Saturday, November 24, 2012

NOVA - Inside the Megastorm

Inside the Megastorm
Watch as hurricane Sandy unfolds, and explore what made it so much more devastating than other hurricanes. 
Aired November 21, 2012 on PBS

Program Description
  • Was Hurricane Sandy a freak combination of weather systems? 
  • Or are hurricanes increasing in intensity due to a warming climate? 
  • How did this perfect storm make search and rescue so dangerous?

"Inside the Megastorm" takes viewers moment by moment through Hurricane Sandy, its impacts, and the future of storm protection. Through first person accounts from those who survived, and from experts and scientists, "Inside the Megastorm" gives scientific context to a new breed of storms

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Related Links

  • Hurricanes and Climate Change

    Why climate change is making hurricanes more dangerous.

  • Storm Surges and New York City

    How multiple lines of defense, from massive barriers to oyster reefs, can protect our cities from storm surges.

  • Forecast for the Floodplains

    Urban development coupled with intense hurricanes is causing storm damage to ripple beyond the coastline.

  • Climate Change and Sandy

    A climate scientist suggests that rapid warming in the Arctic helped create October's "superstorm."

  • Sandy's Warning

    Do we have what it takes to stop catastrophic warming?

  • Storm That Drowned a City

    Experts and eyewitnesses reconstruct the deadly floods that Hurricane Katrina unleashed on New Orleans seven years ago.

  • Hotter Oceans, Fiercer Storms

    In this audio slide show, examine the link between rising sea surface temperature and more intense storms.

  • Stronger Hurricanes

    Is global warming making hurricanes more intense?

  • Quiz: Hurricanes

    Five questions that will separate the hurricane know-it-alls from the rest of us

  • Dispatch: Hurricane Katrina

    Louisiana-based hurricane expert Ivor Van Heerden shares his agonized response to the disaster he'd long predicted.

  • Hurricane Katrina: Expert Q&A

    Research meteorologist Marshall Shepherd answers questions about hurricanes and the ongoing threat to New Orleans.

  • Calling Katrina

    Jonah Lehrer discusses new research into hurricanes that may help explain Katrina's devastating impact.

  • Anatomy of Katrina

    Track the hurricane from its birth in the open ocean through its catastrophic encounter with the Gulf Coast.

  • How New Orleans Flooded

    Examine a chronology of exactly where and how 85 percent of the city wound up underwater following Hurricane Katrina.

  • Hurricane Power

    Your average hurricane releases enough energy to power the world 200 times over. Go figure.

  • Disasters and the Smart Grid

    The electrical grid is poised to become more efficient, but not necessarily more resilient.

  • Profile: Gavin Schmidt
    Climate scientist Gavin Schmidt has a passion for juggling, unicycling, and circus tricks of all sorts.

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