Thursday, July 11, 2013

Everything Wrong With America In One Simple Image

Everything Wrong With America
In One Simple Image

When a country places more importance on sports than on academic achievement, its decline is inevitable. 
The American Decline is real and this is where it comes from.
America The Stupid courtesy of WTHR-TV

This is why intelligence and knowledge is disparaged in the country that reached the Moon. These days, intellectuals are mocked as “faggy” and unmanly as if brute strength somehow contributed to the technical prowess, economic agility and innovation that made America a superpower.

This is why our politics are a disaster.  

When you raise a generation to believe that throwing a ball is more important than fulfilling their civic duty to make informed decisions, you allow charlatans to sell their lies to the public unchallenged.

This is where the Steubenville and countless other sports town rapes comes from, the vast majority of which are covered up and ignored. We literally worship at the altar of sports. The rape of young women is a small price to pay for glory immortal.

Until we get our collective head out of our ass and treat teachers and cops and sanitation workers and firefighters and the men and women we send into combat as the priceless resources that protect our lives, care for our children and make our country worth living in, we’re doomed to a future of self-centered stupidity and civic ignorance.

Bread and Circuses brought Rome to its knees.

Will our epitaph be “Football and Junk Food?”

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