Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How To Hug A Cat

 How To Hug a Cat
Perfectly, Every Time

You promise yourself (and your cat) that you'll be better next time. You'll remember to shower your beloved pet with affection. You'll rub her belly and pat her on the head 100 times tonight. But then, the business of life gets in the way. The sun sets, another day comes to an end and your cat carries on without the attention she deserves.

On June 4th, National Hug Your Cat Day, cat owners take a collective pause to recognize their loved ones -- the way they wish they could every day.

Below, find a comprehensive glossary of hugs your cat will love.

The Unrelenting Caress
First things first -- if all your cat wants is a hug, give it to her.

The Coy Back Stroke
When she nuzzles sweetly to your face, give your cat a close embrace.

The French Reception
Quand le chat étreintes vous de cette manière, vous savez que vous possédez un très chic chat.
C'est une bonne chose.

The I-Need-You-Right-Meow Shimmy
Via Lypur
Sometimes a cat must be coaxed into a warm embrace.

The I-Can't-Quit-You Juggle Up
If the cat wants to celebrate, join in. 
She won't let up until you do.

The Placated Headlock
Some cats won't want all eyes on them today (you know the type). 
Nevertheless, if you are a baby, you are encouraged to hug your cat.

The Interspecies Snuggle Party Squeeze
Didn't you know? Your cat has a cat that it wants to hug, too. So what if that cat is actually a rabbit ...

The Please-Please-Please-Can't-We?
The answer should always be "yes."

The Bro Nest
A stroke and a teeny kiss on the keppy will mean the world to your cat.

The Linger Hug
Don't rush your hug, your cat may want to linger.

The Clinger Hug
Via snugglebot 
(P.S. This cat's name is Smeagol)
Some cats will want to celebrate all day long. 
Your prerogative is to oblige.

The Finger Hug
Not all cats want to be hugged in a conventional way.

The Butt Bundle
Hold her tight if you're a baby and it feels right.

The 3-And-Under Tussle
This hug's reserved for those 3 and under. 
Traditionally, it is performed while singing the classic song, "I Love My Cat 'Cause We're Both Young And Fat."

The Rock And Noggin Burrow
Rarely will a cat reject this face-planting party.

The Baby's First Hug
Baby's first celebration is a special time, indeed. 
Don't forget your camera!

The Closing,
Self-Love Stretch
After a long day of limitless love, 
your cat may choose to end on tranquil reflection.

Thai Massage


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