born into the meat industry on the grounds of a factory farm, where she was lucky to be rescued and brought to the sanctuary. Sadly, her mother remains confined there, so it’s been up to volunteers to keep her warm, fed and cared for.

Naturally, it was only a matter of time before the piglet and kitten were introduced — and they became fast friends.

Not only have the young animals begun to help one another find peace after the rough starts to their as-yet brief lives, they’re also living proof that love has a way of making differences seem obsolete, as the sanctuary wrote online:

“Since her arrival, Laura has been treated with love and care that a baby deserves, and has formed a deep friendship with Marina the kitten, showing by example, that when it comes to relations of friendship and respect, no matter the species to which one belongs.”

Nowhere is that more clear than in seeing the Laura and Marina cuddle.
♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ 

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