Friday, February 22, 2013

How Many Squares πŸ‘€are There?

πŸ‘€ How Many Squares are There ? πŸ‘€
Answer Below...

Hidden Meanings

Find the word that is left after you remove the letters of the word that fits the first definition.
Example: J U F O U L R T Y H.
Remove the month, but leave the date (July/fourth).

1. C O B A W R N
Remove the animal, but leave its ........

2. C P O E R A R N
Remove the vegetable, but leave

3. R Y O E L S L E O W
Remove the flower, but leave the......

4. W O C O R D M
Remove the fish, but leave

5. D B O I L G L Y
Remove the boy (given name), but leave his......

Hidden Meanings

(1) cow/barn,
(2) corn/pear,
(3) rose/yellow,
(4) cod/worm,
(5) Billy/dog.

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