Monday, October 28, 2013

Ohio State University Marching Band

The Ohio State University
Marching Band

This week, The Ohio State University marching band set its sights on Hollywood, converting blockbuster movies from the silver screen to the playing green. "Superman" gets a nod at 1:20, 
"The Lord of the Rings" - Sauron's "Eye" makes an appearance about a minute later, and "Harry Potter" drops in, then hops on his broomstick at 4:59.

"Hollywood Blockbuster Show"
The Lord of The Rings
Pirate And The Caribbean
Harry Potter

At the video's 6 minute mark, the marching band's "Jurassic Park" tribute portrays a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex that walks downfield and eats someone.

But the real special effects don't kick in until 7:27, where the band uses fireworks to recreate a battle between two ships for "Pirates of the Caribbean."
As you'd expect, their accompanying theme music for each movie isn't too shabby, either -- certainly enough to make John Williams proud.

"Michael Jackson Tribute"

"Disney Tribute"

 "The Beatles Tribute"


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