Saturday, September 20, 2014

What Sex Looks Like - MRI Scanner

This Is What Sex Looks Like
Inside An MRI Scanner

By Cate Matthews
Ever wished you could see what was going on inside your body when you have sex?

You're in luck! A new NSFW video featuring footage from multiple MRI scans affords a remarkable glimpse inside human bodies as they engage in intimate activities ranging from a French kiss to, yes, full-bore coitus.

The video contains NSFW footage
(NSFW ?? Naw... not really)

Abhijit J. Chaudhari and Robert D. Boutin, 
Department of Radiology, UC Davis School of Medicine.

MRI scanners create still and, in this case, moving images with the help of strong magnetic fields that interact with protons inside our bodies.

And as you can see in the video above, those interactions can tell us a lot about interactions of our own.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging "sees" inside the body by mapping the position of water molecules, which exist at different densities in different types of tissue. Watch the video above for a sample of some impressive MRI images of the human body in action.

  1. Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH:
  2. ImprobableResearch:
  3. Abhijit Chaudhari:
  4. Colorectal Surgery Services:
  5. Randomehro:
  6. Reuters:
  7. Christian Bamberg:

Ig Nobel Prizes
First Laugh, Then Think!
Episode 4: Having sex in MRI-scan
Sex in a MRI-scan! Pek van Andel, Willibrord Weijmar Schultz, Eduard Mooyaart and Ida Sabelis conducted the revolutionary experiment in which heterosexual couples made love in a MRI-scan. The Medicine price in 2000 went to the Netherlands.

Ig Nobel Prizes are the not-so-well-known alternative of the famous Nobel Prizes. Each year since 1989, ten scientists receive prizes for "research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK". Watch six scientists and their studies about the most important subjects of our daily life: having sex, food, money, death, and having sex again.

Mr. Bahram Sadeghi (1967, Iran) works since 1998 as a director and host for public TV stations in The Netherlands. In addition he is a freelance writer for various national newspapers and weeklies. Mr Sadeghi has no hobbies.
Camera & Sound: Bahram Sadeghi
Editor: Dikla Zeidler, Sander Cijsouw

About Minimovies
A Minimovie is an episodic documentary consisting of 5 to 10 episodes. Episodes are 7 to 10 minutes each. Put together, they form a self-contained story. With MiniMovies SubmarineChannel explores a new narrative and visual style of documentary filmmaking. You can watch the Minimovies in high quality at or simply at your favourite video portal.

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